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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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i can;t wait for this game but havn't really been keeping up to date with the information as don't want to ruin hte game experienve but was just wondering the following:


1 are there any graphical differnces between the Wii and GC version

2 have there been any indications on the length of the game

3 and how does it fit into the zelda timeline


the info is proberly already in this thread but 100 pages is a lot to backtrack through.




1 - From what i believe, the graphics on Wii will be slightly better? (need backup though)

2 - A while ago there was an article gongi around that it would be 100+ hours (probably with side missions)

3 - That's one my brother knows

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i can;t wait for this game but havn't really been keeping up to date with the information as don't want to ruin hte game experienve but was just wondering the following:


- are there any graphical differnces between the Wii and GC version

- have there been any indications on the length of the game

- and how does it fit into the zelda timeline


the info is proberly already in this thread but 100 pages is a lot to backtrack through.




1. None, other than the Wii version supporting true widescreen and possibly progressive scan? (both might support that though)

2. For a game like Zelda "length" is a fairly loose term. One person might race through all the dungeons and finish it in 30 hours where another will hunt down every heart piece and collectable and take 100+ hours. Hopefully the game will keep track of your play time though, it's always nice to know.

3. AFAIK nothing official is known. Most Zelda timeline stuff is conjecture by fans anyway, only a few are known to definetely take place before/after another game.

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1. None, other than the Wii version supporting true widescreen and possibly progressive scan? (both might support that though)

2. For a game like Zelda "length" is a fairly loose term. One person might race through all the dungeons and finish it in 30 hours where another will hunt down every heart piece and collectable and take 100+ hours. Hopefully the game will keep track of your play time though, it's always nice to know.

3. AFAIK nothing official is known. Most Zelda timeline stuff is conjecture by fans anyway, only a few are known to definetely take place before/after another game.


The Wii version will offer slightly better graphics apparently as well as 16:9 support (widescreen).



So yes, there are slight graphical differences, but nothing major.

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How does everyone feel about the whole thing with the entire game being mirrored on Wii now? It's confirmed too, you can tell easily with shots like this.




I'm kind of annoyed because it means if we're playing the game on Wii we're not playing it how it was originally designed to be, we're playing a version that's been flipped simply so swinging the controller as a sword feels more comfortable...which is just wierd to me. It's like starting off a Mario Kart game in mirror mode from the beginning.

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How does everyone feel about the whole thing with the entire game being mirrored on Wii now? It's confirmed too, you can tell easily with shots like this.




I'm kind of annoyed because it means if we're playing the game on Wii we're not playing it how it was originally designed to be, we're playing a version that's been flipped simply so swinging the controller as a sword feels more comfortable...which is just wierd to me. It's like starting off a Mario Kart game in mirror mode from the beginning.


You could argue that with Mario Kart, you play the tracks all the way through, and you get to know the layout. When it then comes to mirror mode, it's only weird because you have played the game in a certain way.


With Zelda, you'll be playing 'mirror mode' straight from the start, meaning that you probably won't be confused because this is the first time you're playing it through.


Does that make sense? I am very sleep.:smile:

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It does make sense yeah but there is another side to it. The artists didn't design everything where it was on the screen and all for the hell of it...it was made that way because you know, that's how they felt it worked best. There's a chance the mirroring might make the overall experience lower quality, so although we wont notice direct differences playing through a first time, there's a chance the game might just be worse as a whole because of it, like everything might not feel like it's perfectly right where it should be and at points you might even realise parts would feel more "natural" in the opposite direction.


Personally I'm hoping this was only a temporary thing and it's not going to be what the final game is like. The problem is that if they only swapped Link's model and nothing else then they'd had to have changed a lot of how the game works and all the cutscenes that have already been executed, so it would've been a lot of work, but it would be the best non-lazy approach.


At this moment I'm heavily leaning towards the Gamecube version now, if it comes down to it perhaps I'll try the Wii version at a later date, but I really want the experience the way it was originally thought out to be, exactly how it was pictured.

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Fixed. :grin:

Zelda is the great series it is because every game feels TOTALLY different from the last. In my opinion.

Exactly what I think. Its a real strength to the series.


As for these mirror woes, I understand where people are coming from, but in the end its just walking left down a passageway instead of walking right. Sure its not how it was intended, but it cant make that much difference and saying "this is how it was originally made" is far too zelda-obsessive to rule out the wii version. The only people who're gonna notice a difference are the people who buy both versions, they'll always consider the one they played first as the original.


