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It's highly probable that oxygen could have been a by-product of their colonisation, not to mention the escaped oxygen from the dome or the fire could be burning due to a totally different gas


I thought that but is there really enough of it for the type of flame produced? They'd only been there like 16 months.

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I thought that but is there really enough of it for the type of flame produced? They'd only been there like 16 months.

They had an entire hydroponic garden and a variety of biodomes. Just a constant oxygen leak would keep the fire burning


It's the same thing I say to people who complain when a ship in Star Trek/Stargate/Random SciFi Shows is shown to have fire on the external...it's due to leaking oxygen


Plus, as Mars has a light atmosphere, it wouldn't be sucked away so much so it'd just sit and burn.

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So a group of people were last heard from on Mars are suddenly on Earth, without announcing they will be returning (unless the Code 5 thing does that but still, they got back awful quickly) and without any signs of them signing or whatever? :heh:


It was okay. As much as I ever expect from Doctor Who...which is mostly running.

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So a group of people were last heard from on Mars are suddenly on Earth, without announcing they will be returning (unless the Code 5 thing does that but still, they got back awful quickly) and without any signs of them signing or whatever? :heh:
That occured to me earlier on today!

Didn't the Womans family wonder how she was suddenly at home in her house!


But then for all we know, there was an inquiry into it all afterwards. It's just not important for the episode.

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They had an entire hydroponic garden and a variety of biodomes. Just a constant oxygen leak would keep the fire burning


It's the same thing I say to people who complain when a ship in Star Trek/Stargate/Random SciFi Shows is shown to have fire on the external...it's due to leaking oxygen


Plus, as Mars has a light atmosphere, it wouldn't be sucked away so much so it'd just sit and burn.


A leak that wasn't big enough to be detected yet big enough to supply the whole planet with enough oxygen for some decent fire? Don't think so. And thus I'll stick with the line NASA tow.


It makes sense on a ship since there'd quite clearly be oxygen haemorrhage from what was actually on fire. As opposed to debris which can't leak anything and would simply combust...except for the fact there's no oxygen on Mars and the station would in no way leak enough to supply it. (Surely diffusionary laws would mean that oxygen would in no way linger near the station.)

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That occured to me earlier on today!

Didn't the Womans family wonder how she was suddenly at home in her house!


But then for all we know, there was an inquiry into it all afterwards. It's just not important for the episode.


But the only thing that changed in the Internet news article was her planet of death. Clearly everything else was rosy :p

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That occured to me earlier on today!

Didn't the Womans family wonder how she was suddenly at home in her house!


But then for all we know, there was an inquiry into it all afterwards. It's just not important for the episode.


The other two reveal that the Dr saved them. It's in the articles on them which has their date of death. There's also an article to the side, I think, asking who the Doctor is.

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A leak that wasn't big enough to be detected yet big enough to supply the whole planet with enough oxygen for some decent fire? Don't think so. And thus I'll stick with the line NASA tow.


It makes sense on a ship since there'd quite clearly be oxygen haemorrhage from what was actually on fire. As opposed to debris which can't leak anything and would simply combust...except for the fact there's no oxygen on Mars and the station would in no way leak enough to supply it. (Surely diffusionary laws would mean that oxygen would in no way linger near the station.)

Ah there is oxygen on mars. Sure, it's trace amounts, but who knows how much was added

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I've a genuine question if someone could help. How did the Doctor use the robot to transport everyone? My Doctor Who lore is proving a bit shady with that part. (Don't you need to be inside the Tardis...? They were all in the base.)


He drive the Robot to the Tardis and operate its controls remotely then transport the Tardis to the base. Which save them off screen as we were force to watch the timer counting down to set off the nuclear explosion.

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He drive the Robot to the Tardis and operate its controls remotely then transport the Tardis to the base. Which save them off screen as we were force to watch the timer counting down to set off the nuclear explosion.


:idea: Thanks!


I didn't think of that. I thought that he somehow transported everyone INTO the Tardis and onwards to earth. Duh! :blush:

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I enjoyed it.


Some of it felt cheap and Tennant's over-acting when he ''lost it'' was a bit annoying (the whole time will do what I want speech and thereafter) but generally good. Looking forward to the xmas special.


OH YES I noticed the water on the robot! Continuity geek high five.

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You must be new to this lock stuff Mcj Metroid.

This is the reason I linked the preview to this site because it can be seen for people outside the Uk.

you didnt say that. plus excuse me for picking the usually faster to load youtube vid over a random link :D


but thanks :)


these region lock things really bug me...though they dont work

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Got round to watching Waters of Mars...good enough episode...but I hate how Tennant comes top of best doctor of all the time polls, his over acting at times is painful to watch...

I think his "over acting" in this bit is definitely understandable. It's showing the doctor going quite mad


Plus these polls always favour the current one. In two years if they do one, it'll have Matt Smith at top

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