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Dunno lol cos they are a formal organisation and not friends?! Oh what he said about Romana


I don't mean to sound totally down on Doctor Who but hated that preview vid of Matt Smith as the doctor he looks like some kid running around pretending to play Dr.Who...


Yeah. They should have got Simm to play the Doctor. Wouldn't be hard to make up some bullshit about why he transforms into him. Some crap about residual energy from transforming everyone on the planet combined with Higgs bozon flavoured Häagen-Dazs radiation that kills him.


Dr Who fans say Timothy Dalton played Rassilon


I'm pretty sure Dr Who called 007 Rassilon in the episode.

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Not sure if it's been discussed yet or not but does anyone know or have an inclination as to who the lady in white is? She also was a timelady at the end?


go back a page...I think it was donna, who back in the previous series people seemed to think might be romana a female timelord from way back! I reckon somewhere there is fob watch with donna's timelord essence trapped in much like the master with professor yana and the doctor with mr smith.

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Some good character moments but the main plot was underwhelming, and as predicted the Time Lords were only brought back for a few minutes.


I didn't think I would cry, but the floodgates opened at the book signing, and again at the church and finally when Tennant cried that he didn't want to "die".


Matt Smith brought a smile to my face and made me laugh with his "I'm a girl!?" line. Looking forward to seeing him in Spring, as I am getting a bit bored with Tennant, just get him out of the pin-striped suit and trenchcoat!


I felt emotional at the parts when he started to visit all of his previous companions but the end totally got to me when he was like "I don't want to go".


Also, I think Matt Smith would be alright as the Doctor but there's something about him that seems out of place. His acting is alright but I think it's the look, maybe the hair? No idea.

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His ugly face.


I just saw that last part again and I think I change my mind. I can't see him as The Doctor and I don't think he could replace David Tennant. People have said that I may have said the same thing when Eccleston changed to Tennant but I actually thought Tennant would be a better Doctor when he changed but I just can't see Smith as the Doctor.


I hope he does a good job but Tennant's raised the bar very high.

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His ugly face.


So looks are important for acting?


I just saw that last part again and I think I change my mind. I can't see him as The Doctor and I don't think he could replace David Tennant. People have said that I may have said the same thing when Eccleston changed to Tennant but I actually thought Tennant would be a better Doctor when he changed but I just can't see Smith as the Doctor.


I hope he does a good job but Tennant's raised the bar very high.




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I just saw that last part again and I think I change my mind. I can't see him as The Doctor and I don't think he could replace David Tennant. People have said that I may have said the same thing when Eccleston changed to Tennant but I actually thought Tennant would be a better Doctor when he changed but I just can't see Smith as the Doctor.


I hope he does a good job but Tennant's raised the bar very high.


I have to be honest I loved Christopher Eccleston he would have been held in just as high regard if he had been at it the length Tennant has...lets not forget if people hadn't taken to him the new revamped series would not be as popular as it is now!

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I thought that was a really good episode, probably Russell T Davies' best 2-part "season finale" for a few years (Season 2's was the last great one, I think), as there was comparatively little that was jarring or unbelievable - the Doctor jumping from the spaceship to the room being the exception.


Loved the "Carry On" reference with him rolling down the stairs on wheels!


It was exciting and funny, and it all worked out the way I wanted with the Master (can't help liking the rogue!) and the Time Lords. That said, I'm really not nitpicking, but the ending was way too protracted, with him saying so many goodbyes. If you look at how swiftly Christopher Eccleston regenerated, this was a bit silly.


A great episode though, I'll be generous and give it a 9/10 (might have been a 10 if they'd snipped the ending).

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I meant from 2005 (when the 'first' season started)


I never watched the past series but I want to and I can probably imagine that some of them might be better than David Tennant. I watched the Noughties Series onwards hence why I said he couldn't replace him. I'll rephrase it: I don't think he could replace David Tennant as The New Doctor. :)


I have to be honest I loved Christopher Eccleston he would have been held in just as high regard if he had been at it the length Tennant has...lets not forget if people hadn't taken to him the new revamped series would not be as popular as it is now!


I'm going to make a confession: I only watched because of Billie Piper. Then after watching the pilot ("Rose"), I loved Doctor Who since then.


