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In Two Weeks A Legend May Return...

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Amazon Have swiftly adjusted the release date for Twilight Princess from Novemeber to a definit May 15th release.


Hmmm, rather interesting. Could Nintendo really be pulling a fast release of the title as a surprise??


I don't know. We should find out next Tuesday.


Now, I didn't pop this in the official thread, because I don't think that it would have garnered the attention that it deserves.


Having said that, mods can adjust and lock as necessary.

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If I had a hat I would eat it if this turned out to be true. This is one of Nintendos biggest games and to release it so quickly with no advertisements e.g posters in shops, adverts on telly etc would be a big mistake.

Sying that I wouldnt have a problem if we got it in the next 2 weeks :grin:

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Amazon.co.uk still has it down as November 24th....


SO yeah that seems like the right gap between US and Europe releases :p


If that does eventually become the case, I'll be importing it. Screw Nintendo.

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Why cant it be May 15th here? I got my theory test that day and playing TP after would be even better after that boring torture. Also it would mean I get to play and possibly finish it before I go off to basic training. Ah well, I can always dream.....

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