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3D Modelling Thread


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Okay, this will be one of the few times I post in here, since I will most likely never have any 3D again. =P

Had a 3D class this semester, though we probably only got the class about 10 times. We got two assignments, this being the second one. We were asked to pick a videogame character and kinda stylize it and give it a different colour.


I went for Midna. It's not very great, and I totally messed up on the body (no idea how to fix it, seems impossible now). But oh well, as long as I pass with this I'm happy. XD




And yeah, we never learned about textures or anything, which is why it's all so shiny and stuff. =P

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Great work Eenuh!! keep up the great work! i only miss the long hair with the hand. are you considering to ad bones to it and animate her?


She actually does have the long hair (though it doesn't end in a hand, as there's only three "fingers"). But a render from this side really shows the crappy quality of the body. =P




I won't be adding bones to the model. We didn't see that in class and I'm not even sure Amapi has that option in it. Plus I don't have time for it either really. X3

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I'm supposed to be making a realistic looking character for a college course.


I'm using Maya 2008



















My reference for it.








I'd really like some crits, whatever you guys see let me know and I'll do what I can to fix it. If you need more angles just ask and I'll throw whatever you need/want up.

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O.O it really looks impressive only the head looks a bit squashed, the toes have a to big (and not so realistic) gab. also some things look to smove like the "but gab" shoulder parts on the back and i mis his belly button and nipples (oke nipples are not really needed since you can map it)

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Haha wow... I can't believe I entirely forgot about the belly button.


It was one of those things that... right away I wanted to put in... but then I was like "ehh I'll wait till later..." type things...


Also... his foot... I agree entirely... and I'm going to lessen the gaps between em... but... just look at how crazy this guy's foot is!




Thanks for the crit. :)

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Eenuh - your character is super cute, and mad props for creating him so well in such a short time with only so few lessons.


Llama Juice - that's really outstanding work! Your first human body, too? I think the head looks slightly disproportioned, but that may change once texture and hair is on.


This thread is getting more active! :D


I finished up my Cooker character from Wallace and Gromit.





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Very nice. You nailed the hands. I d/l the Maya PE the other day to muck around and I forgot how difficult it was. I have no idea how I made that animated snowman in one day on that College course. I guess it's good to have a real life tutor.

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Haha wow... I can't believe I entirely forgot about the belly button.


It was one of those things that... right away I wanted to put in... but then I was like "ehh I'll wait till later..." type things...


Also... his foot... I agree entirely... and I'm going to lessen the gaps between em... but... just look at how crazy this guy's foot is!


Thanks for the crit. :)


No Problem mate i hope you will do the same for me ^.-


and yeah he has a bit of strange toes. i am really looking forward on your new work!

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Hey Llama, good work matey.


Are you going to animate this? I can see some serious problems coming up around the crotch/ass area if you are because the edge loops will hardly allow you any natural deforming. Actually looking closer, you could do with looking at all of your joints concerning this.


Are you meant to be replicating this guy? I could give further crit but I just want to know that first. Most of what I will talk about though will be based on animation though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You've definitely come on leaps and bounds Wes. A hell of a lot faster than me for sure. Good luck with the texturing on that, looking forward to seeing it.


Also great job on the Wallace & Gromit cooker. Just to let you know (entirely optional), but when you do some nice beauty shots you could probably also render out an AO pass at the same time from the same angle of the render, then bring both images into PS and comp them together. Just usually adds that nice look where lack of light hits divots and small cranny's for example.




Here's the final Scream Park trailer that I worked on in the 2nd semester of Yr 2. Unfortunately we won't be uploading the mod and files to be playable in the Crysis game, but we did have playable demo's of it at our Uni's animation film day. Went down quite well in the end, and had a lot of interest in general.


Anyway, all assets, characters and textures in the trailer are created by the team, with the only exception being the ground texturing (CryEngine has an awesome terrain editor you see). Hope you enjoy it.



Scream Park trailer


(dodgy sound at beginning, and Vimeo has made the vid quite desaturated) :(

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Cheers for the comments I'll look at doing that.


Your Scream Park is pretty Damn neat, man! Why aren't you releasing the files I'd love to play it! The character at the end is really well done. It's really impressive that you guys everything, some of the stuff wouldn't look out of place in a retail game.


EDIT: My buggy with basic textures (I used a trye tutorial for the tyres). I'll finish it up later with better texturing, adjustments to the model and a setting (although I'll probably just go with the old white plane when I get bored).



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Shiiiit, does anyone know how to create a camera based on your current viewpoint?


I seem to remember there being a keyboard shortcut where a camera has the viewpoint of exactly what your perspective (or any) viewpoint was...




EDIT: Ctrl+C.


Move along, nothing to see. Just me. Flailing like a fat-bastard.


I'm going to keep posting. This thread won't die. I won't let it!


I think this will double post-merge. Let's hope.


Here is my buggy as it is. I have given up on doing a full blown backing render due to lack of skills... and I wanna do something else. Naked men maybe?


Maybe not.






So I will add more to the background, spare trye, paint tins, shit like that.


Man I'm cool for swearing.


The buggy, by the way. Is from my work place. Carry lots of furniture on it. Use it to race. Hand brake turns. Crashing.


I spent so much time in them I thought I'd model it before I go to Uni and forget my buggy of Love.


Also, need to re-texture it. You can tell it's image tiled. Badly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...







Hey kids, long time no see.


I wish i frequented here more... anyhow click those images for the full resolution.


I didn't model anything there, I just posed the character, put in the background, and lit the scene. This is all part of a little animation I made, I'll be uploading that to youtube in the next few days.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Ive been doing a bit of modelling, im still pretty poor at it, but im slowly gettting there, iv got a fair few other objects, just none that our screen capped and me laptop dont got 3ds max to do that :( Will try fix me pc lol




This my first ever model, managed to texture it, though not very well, could do with some re-work.




Iv been playin about with the the materials editor, finally worked out the spec/diff and bump mapping, starting to loook quite nice when you move it real time, the picture doesnt do justice! lol


Any pointers? Anyone know of anyone decent tuts or woteva?

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