Also, I don't recall the Eccleston-Tennant regeneration making flames so why the heck was the Tardis in flames?

Edited by Animal
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I thought that was a really good episode, probably Russell T Davies' best 2-part "season finale" for a few years (Season 2's was the last great one, I think), as there was comparatively little that was jarring or unbelievable - the Doctor jumping from the spaceship to the room being the exception.


Loved the "Carry On" reference with him rolling down the stairs on wheels!


It was exciting and funny, and it all worked out the way I wanted with the Master (can't help liking the rogue!) and the Time Lords. That said, I'm really not nitpicking, but the ending was way too protracted, with him saying so many goodbyes. If you look at how swiftly Christopher Eccleston regenerated, this was a bit silly.


A great episode though, I'll be generous and give it a 9/10 (might have been a 10 if they'd snipped the ending).


That was the single worst part of it, no other doctor has ever had it like that...they've all pretty much died suddenly and it has had a much more shocking effect.


Presumably the nuclear matter coming out of him was what was destorying the tardis...

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So looks are important for acting?

I wasn't comfortable with his acting or his face to be honest. But he only had a minute or so, fair doos.


As for the episode, a few brilliant moments from Tennant. More enjoyable than the last. But Jesus it dragged at the end.

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That was the single worst part of it, no other doctor has ever had it like that...they've all pretty much died suddenly and it has had a much more shocking effect.


Presumably the nuclear matter coming out of him was what was destorying the tardis...


Oh yeah, I forgot about that...

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That was the single worst part of it, no other doctor has ever had it like that...they've all pretty much died suddenly and it has had a much more shocking effect.


Presumably the nuclear matter coming out of him was what was destorying the tardis...


Didn't it take 4 days for 3rd Doctor to turn into the 4th Doctor off-screen?


Series 1 - Eccleston

Rose - 10.81M

The Unquiet Dead - 8.86M

Dalek - 8.63M

Father's Day - 8.06M

The Long Game - 8.01M

World War III - 7.98M

The End Of The World - 7.97M

Boom Town - 7.68M

Aliens Of London - 7.63M

The Empty Child - 7.11M

The Parting Of The Way - 6.91M

The Doctor Dances - 6.86M

Bad Wolf - 6.81M


The Christmas Invasion - 9.84M


Series 2 - Tennant


New Earth 8.6

Tooth and Claw 9.2

School Reunion 8.3

Girl in Fireplace 7.9

Rise of Cybermen 9.2

Age of Steel 7.6

The Idiot's Lantern 6.8

Impossible Planet 6.3

The Satan Pit 6.0

Love & Monsters 6.6

Fear Her 6.9

Army of Ghosts 7.9

Doomsday 8.0


Christmas Special - Runaway Bride 9.4


Series 3 - Tennant


Smith and Jones 8.7

Shakespear Code 7.2

Gridlock 8.4

Daleks in Manhattan 6.7

Evolution of Daleks 7.0

Lazarus Experiment 7.2

42 7.4

Human Nature 7.7

Family of Blood 7.2

Blink 6.6

Utopia 7.8

Sound of Drums 7.5

Last of TimeLords 8.6


Christmas Special - Voyage of Damned 13.2


Series 4 - Tennant


Partners in Crime 9.1

Fires of Pompeii 9.0

Planet of the Ood 7.5

Sontaran Stratagem 7.06

The Poison Sky 6.53

Doctor's Daughter 7.33

Unicorn and Wasp 8.41

Silence in Library 6.27

Forest of the Dead 7.84

Midnight 8.05

Turn Left 8.09

The Stolen Earth 8.78

Journey's End 10.57


Christmas Special & Tennant 2009 specials:-

The Next Doctor 13.1

Planet of the Dead 9.54

Waters of Mars 10.32

End Of Time Part 1 10.0


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Oh yeah, I forgot about that...


guessing why he also wanted to get to the tardis to avoid the nuclear matter getting out in the atmosphere and killing people. That is one thing (I've said that so many times, I really didn't like the episode did I?!) I hated the doctor dieing alone, it means his regeneration has very little immediate context, you know someone to mourn and relate to the lose of the doctor in his current form...

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