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Summary of the Sony GDC Conference


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I'm sure most of you know about this, but anyways...


● Two new PS3 demos shown - New LOD demo, and an underwater demo featuring thousands of fish.

Blu-Ray talked up. Blu-Ray was said to promise 200 times more space for gaming than other platforms. With this much space, one global SKU (or version of the game) could be developed for all regions across the globe. Getaway demo shown in real-time, the system pulls data from the BRD to display all the detail and data and population of the hotspot.

● Heavenly Sword demo shown, like the one at E3. Except this time it was real-time.

● A Car demo was shown. In it, a car was subjected to bullet shots as paint chipped and the car eventually exploded.

● A real-time demonstration of Warhawk was shown. Across a massive battlefield, you could see ambient warfare everywhere, with background battles raging far away from you.

● Sony discusses more about its online plan. Sony's online network will offer downloadable content and online commerce using micropayments. The company also plans a subscription service.

● Ratchet and Clank demo shown. The demo featured a bright, lush, bustling city somewhat similar to Coruscant from Star Wars or designs from The Fifth Element. Gagetron vehicles hustled here and there -- the whole environment was busy with activity.

Phil Harrison confirmed that online would require broadband, and confirmed that every PS3 will come with a HDD.

Sony reiterates that PS3 will be fully backward compatible from day one.

● New "real-time" Motorstorm demo shown. "Compared to the E3 presentation, the game looked surprisingly like its promise. The game featured buggies and motorcycles running through a rugged desert."

Songstar announced for PS3. Songstar is a singing title which supports downloadable games, as well as adding pics and videos using the EyeToy camera peripheral.

● Resistance: Fall of Man demo shown. The new realtime demo showed the game in much more complete form than the simple FPS that was shown at E3 in 2005.

● Sony showed a video of God of War II: Divine Retribution. The trailer consisted mostly of Kratos fighting off a 3-headed dog (where he viciously ripped off heads), then grabbing a griffon in flight and chopping off its wings.

● Sony talks up PSP. GPS launch in winter, Eyetoy launch in Fall.


Nothing major. And I want to see PS3 games in playable form, before I judge the graphics, as we know how Sony love using CGI.

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Region free? Thats cool. A few years ago i never would have bothered with other consoles, now i have a 360 it doesnt seem too out of my will to get a PS3. I dont want one that much though, id just be getting it for the sake of the technology, and that my friends is not a good thing to do. Waste of money.

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WOO!! Brillaint news, especially about the PS3 being region free. Thats awesome.


Now I just have to save up all that money for the actuall console....I think I'll just wait until it gets cheaper and when some actual good games are out for it, like MGS4....:awesome:

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Thing is, if you read on the online, they basically copied Xbox LIVE. And their slogan is to "innovate". Their online service has a marketplace, gamer pics, matchmaking and ranking, friends, voice and video chat. Playing games will also be free, but to download certain stuff you will have to pay...

Man, I hope M$ have some kick ass announcements for E3.

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Well according to gamespot and IGN Phil CONFIRMED it in a interview after the GDC conference.


"Harrison also revealed that, like the PSP, all PS3 games would be playable in any region, unlike current-generation games and DVDs. "Software will be region-free, so developers can put games in the TV format of their choice," he said. Films, however, would remain limited to their regions of origin, as with movies released on the PSP's UMD format."


Surely if it wasn't in their best interest, they would of region locked the PSP? They did with the movies but not with the games. PS3 seems it will be the same and that is great news for RPGers like me.

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Yeah, I can't believe it's region free either. This is truly the definition of "Too good to be true", yet it is going to be true!


I wonder how the business side will work out. Region locks existed in order to control the pricing. Every region has its characteristics in the strength of economy, and often prices were adjusted to fit into the trend of that region.


With region-free, such business strategy will completely fail. It'll be interesting how it all works out.

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Well according to gamespot and IGN Phil CONFIRMED it in a interview after the GDC conference.


. "Software will be region-free, so developers can put games in the TV format of their choice"

You even got the quote for me. Thanks. There was also some other interview that said it was up to the developers-

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Note how he says "all PS3 games would be playable in any region" that surely doesn't mean it's up to the devs, the devs part is for the language and stuff. Japanese teams can do english at the same time as they don't have to worry about disc space.


TV format has nothing to do with the region of the actual disc. I can play NTSC that is supplied in the Japanese and U.S.A TV format of choice.


I guess there is some sort of confusion about this, maybe E3 will sort it out and it will be all put down on a plate to see what he actually ment.

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