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Xbox 360 Console Discussion


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I kept trying the Forza demo because I was desperate to like it, and once I stopped playing it like PGR3 I started getting better at it and it's really good. I'm definitely going to get it Saturday.


I liked having the racing line on that changes colour if your going too fast around a corner, it really helped me improve my overall technique.

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I liked having the racing line on that changes colour if your going too fast around a corner, it really helped me improve my overall technique.


For me that is what makes Forza great compared to all the other realistic racers. I really suck at realistic racers but having the driving line on is a great help to players like me.


You'll be lucky, last replacement I had done took nearly two weeks.


Took both my mates less than a week to get theirs back once it had been picked up. Im suprsied it took that long to get yours back, they should know your address off by heart now Rok.


EDIT: Just took the plunge and ordered Forza 2.

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I honestly think it should be.


F.E.A.R 2



In other news i played on the 360 raqcing wheel today at PC World and it is amazing, feels just like the arcades, if not better. I really had to push myself not to buy one.


I think I would buy one only if I could afford a racing seat also.

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Guest Stefkov


Need to get that back, such an enjoyable game. The story and changing into those forms was great. I never got better than a C on and of the levels.

Prey for £10...damnit too much to buy.


Edit: I dont see kameo in the list of games in the sale, however Prey is £10 there aswell.

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Guest Stefkov

Oh you meant Viva was £17.99, I misread it and though you said Kameo was £17.99. Silly me. Still its £19.99 there, not bad price.

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Guest Stefkov

Hooly shit..

The main menu screen for Colin Mcar: DiRT looks amazing, then I got into the main game.






amazing visuals.

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