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Homeless people


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Right, I'm not being nasty, but could they lay down so i can properly walk over them? Because as it is now my knees keeps bashing them in the head.


Not really.


Basically I was wondering if any of you guys give money to tramps?


If I have some change in my pocket I will but I won't get my wallet out especially.

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Not to tramps... But to the people playing music on the underground I have done. I have also bought the big issue on occasions.

I wouldn't say I'm generally a nice charitible guy but if I see someone actually trying to work for money I feel I should atleast repay the favour.

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I worked at a hostel so know quite a few homeless people. I don't give money to homeless people but will buy the big issue off them. It's a hard one as I know first hand that a lot of homeless people will spend it on drink or drugs. Its always good to be polite though even if you refuse to give a person money as they are just that a person.

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I used to when I went through London, but I haven't been for a while now. You don't get many homeless people in my town, there's one guy at the moment and I gave him money a couple of times. Homeless people get treated pretty well here.

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Because i'm a nice guy (i hope :P), I would occasionaly buy the big issue. Only problem is, when I rarely go into town I never have change, and the magazine just looks a bit crap. So yeah, in the end I wouldn't buy it :-/

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I would give them food if they asked, but not money for their "bus fare home" which is going to be spent on drugs. It's easy to tell if they're telling the truth or not. I gave 10p to a (hot) girl a couple of weeks ago because she genuinely couldn't afford her bus fare (we were on the same bus).


The thing about homeless people is, there are enough houses for them to live in, even if they can't afford to pay the rent. There are charities for this reason.

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I only give to foreign charitiess in poor countries, because our pound is worth so much more than their currency, however much you give increases its value dramatically, hence, you help more people with the same amount of money. Get my drift?


I give money to tramps if they force me into it. God I don't apreciate that though. I'm quite the pushover you see.


Oh I do always give tramps food I can't finish. Don't Pret A Manger give their left over sandwitches to the homeless? I heard that somewhere. What a brilliant idea!


I worked in Oxfam over the summer :D

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I don't like to, not that I'm being stingy, I would be more willing to give to a charity which helps them. Were i live (Norwich) there a guy who goes around asking for money, with a story about needing a meal and visting his sick mother, I have given some money to him before, but i don't see how it will do much help, as it may just get spent on drugs/drink etc. I am more willing to give to a street performer type person, like someone playing music, and am more likaly to give to them if they have a dog.

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I don't like that they target students so much, knowing that we're skint.. Effectively they could hang outside Debenhams or Costa and catch the white collar people on their lunch hour and make them feel guilty.


Homeless people are in a bad situation, they're not getting as much help from the state as they deserve.. they can't get a job because they don't have an address. The Big Issue is like a saviour for many people.


I don't because I am quite literally as skint.. if I were to give anything I would literally be saying "You're 42p richer than I am now, whatever you have.."


There's a guy in my town called hobo-rasta, news article


Fan page: yes he has a fan page


I prefer to offer homeless people a drink or a doughnut or something depending on what i have over money.


I love what they do in France where in order to busk you need to perform at an audition and get a license.. means no crap music on the streets.. no offense but if you don't have a job you can learn to play your instrument.

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I wonder how many people here who refuse to give money on the grounds that it goes on drink or drugs has any idea what it's like to be homeless, especially at this time of year?


Having been there myself, on more than one occasion I can tell you it is one of the most grim and depressing situations you could ever be in and you need something more than just food to survive.

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