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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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Just realised that it is suspicous that Game Informer hasn't requested the pictures to be taken down from the websites.

It's very suspicous indeed.


So much so that I think it has been planned by Nintendo: think about it, you ask an average person what they think of Nintendo.. they'll come back with Mario or one of the other titles they probably played as a child


Usually the first game for each Nintendo console in the spotlight is a first party Nintendo 'kiddy' game. Don't get me wrong.. I know better than this but it's a very well calculated move on Nintendo's behalf.


They've enterred the spotlight with Revolution games with an uber violent immersive third party game- shedding the image that Nintendo Revolution will be just another game swamped with kiddy games.

Result? Casual gamers listen up and take it more seriously and the hardcore gaming community get very excited too.


I think it's a good move- I don't think the kiddy style games will take a big role at E3. I think Nintendo has evolved beyond that now.


I think at E3 the games in the spotlight Zelda, these Ubisoft titles, and other such more mature titles.. Kid Icarus which I've not played was hinted at earlier in the thread is quite a dark game I hear.


Agreed, the thread has become a bit saturated with sub threads.

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some of magazine's text :awesome:


not to assign any personality to the main character. You are the hero in Red Steel, and this is your adventure. The only backstory to the protagonist is that he is an American male who is engaged to a Japanese-American woman named Miyu. On the night that you are supposed to meet Miyu’s father for the first time, she is kidnapped from the posh Los Angeles restaurant you’re dining in. You quickly learn that her father is a Yakuza boss named Sato, who is in possession of an important ceremonial katana. A younger, more ruthless Yakuza faction led by a man called Tokai attempted to steal the sword from Sato to shift the balance of power within the organization. Sato thwarted the attempt to steal the sword, but was mortally wounded in the attack. Tokai’s men kidnap Miyu in response, hoping to trade her life for the sword. But Sato refuses to hand over the sword to Tokai, instead giving it to you, with the instructions to use it to find his daughter. Sato dies soon after giving you the sword, leaving you all alone and untrained against Tokai’s men. Armed with the katana and a selection of firearms, you must follow Miyu to Japan and defeat Tokai, but first you must gain the skills necessary to confront him.


According to Expert, the first third of the game will be more brutal by necessity. When you are first learning to use the Revolution controller, you will be less precise and favor more devastating…


…a series of headshots, it is often more beneficial to take a non-lethal shot, such as shooting a gun out of an enemy’s hands. In many situations, there will be a higher-ranking enemy who commands the others in the area. By defeating him and sparing his life, he will offer you his respect and help. The enemies he commands will surrender their guns and the boss may offer you a new weapon, a special path through the level, or other reward. Any time you spare an enemy, you will be rewarded, as it always takes more skill to spare a life than to take it.


Freeze shot adds a lot of depth to the gunplay and is a natural fit for the Revolution controller, but isn’t the only way that Red Steel adds spice to the combat. After all, why would you carry a sword through a game if you couldn’t use it? Although the majority of Red Steel’s gameplay will stress ranged combat, there will be times you need to get up close and personal. You can switch to the sword at any time, and if you can get close enough to an enemy, you can use it for one-hit stealth kills. In other moments, you’ll find yourself locked into intense one-on-one sword duels. Any time you face an enemy with a sword of his own, you’ll need to take yours out right away, or his blade will make short work of you. Swinging the Revolution controller in front of you, you will see the sword…


…to illustrate his point. “The controller is exactly the same. It’s a fantastic device to develop a first person game for, because you see a hand with a device in it, and you’ve got your hand with a device in it. If you make a good parallel between the controller and the device – be it a gun, a sword, or whatever, you have the feeling of really having it in your hand.”


To further explain why the Revolution will be ideal for FPS games, More handed us the latest version of the controller, allowing us to turn it over in our hands, fell its light weight and small size, and wave it around in thin air in a pantomime of gameplay. “The controller is a pointer,” he continued. “It can sense motion vertically, horizontally, depth, and also twisting. So you can do a lot of movements, and it feels the orientation and gravity. So with one hand, without any buttons, you can do tons of things and in a much more direct and natural way than pushing buttons.”


“This game is not about pushing…


…world steeped in the martial arts. The focus on practicing movements until they become instinctual found in martial arts fit perfectly with what the team wanted to do with their game. But they also wanted to do a modern, realistic title, with few (?) fantastic elements. Enter the Yakuza.


Although the West knows the Yakuza simply as the Japanese mafia, the reality of the criminal syndicate is far more complicated than that. The largest criminal organization in the world, the Yakuza functions quite differently than the Italian Cosa Nostra, operating ?? publicly and adhering to strict codes of conduct and honor. Yakuza members cover their bodies in elaborate tattoos to signify their membership, cut off the tip of their pinky fingers if they have committed a dishonorable act, and consider (?) themselves to be the … …of the samurai.

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for some reason , i think mario 128 will not be a launch game , because were getting :

metriod prime 3


nintendos new franchise (they mentioned launching with a totally new game, awhile back)

and twilight princess(in one form or the other)

for sure at launch , nintendo wouldnt want to release everything they have all at once..

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for some reason , i think mario 128 will not be a launch game , because were getting :

metriod prime 3


nintendos new franchise (they mentioned launching with a totally new game, awhile back)

and twilight princess(in one form or the other)

for sure at launch , nintendo wouldnt want to release everything they have all at once..

I wouldn't like that either, it would be just too much good games.

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Happy birthday BlueStar!

A shooting game with the revolutions controller would be fun, no matter how generic it is.


Cheers :D


Yeah, to be honest if they get the control right it'll make up for it. How about to open doors you hold a button that frees up your hand, hold the controller in front of you (Like, erm... I dunno, a candle? Pointing up in the middle of your hand) and twist it like a doorknob? Or you could use the same thing to push out parts of a broken window so you can get through, open chests, pull levers, rub steam from a window, depending where you are and how you move your hand? Kind of like how there was a button on Resident Evil to quickly switch to the knife cos it was handy.


^Edited unreadable babble to make it make sense after spirited quoted it ;)

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Cheers :D


Yeah, to be honest if they get the control right it'll make up for it. How about to open doors you hold a button that frees up your hand, hold the controller in front of you and twist it like a doorknob? Or you could use the same thin to push out parts of a broken window so you can get through, open chests, pull levers, rub setam from a broken window, dependign where you are and how you move your hand? Kind of like how there was a button on Resident Evil to quickly switch to the knife cos it was handy.

the possiblitites are endless, i jsut hope they incorporate as many as possible to make it feel as if your really there


reminder: grand national starting

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Jesus crap I have never seen a thread overgrow so much as this one :shock:


Anyway, if these are indeed the graphics then HOLY F***ING CRAP and I want to apologise to everybody for being so pessimistic about the specs. In that case I don't believe IGN's specs anymore, but nobody cares about that.


The graphics do seem a bit 'made' to me - at first sight they don't look ingame at all to me. The poses of the characters are unnatural, and there is just way too much particles flying around for an ingame environment. The lack of a HUD also isn't convincing. It seems as though they have published the game's artwork and then drew the FHC's aiming crosshairs on them. Still have to wait and see.


Oh and the controller gameplay is nice too :wink:

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