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That first Xbox 360 Tiger Woods screen looks absolutely terrible. Secondly, why are Sony placing so much emphasis on faces of a GOLFER, who is primarily viewed from BEHIND?


They'll not use that model in the game for sure. That's just for bullshoting purposes. You know sony can't live without a good bullshot once in a while.

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So there isn't a body in the UK which stops badly manufactured products being sold (ie more broken than working) or even a risk to health and safety (360?!)


If there is I doubt its trading standards. Trading standards are there to make the public feel like they have power.

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It may be a 360 screen, but i doubt the PS3 version will be alot different in visual terms.


its the way with most PS3 games ATM. m wondering if development studios will ever take advantage of the full power of the PS3 especailly if its tying in terms of sales with the 360 in a couple years, maybe we'll see ports of the 360 version like with the PS2 and XBOX. or maybe the two are just soo totally different that straight ports wont be feasable.

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EA already stated that they're having a lot of problems with tiger woods ps3 and they say if everything goes well they might having it look as good as the 360 version.


Yeah. According to IGN:


Tiger PS3 is noticeably behind the 360 version, but it won't be released until November so there is still plenty of time to catch up. EA already told us that the content will be identical on both versions, but EA is toying with the idea of utilizing the tilt-sensor of the PS3 controller, but nothing has been announced.



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Kutaragi Obsessed with Tech, Internal Sony Strife & PS3 Seen As "Risk"


Kutaragi is interested only in consoles and technology. He does not care about the market. Some SCE officers disagree with his approach, feeling that the company should be more market sensitive. Kutaragi does not care. Nintendo has shown that it isn't only about powerful technology and graphics, but the PS3 isn't geared for that market at all and is intended for a very specific customer.


Within Sony, the different divisions have discordant views on what the PlayStation 3 actually is. Some divisions view the machine as a game machine, while other divisions view it as a home electronic device (like a TV or a video player). Some SCE officers are worried about hitting the console's target consumer. As a game machine, it's very expensive for many players and not exactly something parents would buy for their children. As an electronic device, the inclusion of a game player could be off-turn for those only interested in electronics and Blu-ray. There's concern within Sony that both groups could be alienated.


It's not possible for most developers to calculate the cost of making PS3 games. And it doesn't help that even last month, Sony kept delaying development tools. Many small and medium-sized developers are not making PS3 games, because costs are astronomical. Instead, they are switching to the Wii, the DS and the Xbox 360. Everyone sees developing for the PlayStation 3 as a risk.



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Yeah. According to IGN:


Tiger PS3 is noticeably behind the 360 version, but it won't be released until November so there is still plenty of time to catch up. EA already told us that the content will be identical on both versions, but EA is toying with the idea of utilizing the tilt-sensor of the PS3 controller, but nothing has been announced.



Didn't EA just said 4 weeks ago that motion sensing was rubish and they wouldn't use it in a racing game for wii?


these guys really can't keep up to their word... I mean... wiimote control for racers is no diferent than what the Ps3 can do, it's just tilting the controller in turns (unlike a whole load of things that the wiimote can do whereas the Ps3 controller is left in the mud), and will do with this tiger woods, so... now the players won't get tired anymore?

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At first It was funny how everything is going bad for sony. But now I'm starting to feel sorry for them


The Sony PlayStation 3 could be dramatically more expensive to make than most people think, and in even shorter supply, because of problems manufacturing its novel Cell processor. Rather than costing, say, $150 each, they could cost $300 each, or even more (in hypothetical ball-park terms).


The problem is that the cost of a chip depends on the yield. Chips are made on wafers, and you have to process a whole wafer at a time. Let's assume it costs $1,000 produce a wafer with 100 chips on it. If there are no defects at all, that's 100 good chips at $10 each. If the defect rate is 99%, you only get one chip per wafer and it costs $1,000. (There are other costs including the packaging and testing, and the sunk cost of the fab, which could be $2 billion. If you make 100 million chips, the cost of a $2bn fab still adds at least $20 per chip.)


Even if my calculations are completely wrong, that would make Cell chips two or three times as expensive as I thought -- and that probably goes for all the other people doing back-of-an-envelope guesstimates.




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At first It was funny how everything is going bad for sony. But no I'm starting to feel sad for them


The Sony PlayStation 3 could be dramatically more expensive to make than most people think, and in even shorter supply, because of problems manufacturing its novel Cell processor. Rather than costing, say, $150 each, they could cost $300 each, or even more (in hypothetical ball-park terms).


The problem is that the cost of a chip depends on the yield. Chips are made on wafers, and you have to process a whole wafer at a time. Let's assume it costs $1,000 produce a wafer with 100 chips on it. If there are no defects at all, that's 100 good chips at $10 each. If the defect rate is 99%, you only get one chip per wafer and it costs $1,000. (There are other costs including the packaging and testing, and the sunk cost of the fab, which could be $2 billion. If you make 100 million chips, the cost of a $2bn fab still adds at least $20 per chip.)


Even if my calculations are completely wrong, that would make Cell chips two or three times as expensive as I thought -- and that probably goes for all the other people doing back-of-an-envelope guesstimates.




I kinda feel sorry for them, but it kinda serves them right. The main worry is if the PS3 is a failure this could lead to massive job cuts at Sony as it would cost one hell of a lot.


Oh well...

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Sony gets a Loan: (to help pay PS3 costs?)

Sony Corp., the world's second- largest consumer electronics maker, said it took out an 80 billion yen ($698 million) syndicated loan last week, its first bank borrowing in 10 years, to diversify funding sources.


The three-year floating-rate loan, which came from more than 20 Japanese lenders, pays 4 basis points more than the London interbank offered rate, or Libor, for six-month yen borrowings, said Mizuho Financial Group Inc., the loan arranger. The six-month yen Libor was last quoted at 0.44750 percent.


(...)Sony's credit rating was cut one level to A2 in December by Moody's Investors Service, which said a recovery in earnings and cash flow would take longer than some analysts had forecast.

Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601080&sid=ac.REUfeFG9Q&refer=asia
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