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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Zelda is perfect as Shigsy created it, no hardercore or more adult content needed.


Minish Cap is the only 2D Zelda I've played (besides the originals, I mean on the handhelds like OOA/OOS, LTTP, LA) and I loved it. I'm on the last dungeon and it's kept me going for a while. Fantastic storyline, characters and game.

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No one here liked the oracle ones? Or minish cap? They are awesome 2d zelda games :) I really want to play GB/GBC games in wii. Oh please nintendo make it happen...


I did that! Loved those games, and they'r built on Link's Awakening engine, wich is great. And 16 dungeons with the 2 games combined? Hells yeah!






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I really think that 'hardcore' content is misinterpreted. Zelda will be Zelda. Maybe a bit darker and lesser happy happy joy graphics, but still Zelda.



i dont know what people are meaning by 'hardcore zelda'. but the game will be more serious, and have a darker feel to it.

majoras mask had this feel, and i think twilight princess will have it moreso.

looking forward to it!

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The biggest problem with wind waker was that it took so darn long to get started, you couldn't skip the intro, and the first forsaken fortress level was kinda boring. Still, it is my fave Zelda for other reasons.


They also need to cut out some of the incredibly annoying dungeon designs, such as the Water Temple from Ocarina, it was so incredibly tedious and boring that whenever I'm considering rebooting Ocarina, I can't stand the thought of having to go through that again. Imo, wind waker had some very amazing boss/ dungeon designs and they should stick to that.


I hope they keep the Wind Waker themed orcarina/ viola music though, some of that such as the Dragon Roost Island was absolutely beautiful...


What I'd love to see on Wii though, is a Wind Waker style graphics Zelda with grown up link and for Nintendo to make it a bit harder and longer. Still, TP is going to kick some ass.

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Too dark with the adult only appeal.


You'll find that the majority of those games were bought buy teenagers.


Just because a game has adult appeal doesn't mean it's bad, look at Resident Evil 4, that game is disgusting a points but i don't see anyone complaining.

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The biggest problem with wind waker was that it took so darn long to get started, you couldn't skip the intro, and the first forsaken fortress level was kinda boring. Still, it is my fave Zelda for other reasons.


They also need to cut out some of the incredibly annoying dungeon designs, such as the Water Temple from Ocarina, it was so incredibly tedious and boring that whenever I'm considering rebooting Ocarina, I can't stand the thought of having to go through that again. Imo, wind waker had some very amazing boss/ dungeon designs and they should stick to that.


I hope they keep the Wind Waker themed orcarina/ viola music though, some of that such as the Dragon Roost Island was absolutely beautiful...


What I'd love to see on Wii though, is a Wind Waker style graphics Zelda with grown up link and for Nintendo to make it a bit harder and longer. Still, TP is going to kick some ass.


Totally agree about the dungeons, i used to love playing through The Fire dungeon but that Water dungeon was definately a chore. Wind waker is possibly my second fave Zelda game because even though it was in essence, a "Zelda" game, the new take on the franchise really made the difference. In terms of story i would say it is the strongest.

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Maybe Wind Waker is a bit short on the main quest, but it's tedious with some of the sidequests.. I haven't really touched the game anymore since the final boss. I think I have 3 figurines, and the thought of collecting others makes me cringe.. Decorating the island is another thing.


I love the water temple in OoT however.. And even though the water temple in MM is my least favorite one from the 4 main ones, I still think it's generally good. In fact, I think they should make a ultimate water temple rmx for TP, with elements from all previous water temples, and 4 times as hard, just to piss off some of the people here :P.

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Maybe Wind Waker is a bit short on the main quest, but it's tedious with some of the sidequests.. I haven't really touched the game anymore since the final boss. I think I have 3 figurines, and the thought of collecting others makes me cringe.. Decorating the island is another thing.


I love the water temple in OoT however.. And even though the water temple in MM is my least favorite one from the 4 main ones, I still think it's generally good. In fact, I think they should make a ultimate water temple rmx for TP, with elements from all previous water temples, and 4 times as hard, just to piss off some of the people here :P.


You can read into my mind? My thoughts exacly on every point you made.

I loved Wind Waker, but i too haven't touched it, although i've completed OOT 7 times. I can think of very few games i repeated. OOT, Metroid Prime 1, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Land.

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The few problems with WW were tedious sailing for people who just go from place to place without side tracking and easy bosses. Sure, itf it was bigger it would be cool, but it's still a huge game. I finished it twice, got all items and treasures and a lot of figurines and had a very fun time doing it.

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First time I played Wind Waker I kind of enjoyed it. I did all the sidequests and got every figurine which made the game last me a week. At Christmas time I decided to play through it again as I ALWAYS play a Zelda game that time of year, its a tradition for me ever since OOT came out. Anyways when I played WW a second time I was blown away by it. Sure it was easy but it just seemed more magical the second time around and whats more I seemed to enjoy sailing around especially when the overworld tune kicked in.

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Yeah having to change to wind all the time when sailing was something I didn’t like too. The main thing I hated though was collecting all the

Triforce pieces at the end with the maps and stuff

That was a truly awful thing to put in a Zelda game. Its not fun to do and its just there so they can say the game takes so and so many hours to complete. Its the sort of cheap thing you'd expect from some crappy software house that churns out movie licensed rubbish, not Nintendo.

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I really think that 'hardcore' content is misinterpreted. Zelda will be Zelda. Maybe a bit darker and lesser happy happy joy graphics, but still Zelda.


Definitely. I doubt Shigeru knew/knows what Maxim magazine is, and just assumed it was another gaming mag.

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What is it, I don't want to spoil the game.


First time I played Wind Waker I kind of enjoyed it. I did all the sidequests and got every figurine which made the game last me a week.

Sorry to doublepost, but bullshit. Only if you played 24 hours a day could you get every figurine and finish everything. Even then, getting every figurine is a garagantuan task.

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