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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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What? He's right. They've been talking about hyper mode during and after E3. Also they have always said that this was the last game in the "Prime" series, not Metroid. It's always been there for those willing to listen (and also posted a couple of pages ago).


What I wanna know is where was hyper mode in SuperM?

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What I wanna know is where was hyper mode in SuperM?
I assumed they meant Hyper Mode in Super Metroid was the way you could boost-run/charge across the screen at extreme speed.


It will probably be changed for Metroid Prime III because of the First Person viewpoint, but it's still called Hyper Mode.

Maybe it will be like bullet time, so a motion blur effect fills the screen and everything around you slows down, you speed up, but whilst in this mode you can be alot more accurate with your attacks, you take more damage?

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There was hyper mode in Prime 1. For the final boss you could stand in a Phazon pool and shoot phazon out of the arm cannon (when you had the phazon suit). Since Samus's suit in Prime 3 is corrupted with phazon, hyper mode should be similar to what is was in Prime.

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I thought Hyper Mode in Super Metroid was when, at the last battle, that huge metroid gives you his "energy" and Samus goes berserk.
There was hyper mode in Prime 1. For the final boss you could stand in a Phazon pool and shoot phazon out of the arm cannon (when you had the phazon suit). Since Samus's suit in Prime 3 is corrupted with phazon, hyper mode should be similar to what is was in Prime.
Yeah I think your right!

The developers have said that in Prime 3 Samus has been poisoned with the Phazon, which whilst giving her extra abilities (which must be like the Phazon attack in Prime 1), will effect her as the game goes on!


EDIT: Just found this interview on IGN!




IGN Wii: How specifically is Samus corrupted?


After she becomes corrupted she is given the ability to kind of control that corruption. In previous games, as well as in Super Metroid, Samus had the ability toward the end of the game to go into a hyper mode. Well, now the player is going to have access to hyper mode throughout the game so that they can willingly go into hyper mode at any time based off of this Phazon ability. But the hyper mode serves as a pretty big game mechanic. On one hand, it gives you pretty powerful abilities. But on the other hand, it could kill you. So you have to manage that system as you're playing. When you initiate hyper mode, you actually have to balance how long you stay in it. At the price of being very powerful, you're also susceptible to possibly dying.

So that's Hyper Mode!
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Guest Stefkov
ROFLMFAO!! The mental picture is stuck!! Please someone photoshop this.

If your saying what i think..then some people here are sick.

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Yeah I think your right!

The developers have said that in Prime 3 Samus has been poisoned with the Phazon, which whilst giving her extra abilities (which must be like the Phazon attack in Prime 1), will effect her as the game goes on!


EDIT: Just found this interview on IGN!


So that's Hyper Mode!


Retro, not trying to be harsh mate but please read through this thread properly. These interviews are already there and there are videos that actual SHOW hyper mode, the ship being controlled by the visor, Samus controlling a robot by being in morph ball mode and stuck in its chest and much more. It's all great stuff but you just seem to be a few steps behind most people that's all!

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Retro, not trying to be harsh mate but please read through this thread properly. These interviews are already there and there are videos that actual SHOW hyper mode, the ship being controlled by the visor, Samus controlling a robot by being in morph ball mode and stuck in its chest and much more. It's all great stuff but you just seem to be a few steps behind most people that's all!
What are you on about? I thought you wanted to know where Hyper Mode was in Super Metroid! So did 'ShadowV7', so I posted that interview because it told you where Hyper Mode was in Super Metroid!

If you already knew about the interview then why didn't you know where hyper mode was Super Metroid?

And since a few of us were trying to guess exactly what Hyper Mode would be like in Prime 3, I thought that interview just pretty much cleared up this discussion, without everyone having to search!


Also, I've seen the entire E3 demo video and it didn't show Hyper mode, the ship visor in action etc...

The E3 demo is the only footage of the game so far, is it not?


Could you post the links to the other videos?

