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Nintendo already knew, for sure.


They were saying "they'll copy us" all this time, still you can't play redsteel like a FPS with a dual shock, not aiming for sure.


Good point, i think especially for fsp, the FHC will be much more acurate.


plus it wont cos $600

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Surely Sony can't get away with this?!!


they will.

6:33 -- Kuturagi takes the stage. He introduces the PS3 controlled ... and it's the PS3 controller?!? It looks exactly the same, but it has many new function. Most importantly, it has "6 degrees" of motion-sensing movement. (Um, Nintendo, what do you have to say about this?) You can move it up and down, you have pitch and yaw and roll movement, and it's all still wireless and, in fact, lighter than PS2's DualShock.




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I honestly cannot believe they had the fucking balls to do this - never again will a Sony product of ANY kind enter my house. Its a fucking disgrace



Well the only Sony products I own are the consoles, it's widely known that for the prices they sell at Sony products are shite.

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we don't do gimicks my ass, they try to call Nintendo gimicky and then they do this...oh its in a "normal" PS controller shell, BULLSHIT its still a FRACKIN rippoff of Nintendo. I bet if Nintendo still hadn't shown theirs off Sony would have never had the idea.


OMG he just used the word "Inovative" speaking of the controller. WHATS SO FRACKIN INOVATIVE about and idea you STOLE FROM NINTENDO AGAIN, you sorry SOB's.


sorry if i'm coming off angry, but i damn well am, i was worried they might do it but i never thought they actually would. And they acting like its their idea, BASTARDS.


*deep breath*

ok what was the 6 degrees of motion he was on about? it only senses motion up to an angle of 6 degress? If i got that right then it won't have anything on the Wii controller which could sense full motion.

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Im personally more disgusted than worried. They have set too high of a price and shown very, VERY shoddy games. Nintendo need to come out all guns ablazing today and show that they have the balls and the games to show Sony how its really done!

Absolutely. Nintendo will triumph over this disgrace. I hope Reggie stuffs a few spare Wii controllers where the sun don't shine, just to remind them.

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