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Still very entertaining, even though we had to skip most of the ending because it was too scary for my little brother. My cat was also goggle-eyed at the screen for most of the film, and tried to attack the pigeons. I was also surprised at how black the blacks were on the projector even though it's in the middle of the day.



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Has anyone found a Bluray where they force you to watch trailers like on DVDs? I haven't found any trailers at all yet, not even skippable ones. I love Bluray.


Bolt has trailers, but luckily the menu button works. And the few Blu-Rays I've seen have a standard menu, rather than showing important clips of the film you're about to watch in the background.

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Ok so it was somewhat hammy...


but fuck me sideways it was amazing to watch. The visuals melted my visual cortex in to some kind of over stimulated soup mix. Loved the 3D too- best when employed with a little more tact than the 'flying shrapnel' variety, it added a surprising fidelity to the quality of the image, adding depth and texture that really made it rather alluring.

Plot wasn't bad, but it definitely could have used a little more subtlety. Characters felt functional and predictable but to Cameron's credit the considerable running time didn't feel excessive; the pace was rock solid and the splendid Pandora jungle was well worth sticking around for.


Loved it.

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Agh... I really want to see Avatar to see what the fuss is about.


Is it just the visuals?


I saw the trailer in 3D and yes, it did look amazing.


But the blue freaks' animation was straight out of uncanny valley, the story looked like it had been made up by a primary school child and...


*gives up*


I need to see it so I can understand what the fuss is about.

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Bolt has trailers, but luckily the menu button works. And the few Blu-Rays I've seen have a standard menu, rather than showing important clips of the film you're about to watch in the background.


THIS. I hate this so much. It's so needless! I hate the fact trailers and blurbs on the back of DVDs spoil the intended experience, but understand they're an unfortunate necessity. But it's not like we load up a DVd, and then are still deciding whether or not to watch it, based on more teasers!




Any film I make in the possible alternate future will have a beautiful designed, simplistic menu, that ties in with the movie somehow, but in now way ruins it.


Also I'll have to proofread the blurb. I'd prefer it was just various vague reviews from people on the back (good and bad).

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Ok, more of a filmed play then a full film adaptation but still, it's stupendous. David Tennant is gripping yet highly relatable as the troubled Dane, playing him like a troubled teenager as he mopes around making bitter jokes in tight indie T-shirts. The supporting cast including (Sir) Patrick Stewart hold their own though but still can't quite match Tennant's masterful performance. For the first time in my life I finally understand both the subtlety and excitement contained in Hamlet. Even if you think you don't like Shakespeare, don't deny yourself. I guarantee you'll be hooked.

Also though she may be an older woman the Queen is kinda smoking. I know I'd murder my brother if I was gonna end up hitting that.

On iPlayer nows. http://bbc.co.uk/i/pk71s/

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Ok, more of a filmed play then a full film adaptation but still, it's stupendous. David Tennant is gripping yet highly relatable as the troubled Dane, playing him like a troubled teenager as he mopes around making bitter jokes in tight indie T-shirts. The supporting cast including (Sir) Patrick Stewart hold their own though but still can't quite match Tennant's masterful performance. For the first time in my life I finally understand both the subtlety and excitement contained in Hamlet. Even if you think you don't like Shakespeare, don't deny yourself. I guarantee you'll be hooked.

Also though she may be an older woman the Queen is kinda smoking. I know I'd murder my brother if I was gonna end up hitting that.

On iPlayer nows. http://bbc.co.uk/i/pk71s/


I watched an hour of Hamlet last night- I hadn't budgeted enough time as I didn't realise it lasted three hours. From the opening hour, I agree with your views. Must watch the rest of it before its taken off iPlayer.

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Agh... I really want to see Avatar to see what the fuss is about.


Is it just the visuals?


I saw the trailer in 3D and yes, it did look amazing.


But the blue freaks' animation was straight out of uncanny valley, the story looked like it had been made up by a primary school child and...


*gives up*


I need to see it so I can understand what the fuss is about.


It really is amazing, and its recommendable to multi-see it at the cinema, as Paj said to soak it all up and really just get lost in this ridiculously beautiful world. The story is very "standard" but I thought it was great. Its sometimes the simple stories re-told in an excellent way that can be good and stuff etc.

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Agh... I really want to see Avatar to see what the fuss is about.


Is it just the visuals?


I saw the trailer in 3D and yes, it did look amazing.


But the blue freaks' animation was straight out of uncanny valley, the story looked like it had been made up by a primary school child and...


*gives up*


I need to see it so I can understand what the fuss is about.

Yeah what Rez said really.


I thought it was bloody fantastic!! quite possibly my film of the year.


Before seeing the film I was somewhat skepticle of the 'blues', but believe me, you'll believe in them once you see them in their environment.


Visually (in 3D) it's the most incredible film I've ever seen. I just fell in love with all of it!

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I watched an hour of Hamlet last night- I hadn't budgeted enough time as I didn't realise it lasted three hours. From the opening hour, I agree with your views. Must watch the rest of it before its taken off iPlayer.


I'm pretty sure if played completely, it's about 4 hours. Almost no productions of Hamlet include the full text though. (Unless I'm making this up...pretty sure I was told that)


But yeah, loved the RSC Boxing Day production. Missed the last section unfortunately. Might catch back up with that.

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There Will Be Blood is definitely one of my favourite films ever.


But for me No Country for Old Men would be my favourite... and therefore film of the decade.


For me.


I keep saying for me because I'm scared O_W is going to come in here and tell me off.


I fear him.

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I know I won't be able to get passed that bit without thinking "Turd on a BBQ" over and over again.



It's a bit of a shame really, the acting is fantastic. At least I think it is, I think my ability to judge the acting is impaired somewhat by the lack of English.


I wouldn't care but I studied German, I should know at least a bit. Stupid non language orientated brain :heh:

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Watched a load of movies tonight with various family members:


Up - the 3rd time I watched it, and its only on this occasion that I have truly appreciated this great movie. Absolutely awesome. 9.6/10


Star Trek - 4th time I watched it, and still a very good movie. 8.8/10


The Blair Witch Project - first time I've watched this and didn't get along with it. Didn't enjoy it. 2/10

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It's a bit of a shame really, the acting is fantastic. At least I think it is, I think my ability to judge the acting is impaired somewhat by the lack of English.


I wouldn't care but I studied German, I should know at least a bit. Stupid non language orientated brain :heh:


I've always thought that those parodies were a shame really.


I mean, they kind of ruined it but at the same time only came about because the acting, etc. was so good.


But still.


Fecking Hitler.

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