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I've seen the ship getting controlled for a second or two but haven't seen hyper mode.If hyper mode is at the end of Super Metroid then it's no wonder I haven't seen it cause I never completed :heh: Thanks for the heads up on where it was Retro_Link

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Here's the vid that you haven't seen by the sound of things (kudos to Diemetrix for adding the lush muzak!):




Notice that she goes hyper in morph ball. Look at page 9 on this thread, there is a lot of stuff there, high quality shots from that vid and stuff.


Sorry about before, I'd read that interview before and must have just glazed over. But anyway, enjoy the vid! It's tasty!


(P.S. The hyper mode here doesn't seem to relate at all to any of the previous games' hyper modes. That's probably why I was getting a bit confused!)

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I've seen the ship getting controlled for a second or two but haven't seen hyper mode.If hyper mode is at the end of Super Metroid then it's no wonder I haven't seen it cause I never completed :heh: Thanks for the heads up on where it was Retro_Link

Yeah, all i've seen of Samus controlling her ship was in a very short cutscene, no in-game ship visor.


Also here's a speed-run of Super Metroid if you want to see Hyper Mode and the ending!


Notice that she goes hyper in morph ball. Look at page 9 on this thread, there is a lot of stuff there, high quality shots from that vid and stuff.


(P.S. The hyper mode here doesn't seem to relate at all to any of the previous games' hyper modes. That's probably why I was getting a bit confused!)

No worrys!


Cheers for the video!

I actually found that video on Youtube today, but as I haven't completed Prime 2 yet I thought someone had made a pretend Prime 3 video using Prime 2 clips, and therefore chose not to watch it, so as not to spoil Prime 2!


The grapple hook zipline looks AWESOME!!

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I'm super-hyped about Metroid Prime 3 at the moment. The reason being I'm playing Metroid Prime 2 Echoes on Hardest difficulty and enjoying it more this time round for some reason.



Though spending two hours trying to beat the Boost Ball

Guardian was a crushing experience to say the least.


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Hahah! They should do a survey to see how many people haven't completed the game due to the hardness of that boss! TBH I was glad it was hard. The only thing hard about Prime were the last two bosses. Strangely though, the last bosses in Echoes were a bit wimpy in my eyes.


I am a bit worried that they are going to make Corruption too easy though. Hope it has a super "no please don't rape me!" hard mode. Makes the atmosphere so much more tense that way just like:


Getting shit on and losing all of your health when fighting the end boss!


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I don't know if you guy and girls have seen this video yet. I found it on a web site from France. I don't know if you people have seen it before. It looks nice. What do think of it?




I don't know if you guy and girls have seen this video yet. I found it on a web site from France. I don't know if you people have seen it before. It looks nice. What do think of it?




My bad I just found out that you guys and girls already saw that video.

The video still looks nice.


Please forgive me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man, from those videos, this game looks pretty fuckin immense to say the least...


But then again, it's Metroid, so thats a given...but I sure hope she can strafe and shoot at the same time...and that there are some enemies the you can't lock onto so as for there to actually be a point to using the Wiimote...

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Mp3:C info


“Demo was impressive, intense, and once we became used to the mechanics, a blast to play”

“New Corruption mechanic having to do with ‘phasons’”

“Implimenting a ‘Weapon stacking’ system similar to that in ‘Super metroid’, you will be able to ’stack’ beams on top of each other in a way that you will continue to have the same power as the previous beam, but the new beam will be will be added on top”

“Context sensitive events like in RE4″

“No scanning doors to open them, more focus on interaction with motion controls”

“Can’t discuss plans for speaker at this time”

“No multiplayer freatures planned, but very excited about Wiiconnect possibilities”

“New costumes for samus (not functional but just for looks)”

“set ‘a few months’ after the events of Prime 2″

“no hunters from ds version in the game but ‘plenty of new hunters’ in prime 3″

“Graphics have been updated since E3, we have more memory and with the new GPU/CPU architecture you're going to see a very noticeable difference in the quality of visuals.”

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