I have faith. If the mirroring screwed up anything, they wouldn't have done it. I'm also having faith in the wii control scheme. The new bow and fishing controls look fantastic, and the only example of the sword controls have been from people who are playing it like that for the first time. If the sword controls were really that bad, they'd change it back. Nintendo know what they're doing.

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For what Nintendo has been saying about Twilight Princess being "perfect" and the fact that Windwaker got scores around and close to 96%, I would think that, getting below Wind Wakers aggregate score would in fact be a disgrace.


The promise that Twilight Princess will be perfect was made prior to the announcement of the Wii version being announced along with its new control scheme, so technically Nintendo aren't breaking their promise, this is assuming the Gamecube version remains in tact in all respects with gameplay, graphics etc.


In regards to the criticism conjured up about the sword mechanics, you must remember, its come about from their impressions of playing the demo and the implications it could have if it isn't correct, this is not criticism from the final retail version which is what really matters. The demonstration Nintendo used at the NYC city event, was the exact same as E3, except with the new sword controls implemented. This would've been tacked onto the existing demo last minute, it is by no means whatsoever an accurate representation of the final game, the demo would've been deliberately dumbed down in order to make it accessible to everyone attending the press event and its something everyone here would be well aware of already and probably heard well over a dozen times.


Its your loss, if you don't buy this game for such trivial reasons, you'll be missing out on of the best gaming experiences to be had in 2006, if not the rest of this decade.

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Its your loss, if you don't buy this game for such trivial reasons, you'll be missing out on of the best gaming experiences to be had in 2006, if not the rest of this decade.



I think the best improvement on the controls in terms of improvement on previous zeldas will be the bow+arrow. In the previous 3d zeldas ive always found it a pain to aim with the cstick. Sure I can do it well after playing through them all, but it still annoys me because it can be very innaccurate and slow in an intense situation, especially when you first use it. Using the wiimote to point and shoot with b will be perfect once you get used to it. Far more realistic, fast and accurate. It might take a lot of getting used to though.

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I think the best improvement on the controls in terms of improvement on previous zeldas will be the bow+arrow. In the previous 3d zeldas ive always found it a pain to aim with the cstick. Sure I can do it well after playing through them all, but it still annoys me because it can be very innaccurate and slow in an intense situation, especially when you first use it. Using the wiimote to point and shoot with b will be perfect once you get used to it. Far more realistic, fast and accurate. It might take a lot of getting used to though.


On the n64, I became quite masterful at the bow and arrow. It was quite difficult when using the Gamecube controls! Especially after adapting to FPS controls and the like.

I think the new game mechanics will be brilliant.

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Well it's Zelda. Both GC and Wii versions will be absolutely fantastic. Zelda games have never ever let me entirely down.


Wind Waker was a little short, but it's still one of the best games out there!


This is will be a epic! and i bet after 30 mins play you'll forget your playing with the Wii-mote.


Lets not judge it before we've actually played it people! Once you played it for a day and you still don't like it, thats totally fine (your still mental though, ;) )



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This is will be a epic! and i bet after 30 mins play you'll forget your playing with the Wii-mote.


Lets not judge it before we've actually played it people! Once you played it for a day and you still don't like it, thats totally fine (your still mental though, ;) )



Exactly, nobody's played the full game yet...


Just imagine how great the TRUE Wii Zelda will be like.:hehe:

We need a clean pair of pants over here stat!

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I don't know, too early to judge, but a new Wii Zelda will probably be made with everyone in mind, while TP was made for the hardcore Zelda fan. I believe Twilight Princess will be the best Zelda game for years to come, and for me the best game ever. :D


Its not cool to say it sucks before it releases, but to say its the best is fine.

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with or without delays.:hmm: :horse:

I'm thinking this scenario: they'll have some footage next year or the year after that at the Nintendo press event (the former E3 presentation they'll have to give) and they'll announce it for the next year. Then they delay it for one year.


Nintendo probably needs four years for a Zelda, seeing the Wind Waker (Q4 2002 Japan) and Twilight Princess (Q4 2006) have a four year gap between them.

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Dont know if it has been posted yet or not... Miyamotos comments at ign on the 'right handed Link'


"Although Link is [traditionally] left-handed, at E3 we noticed people seemed to be using the right Wii controller to swing his sword. That's why we decided to make Link right-handed. The interesting this is, on the GameCube Link is still left-handed; because of the mirror mode the game map is reversed."




That mirror mode thing... very interesting! So its not just a tweak of the characters, but the whole game is in reverse!!! This reminds me of the mirror cup in mario kart...


EDIT: beat ya :P

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