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Rate the last film you saw


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Haha work-place videos are amazing though. A wonder unto themself. I've seen some doozies. In the one for Woolworths they hadn't updated it in ages so everyone had such 80s hair it was hilarious. And the one for Blockbusters had employees out and about and random people would try and buy stuff off them (although obviously couldn't because they were under age or whatever). It made me worry the same would happen to me, like I'd be minding my own business walking along when someone would come up to me and go "scuze m'mate. yago' Tokyo Drift?"

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The Good, The Bad And The Weird




I've been wanting to watch this for ages, and it didn't disappoint. Some parts were pure cheese, but the production values and action scenes were fantastic. Very humorous in parts, but doesn't live up to Bittersweet Life.



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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen


Loved it. Yeah, it doesn't have the greatest plot but it has bad ass robots kicking the fuck out of each other and MEGAN FOX. Nothing else to say.

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I do love that she acknowledges the fact she has done nothing worth-while enough to be called a good actress, but hopes to one day. She actually seems genuinely normal/intelligent, which is nice.


True. She has acknowledged a few times that all she has had too do in the Transformers series is look hot. She does it very well.

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its nice to see im not the only one who isnt obsessed with megan fox. shes hot, but not THAT hot. its like angelina jolie, again, hot, but hardly worthy of the praise she gets.


in megan's defence, she looks like she appreciates a good cheese board, which is always appreciated in women.

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in megan's defence, she looks like she appreciates a good cheese board, which is always appreciated in women.



For you.



Makes me laugh people expect so much out of megan fox, when really, as I have said before, she's there for a reason and its nothing to do with her acting, which I dont think is so bad anyways, its not oscar winning, but its not awful as some people(bandwagon) keep making out.

Edited by James
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Oh jesus criste, I made a massive post earlier on and it's obviously not worked!!!!!! ANGRY


In short;


Camp Rock 1/10 (For the sake of your presumed intelligence, avoid!)


Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life 5.2/10


Prom Night 6/10 (I really liked the look of this film, some lovely cinematography, if a n obvious plot where you know exactly what'll happen)


House Bunny 5.5/10

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Still as good as ever. Still love it. Classic yay.



Jim told me to watch it. I didn't like it, neither did my sister. Really have nothing more to say about it because it actually bored me throughout most of the film. And I hate violence and gore. So yeah. Meh.

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ReZ; seach this thread for 'Mum and Dad' and you'll see a few people have seen it/reviewed it. It was fairly standard b-movie fare, only these days it's all about better acting, and less about the boobs. I wouldn't say there were any really haunting scenes, and if anything it was far too softcore.


Zombie Lake - a french film about nazi zombies who are, and I quote, "aroused into action". There are at least 10 different, fully nude ladies, and 7 nazi zombies, none of whom are missing their boots (continuity! c'mon).


There is no plot, there are far too many pictures in teh mayor's office, everyone is a shit shot and ZOMBIES DO NOT HAVE EMOTION.


But the movie is perfect let's-talk-over-this-and-add-our-own-words type movie (MST3k would've been a lot easier to say, now I think of it), so it easily earns its score of 6/20 :D

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Wondering what it was like. My sister threw it away (tit. I told her she should have given it to me) but I want to see it now. Sounds alright.


You like it?


Its scary, in a more creepy way in my opinion. Good idea to watch it regardless though!

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Sweet, I like creepy. A lot. Its 3.99 GBP on Play, so I may hit it. Or 1p more in HMV.




American Teen


Its a documentary about several different members of different cliques in an American high school, and it was absolutely fucking ace deuce IMHO. Really recommend this one. A lot.



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Looking for Eric


I went to see it on Sunday, it's a really great film. I didn't really know what it was about before going, it's basically about a depressed man getting his life back together, with the guidance of Cantona his hero. Very thought provoking, sad and funny.

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Up - Didn't think it was all that tbh. I loved the beginning but thought some aspects of the movie were really random. Maybe a second watch when it comes out over here may improve my opinion of the film.



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Up - Didn't think it was all that tbh. I loved the beginning but thought some aspects of the movie were really random. Maybe a second watch when it comes out over here may improve my opinion of the film.




How dare you! :p


I loved it, one of the best animated movies I've seen.

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Old School






Not really sure what to say... the plot was non existant, really and there wasn't much point to anything the characters did. very odd film...they even forgot about some halfway through!


Didn't care for any of the conflicts that happened and the only bit I found funny was




3 Bears out of 7


This film has me confused.

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Mio fratello è figlio unico


Again. I love Accio. (it comes across more in the book but) he's just lost, shunned aside by his family and is trying to find his way in life with a negative view of himself (grown out of his family's disinterest in his existance) which is why he latches himself on to different world views so easily and with such zeal.


Plus, the sexiest dance ever.


(skip to the 4min mark)


Im aroused.

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Total Recall



It's my favourite film. It's just great.




Seven Pounds


I'm in two minds. I never went to go and see this because I hated the poster being a boring picture of Will Smith's face. But I liked it. If only for the fact that it respects thye audience enough to be ambiguous without it coming off as too contrived.


Some of the reviews I do agree with though, the fact that it seems like another stab from Smith at an Oscar...but I thought the performances were mostly good, and it had some lovely cinematography. I think if it hadn't looked so lovely, I wouldn't have liked it as much, which is telling.








It's my favourite film. It's just great.



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