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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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And in the mist, King Boo arises and brings you this site:http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200604/N06.0407.1251.24078.htm

has this got anything to do with it?

Its been posted but read the very bottom of the article 'gameinformer subscribers should be getting their copies and day now'.

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ok but at least type some of the article up so we know you aren't. if you're so annoyed with us saying that you're lying, prove us wrong god dammnit. and no, i dont think the mag is, otherwise someone would probably have gone out and brought it. plus i havnt seen it any where before except the internet.


ok you sick basterd..i will .. just for you guys..

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This is the most annoying post ever. I've never heard news like this, and not had access to screens or information. I hate IGN insider too. Why the hell has no-one on these boards got it? I may cancel my whole evening's plans just 2 c if this is true. Graphics may not be the main part of Revolution. but i still wanna see some games. Why the hell isn't this on the net?

WHY WHY WHY??? Someone find something quick!

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you must have some one near you with a scanner that works like next door or somthing........maybe now would be as good a time as any to say sorry for being a little basta%d if you dont try you wont get....................FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED US



so stupid of me i see it i see it it is true.........................i just wet me pants

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