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I'm seeing a multitude of users having animated avatars. I want to update my avatar with an animated image, but with every attempt i've had it doesn't allow me saying I may not upload it...


Does it only accept certain file types of a certain size?


Do you need special software to make them uploadable or does it need to be a special type of animated image specifically designed for forum use?


I think an admin has to upload it for you!?

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With you logged on, from your computer, will you always appear first in the list of names of users that are logged on, but then assigned in alphabetical order when someone else looks on their computer?


E.G. my user appears first on my computer, but would appear in the S range on someone elses computer?

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  • 3 weeks later...
my question


just signed up first timer, having seen a vid on you tube...


whats wrong with the podcast??

is it still working, itunes says its an invalid link,


so basically guys, are you still doing podcasts.??


Yeah, the guys are still recording and posting the 'casts. Although, there have been reports over the last few weeks of there being some sort of problem with itunes. I'll get someone to have a look at it and see what they can do.

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Yeah, the guys are still recording and posting the 'casts. Although, there have been reports over the last few weeks of there being some sort of problem with itunes. I'll get someone to have a look at it and see what they can do.



well i can definatley say the itunes one is not working at all, comes up with "not a valid url"

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Alright, cheers for pointing it out. I'll get somebody onto it to sort it out.




still the same guys, on the itune problem..


every time you subscribe to it, the latest show is show 15 august last year lol, and when you click update.....just says what i put further up...."not a valid url"

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Why is it possible to rate threads? Only about one out of ten of threads are rated anyway...


It isn't possible anymore, someone went around rating all the threads at 1 so we stopped you from being able to do it. Any threads you see with a rating was done before we took it out.


(mods and admins can still rate if they see fit though)

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Please, all those admins, help me with my avater...


Oh rutting hell. First of all I have to point this out:


HELP!!! I need an avater, and want one from My own PC, but whenever I double click and save, it tells me valid image file. What do I need to do?


Well the it should be fine.


Now that thats done. Upload it to imageshack.us and then just link it that way. If it doesn't upload to imageshack then it is an invalid file format and you will need to change it.

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