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Unless I have time periods wrong, why are there a bunch of bits that look like they are more modern than 1914 ?

One minute its gothic then it goes underground cave industrial complete with caution marks on the metal steps.

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well looks like this game really isn't going to happen, more and more looking like it is just nothing like I always thought.... Can't believe this did manage to make it into magazine, it was at least in either N-Gamer or N-revolution can't remember which one, these kind of things usually get left to the internet.

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It sounds interesting, although I'd like to see the actual game before I make a final judgement. Although the lack of screens/videos does worry me, and it is possible that this game won't see the light of day, which is a shame.


I hope it doesnt turn out like eternal darkness, the idea had such potiontial bu the game was just so boring.!!


To some extent, I agree. It was brilliant the first play through, but replaying it just got too repetitive. Replaying the same thing three times for the special ending was a pain, and the special ending wasn't even that good!

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well looks like this game really isn't going to happen, more and more looking like it is just nothing like I always thought.... Can't believe this did manage to make it into magazine, it was at least in either N-Gamer or N-revolution can't remember which one, these kind of things usually get left to the internet.


The game isn't out until sometime in 2008...Theres more than plenty of time for them to give us some actual footage.

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The game isn't out until sometime in 2008...Theres more than plenty of time for them to give us some actual footage.


But why release modified footage of another game?! Or is this footage not official. Anyway I just don't think it is gonna happen...not this year not next year...not any year.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Worth Playing reports that Sadness gets dropped by Frontline Studios.


This can only mean bad news because that means it doesn't develope or look like it should and could never get released in the end.


In summer holidays I will hit your head with a stick for a couple of days for still believing that this game was/is real :grin:

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In summer holidays I will hit your head with a stick for a couple of days for still believing that this game was/is real :grin:


Well I'll be in Zurich most of the time but in that case I'll wear a helmet as a precaution. :idea:



But just to make this clear, I didn't have high hopes for the game but now it's almost "official" that we won't see it.

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Why can't Nintendo just publish it?



Would you really want Nintendo to dedicate resources to a unknown publisher with nothing but an idea? In an ideal world I would say yes go for it but right now Nintendo should rather:


- Finish their own games

- Put more effort into localisation and general PAL "help"



and if money is left to spend - why not give Camelot, Zoonami or any other developer with a much better portfolio a money boost.

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Why can't Nintendo just publish it?


Why should they? These developers didn't even showed their worth, I'd rather have Nintendo going after people who can achieve what they promise.


I still remember this "allegedly" in-game shot:



[Click to see bigger]

“this is not artwork - its from PC work-station shot in-game. We hope that for Wii this game will be look like in this screen or very near.” - Nibris team member
Source: http://gonintendo.com/?p=4326


Even if I have some sympathy (and I was expecting only Eternal Darkness kind of graphics from them) this is just ridiculous and unprofessional... Aiming too high for someone who doesn't even have a publisher (also a attempt to gain attention) and, well, nor credible.




Dear all,


We work very hard with our team on our upcoming 2 games - Sadness for Wii and Raid over the river DS.

At the end of next week you will see more details about our new projects. We are very happy becouse one of the biggest publisher have deal with us!


Sadness look like a one of the biggest upcoming game - I think that this game can change some things in games industry.

Btw. Some of PS3 fans site wrotte that we sell Sadness for Sony - IT'S RUMOR! Sadness is exclusive for Nintendo Wii.


-> http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/6020/smutnicafinal3hr2ck.jpg


As a foretaste our next press relase I give you one art of Licho (one of the oponents).


Wish us luck and have a good day!,


Your Nibris

Source: http://boards.ign.com/nintendo_wii_lobby/b8270/122035361/p1/?12; Ridley (noutra thread)


biggest publishers=Frontline Studios... a company who mainly publishes unknown games based on classic card games and such for the DS... right.


Seriously Nintendo should run from them, they lie to the small userbase they have and even blow things out of the water.


And the rumor about Sony wanting it... lol, yeah right. never heard of it before they mentioned, not me, not anyone.

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You guys are being too harsh. They have to start somewhere, every dev used to be a noob. They're getting a hard time and all they want is to create games for a living.


As far as I know their other project is going nicely, and I hope that even if this game is put on hold, they my be able to release it in future generations (just like ED).

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