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How long will gaming survive?

Atomic Boo

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we're at gamings prime at the moment i reckon, the revolution being the first true step in making gaming something different to what it has been for a couple of decades. but all these ideas will surely run out, with nothing left to try, too many sequels, things becoming routine and people taking disinterest. inevitably one day things will come to an end with so much technology at hand that gaming is the last thing anyone would want to do.

how long do you think it will survive? do you have a different opinion?

share it with me.

i know there have been a few of these little questions about this matter but nowhere like a central thead. and we can finally store something thats on many people minds

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There is so much tech nowadays, but there will always be a loyal fanbase, those who don't want to ditch controllers for keyboards or nunchuk attachments for mice. I think gaming will always be there, afterall, gaming IS technology.

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As other's have said there will always be games as long as they make money. The question should be how long will we be playing games for ? Im 22 and find myself playing less and less. Im guessing as i get older and older i will be playing less and less games. But that doesnt mean that gaming wont survive as there is always gonna be younger kids around who will wanna play games.

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Board games have been around since the dawn of human history, backgammon for example dates back to Ancient Egypt and Metsopotamia. I can't see why this new medium of electronic gaming can't survive for just as long far into the future. As long as mankind experiance bordom and have a competative streak games will stay around.

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we're at gamings prime at the moment i reckon, the revolution being the first true step in making gaming something different to what it has been for a couple of decades. but all these ideas will surely run out, with nothing left to try, too many sequels, things becoming routine and people taking disinterest. inevitably one day things will come to an end with so much technology at hand that gaming is the last thing anyone would want to do.

how long do you think it will survive? do you have a different opinion?

share it with me.

i know there have been a few of these little questions about this matter but nowhere like a central thead. and we can finally store something thats on many people minds


Its the same with music, television, films... anything media entertainment related. What you have to remember is, what is old to some people, is new to others. The key is appealing to the key demographic of the current time, having to idenitfy who that is. At the moment its around teens/20+... to hazzard a ballpark.


As it is, movies, music, games, they can all survive adapting tried and teted formulas to appeal to the next generation of interested consumers that havnt been there for the previous cycle. Some teens now have never even played the classic Super Mario's, maybe theyve never played Tetris, it seems crazy but its not their fault if they wernt around, so games similar or sequels are goin to appear as its a known good format for a game that they will lap up. And around and around we could go. True to that, look what we have.. a new Super Mario Bros on the way and ooh, a new Tetris!


The Revolution and the DS are hoping to change that target which is much needed. If games suddenly start appealing to 30+ and to people who dont usually see themselves as gamers or even touching a game, then the future is brighter for encouraging innovation rather then continuing round in this cycle. Ok, i have overlooked innovations that Nintendo strive to make with their sequels, and thats awesome (WiFi Tetris, the changes to Super Mario Bros etc).



To answer your question... the games industry is the most rapidly progressing industry at the moment, maybe soon to be on a level with the films industry. It will take time but, it can happen. Can you imagine a games equivalent of the Oscars? Perhaps not... cant see Miyamoto walking the red carpet with a fake boobed blonde but, games could one day at this rate be on a imilar level of interest as films.

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Jav you took the words right out of my mouth. electronic gaming is just an extention of gaming in any other form. card games board games. it will evolve and we will get bored of it eventually of that i am certain. i dont play as much as i used too. i find as i get older i have other priorities. gaming begins to slip down the list. so it will happen with everyone, with few exceptions.


the question isn't will gaming expire, the question is how long can companies keep their audience interested in gaming. expanding their audience is the key.

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Wrong question to be looking at..... Gaming won't essentially die, but, it will change..... Look at music throughout the centuries..... Infact look at gaming throughout the decades....... Gaming today is not what it will be in 10 years time..... The audience will have changed, the people making the games will have changed, the suits behind the office desks will have changed....... Damn in 10 years time I should be making the games hoping that my work, my piece of art gets great feedback...... I'm certain that what I work on however won't be like the games of today... There will be fundamental differences decided by the way in which the ever changing pop culture evolves.... Well actually, if I had my choice, any game I work on wouldn't have anything to do with pop culture of the time..... I would rather work on something interesting and unique, but, I know I might not have this freedom..... Anyway, if you can predict what pop culture will be like in 10 years, I'm pretty sure you can predict the basics of the most mainstreem games of tomorrow as well. ;)

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