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Revolution will have 20 games for launch


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With Waverace launching with both the N64(?) and Gamecube, I can't see it being a launch title again.


Excitebike (unlike Waverace and 1080), never got a Gamecube update, so I think we may see it on the Rev with twistable throttle! courtesy of the Revmote controller (and analogue stick to steer)!


I don't even think Exitebike needs complicating by having the nunchuk addition. If you think about it most arcade racers wont need the nuncuk addition. just. A to go. B to brake and use the controller to steer. Maybe twisting the controller to drift. Pulling up to do a weelie. etc

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I'm definately getting as many 'Nintendo' games as possible, if not all of them.


I am going to be a little bit more careful this time with third-party games though!


However i'm really considering Red Steel. It looks very polished.


I'll have to wait and see!


The actual console is hopefully cheaper, i'm getting 2 extra controllers as my mum and brother will play. I'm thinking it will be easier for my mum to play as it's less buttons.


I'm hoping all 20 will be fantastic really, so you can have a really good choice.

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Gamespot's feature is really great. They've kinda guesstimated that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and also Donkey Kong will be available on launch.


It's not confirmed as a launch title.. and no sources are cited. but it seems like a solid prediction- except for Crystal Chronicles.. if it's a new game, and not a rehash I'd expect it would take longer to make.


They next page of the Gamespot feature has a good indication of what Revolution will cost.

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I don't even think Exitebike needs complicating by having the nunchuk addition. If you think about it most arcade racers wont need the nuncuk addition. just. A to go. B to brake and use the controller to steer. Maybe twisting the controller to drift. Pulling up to do a weelie. etc


you might not even need to use the A and B buttons.

tilt forward to accelerate, tilt back to brake.

then there's left and right tilting - gears perhaps.

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I reckon Mario Party is nigh on either a dead cert for a launch or.. close to launch.


I think a Mario Party game would just let the developers use the controller in all sorts of ways to come up with really unique and different games. Would really show people what sorts of things the Rev controller can do

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I reckon Mario Party is nigh on either a dead cert for a launch or.. close to launch.


I think a Mario Party game would just let the developers use the controller in all sorts of ways to come up with really unique and different games. Would really show people what sorts of things the Rev controller can do


Yep your right. The Revolution is launching near Xmas as well and Mario Party's always come out then!


Also i'm sure someone has said this but i think Wario-Ware is also a dead cert and will show what the controller can do as well!


I'm just hoping there isn't a drought for like 3 months after it's launched, where the games are concerned.



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I think someone from Nintendo said something along the lines that they learnt that they need to concentrate on the first 6-9 months, that a reputation is made in that time, and its hard to change perception after that frame of time.

So I think a reasonable number of titles should be expected in the first 6 months at least.

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I think someone from Nintendo said something along the lines that they learnt that they need to concentrate on the first 6-9 months, that a reputation is made in that time, and its hard to change perception after that frame of time.

So I think a reasonable number of titles should be expected in the first 6 months at least.


Thanks! I just read that over at Eurogamer and it made me happy. Nintendo really is learning by it's mistakes.

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Is that GC Kirby platformer likely to be moved to Rev?


Probably. It has disappeared from every release list and nobody hasn't heard anything about it since E3 2004. It is also quite clear that Pennant Chase Baseball went to Revolution, as game was nearly done (there was playable demos and all) and then suddenly got cancelled.

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I think F-Zero is going to be there on launch, Sony are preparing WipeOut 6 on the PS3 in Liverpool to compete with F-Zero Revolution.


I am a hardcore WipeOut fan despite it being heavily inspired by F-Zero.. If WipeOut is good enough for the PS3 I will buy it just for that probably.


Sony's WipeOut typically debuts with a console.. while Sony's moves are not always a direct indication of what Nintendo will do I think it would be crazy for Revolution not to launch with a high speed racer. It's a big market.

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Ooh Shadow, you're such a rascal :D

Table tennis would work great with the new controller. Much better than "proper" tennis. You could even choose how to hold your controller like a real bat. And it could be a REALLY fast game, like the real thing.


No, I don't know if Rockstar will make it for the rev. But it would be a good moment for them to broaden their horizon.

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I'd also like to see an Excitebike (I don't mean a Virtual Console one:P) at some point on the Rev.


The only game I'll say I will def be getting at launch is Smash Bros. (which hopefully will be a launch game since the series sells so well). I'm keeping my eye on Red Steel too.

I think I'm gonna wait until E3 before I plan much more though :)

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