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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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I'm in Canada here and I remember seeing the TP boxart on the shelf @ EB but I cant remember what colour it was :S I THINK it was white, aka really no special region colour. Regular boring boxart =)



That screenshot is interesting :o

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Yeah, that picture is awesome. I am quite happy with those graphics, no matter what anyone else says. I'm 25 and I play games since 1989 and it kind of saddens me how shallow the younger gaming audience is today, all they care about is the graphics. Reading the System Wars forum on Gamespot for instance is very disheartening. But kind of amusing at the same time. :D


Hey, I'm the younger gaming audience.


GP: What sorts of online features are you looking forward to in the future?


Harrison: Downloadable content, such as additional levels.


Thats good, the appeal of the game won't die so quickly. As long as they're not like $50US per new level.


You call 70+ hours dying quickly?

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Guest Stefkov

That pic reminds me of a World Trade Center scene, where smoke is coming from the towers and everybody is gazing up at them.


Well arent you the observant one...

It is a very nice image though. I read Matt's preview thing and i know why that happens.

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Guest Stefkov
Well, before you go any further, bare in mind lack of spoiler tags will result in instant, and messy, death.

You have been warned.


Don't worry i wont spoil it for you. If you knew me in real life/form im not like that.

But its very nice to know, actually i wish i didnt know now......damn me..

I'm gonna oin i think it was you who said you arent gonna look at any more spoilers..i must resist.

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Which version of Twilight Princess to buy has just been decided for you people!


Downloadable Content for Twiilight Princess


People cant read. :horse:


Gamepro inteview


GP: What sorts of online features are you looking forward to in the future?


Harrison: Downloadable content, such as additional levels.



GP: Any plans for any type of post-release online component for Twilight Princess?


Harrison: I haven't heard of anything yet. I think everyone is still busy trying to make sure the game gets out correctly.


GP: What sorts of differences are there between the Wii and GameCube versions?


Harrison: There is very little difference in the graphics, although the Wii version supports 16:9 displays. In the GameCube version Link is a lefty, as he has traditionally been. All the fighting and puzzles are reversed because of this, and the game basically mirrors the Wii version -- even the cinemas are flipped.


The story is the same and it's basically the same game, except for the big difference in control schemes.



well I specifically want to know about the castle being on fire send me a pm plz


Zelda and Hyrule

After exploring a dungeon in the Twilight Realm in wolf form, you eventually make your way outside, where you are greeted by spiraling towers, stone walkways, bridges, and a nearby castle. Midna is no fan of subtlety and keeps asking if you know where you are. It becomes irrefutably clear: this is Hyrule Castle, and it's being overtaken by the blackness of Twilight. Minutes later, you run to the top of the immense structure and slink through a doorway, where Princess Zelda awaits. You've seen her in screenshots and videos by now so you know that she's remarkably well designed and beautiful. Zelda and Midna appear to know each other, although neither seems particularly fond of the other. The Princess explains what has happened and a cinematic ensues.


The sequence shows the hall of Hyrule Castle. Princess Zelda sits in her throne and a dozen or so guards stand at the ready in front of the castle's doors. Suddenly, a black fog blows through the entrance and into the hall, where litters of nasty Twilight creatures squirm form from the mist and proceed to attack and kill the guards. Afterward, a much bigger Twilight creature, walking on its hind legs, dressed in garb, and wearing a horned helmet, makes its way down the center isle toward Zelda. The monster tells the Princess that the time has come for her to surrender or die, and with that she drops her sword. In the next sequence, we can see Hyrule Castle on fire as the Twilight overtakes the area and transforms its peoples into spirits. It's an impressive cut-scene.


Now, imprisoned in her Twilight Castle, Zelda tells Midna and Link to leave before they are discovered, which eventually leads the character back to the real world and back to his heroic form.


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People cant read. :horse:


Gamepro inteview


GP: What sorts of online features are you looking forward to in the future?


Harrison: Downloadable content, such as additional levels.



GP: Any plans for any type of post-release online component for Twilight Princess?


Harrison: I haven't heard of anything yet. I think everyone is still busy trying to make sure the game gets out correctly.


Aww, goddammit, we really aren't gonna get another console Zelda until 2009 I bet.

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wait a moment... download different types of content for Tp?

i must have missed this.


i dont really care for any of it anyways. maybe you guys will though.

For me, playing Tp as it should be played is fine, sure new contect lik larger levels or new weapons would be fun but i guess its just not for me.

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wait a moment... download different types of content for Tp?

i must have missed this.


i dont really care for any of it anyways. maybe you guys will though.

For me, playing Tp as it should be played is fine, sure new contect lik larger levels or new weapons would be fun but i guess its just not for me.


George Harrison said there probably won't be any dc for TP, for future games though yes

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Guest Stefkov
well I specifically want to know about the castle being on fire send me a pm plz


The sequence shows the hall of Hyrule Castle. Princess Zelda sits in her throne and a dozen or so guards stand at the ready in front of the castle's doors. Suddenly, a black fog blows through the entrance and into the hall, where litters of nasty Twilight creatures squirm form from the mist and proceed to attack and kill the guards. Afterward, a much bigger Twilight creature, walking on its hind legs, dressed in garb, and wearing a horned helmet, makes its way down the center isle toward Zelda. The monster tells the Princess that the time has come for her to surrender or die, and with that she drops her sword. In the next sequence, we can see Hyrule Castle on fire as the Twilight overtakes the area and transforms its peoples into spirits. It's an impressive cut-scene.




lol, gotten a bit out of hand what with Zelda inviting those strippers and such.



Party of the Century while the middle class watch :laughing:

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Some more new pictures... I think!!




Ok, the last picture there. What the hell is that. Some sort of map/overview screen or something? This has been bugging me for a while. It just looks so odd. Reminds me of the start of SMRPG when the bridge is down and Mario is standing there looking at Bowser's Keep. Except this has two more areas to see, and still doesn't seem to serve any purpose.

I'm confused.

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Iwata Asks!

Volume 5: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess







Iwata There was quite a buzz when the first Twilight Princess movie was shown at E3 in 2004 without prior announcement. Did your team make that movie?

Kawagoe Um, actually no. I wasn't fully involved with the project at that time.


Takizawa The team in America was in charge of that movie. The amazing thing is that it looks like a cut-scene movie, but in reality it was compiled entirely with camera work of actual play on the ROM. There's someone in the American localisation team who is a genius when it comes to that kind of camera work. You wouldn't think it possible, but he was able to create that incredibly polished movie with normal gameplay.


Takano He's a very enthusiastic Zelda fan. I think his passion for Zelda is what made that movie possible.


Iwata Oh, I didn't know that. When that movie was shown at E3, there was an incredibly enthusiastic reaction to it, wasn't there? Did you see it?


Takano I most certainly did! (laughs)


Iwata There were even people in the crowd who were crying! (laughs) I expected the excited cheering, but I honestly didn't think anyone would be moved to tears. What were your impressions when you saw that reaction?



Takizawa I was very pleased. Not only did I feel that way when the movie was shown, I found that it also motivated me during the development that followed. Since this was such a big project, there were times when everyone started to feel mentally drained. At those times, and even now I must admit, just thinking of that movie and the positive reaction to it is enough to keep me going! (laughs) And that's true not just for me, but for a lot of the other staff members as well. It was a great motivator.

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