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New images of rev controller


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From what I recall hearing about the development kits, the controllers were currently wired (and I mean to the system, not the nunchuk expansion, that's always going to be wired) so these screens seem a bit odd. It could be that they're hiding the main wire in all these shots though (or edited out), it does kind of look like this guy has a black one going down his sleeve.



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I hope those are just test Revmotes they gave them to use. They should not be the final production models yet.
they are obviously preproduction / dev models...

Dev models,proper ones will look much better.


What are you people talking about? These look exactly like the ones shown on TGS in September and GDC last month, except they're grey. Just the colour changed, the model is the same (except the already mentioned big thing that plugged the analogue stick in and the round pointer, but that hardly justifies such a reaction).


So what do you mean "proper" ones? I, for one, am hoping grey is a launch colour for the Rev cause to me Nintendo = Grey. NES was grey, SNES was grey, the N64 was black but with grey controller, my GC is the platinum one, so almost grey. :hehe: And I hope I can choose the grey Rev, as the white one may look good on advertising pictures but I don't want it in my living room. If no grey, then black is next choice.


Of course this is all just opinion, so don't jump me. :hehe: But I just found it odd that just cause the controller is grey in the pictures the reactions were "I hope it's not the final design", as if the model were completely different.

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From what I recall hearing about the development kits, the controllers were currently wired (and I mean to the system, not the nunchuk expansion, that's always going to be wired) so these screens seem a bit odd. It could be that they're hiding the main wire in all these shots though (or edited out), it does kind of look like this guy has a black one going down his sleeve.




I've just realised why there's a circular hole on the FHC in those pics, now, that's obviously where the wire from the devkit plugs in. In turn that means there's no way there's an IR transmitter in the front, so all those people who keep on thinking it's IR based can finally shut up about it.

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I've just realised why there's a circular hole on the FHC in those pics, now, that's obviously where the wire from the devkit plugs in. In turn that means there's no way there's an IR transmitter in the front, so all those people who keep on thinking it's IR based can finally shut up about it.
That's the laser beam thing. Transmitter/Reciever.


I am guessing they have given developpers more accurate hardware for programming games than what we will recieve to ensure games are more accurate.. and that's why it isn't smoothed over with a nice neat black IR shield.

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From what I recall hearing about the development kits, the controllers were currently wired (and I mean to the system, not the nunchuk expansion, that's always going to be wired) so these screens seem a bit odd. It could be that they're hiding the main wire in all these shots though (or edited out), it does kind of look like this guy has a black one going down his sleeve.



Ah, well spotted! I see it as well, and the other shots show them holding the controller in such a position that a connector lead couldn't be seen in the photo.


...We take this stuff far too seriously don't we :laughing:

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Guest Stefkov

after you mention that i see it aswell, the second image, i see that little blan wire going down his sleeve. well spotted, i thought it was actually like a thread from his shirt loose or something

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Without actually holding the Nunchuka attachment, i can't really comment, but by the looks of things the shoulder buttons would be better as belly buttons, as it were. The hand and fingers would seem to rest more comfortably there.


On the whole, Nintendo is very Apple inspired and I can see the Revolution being white as 'standard'- including the Baton Controller.

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