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The fight for the Moon


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But at the end of the day, she decided to take a Class A drug. She wasn't forced, she chose to do it. If you don't want to face the conseqences, dont do it.


trying to do 2 things at once eh? or are you implying that kate moss is actually the moon ? if so nasa have got it sooo wrong.

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haha, imagine the moon on acid. We'd have a multicoloured sky at night.


Pics plz. ;)



Anyway, back on topic... Wait, I don't think I have anything else to say..... Oh yeah, the speed of that vessel I said earlier, the one that went at 43.888rec miles per second, was accelerated greatly by the gravitational field of the sun which it was orbiting at the time, which is why it was going relatively fast.

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Ooh, controversy.


My favourite part of the moon landing is seeing Armstrong climbing out of the Lander from the outside. Did they just lob the camera out and hope for the best or something?


d'ya know what ive always wondered that! first man on the moon but how the hell did they film him coming out of the craft form the outside eh?


yes yes camera attached to the craft etc but hmmm

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"The TV camera was stowed in an instrument pallet in the LM descent stage. When Armstrong was at the top of the ladder, he pulled a lanyard to swing open the pallet, which was hinged at the bottom. The TV camera, which was attached to it, also swung down. Buzz Aldrin then switched on the camera from the LM cabin. The camera was pointing at the ladder of the LM so that TV pictures of Armstrong's initial steps on the Moon could be relayed to the world. The camera was later removed from its mounting and placed on a tripod some 30 feet from the LM, where it was left unattended to cover the remainder of the moonwalk. "



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There is that University somewhere in America that has quite strong evidence that they did happen.


Apparently the US planted laser reflectors on the moon in different places. This Uni has strong enough lasers to point at the moon, and it can receive a reflected signal. So, lasers don't just reflect of anything, so there has to be something up there to reflect the signal.


If anyone can find the name of the place and a bit more of the information it will make me stop sounding like a madman :)

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Poor Blackfox :heh:. Ahh conspiracies, you gotta love em. Where exactly did they go then if it wasn't the Moon. Circled Earth a few times? Surely the journey of the rocket would have been tracked by telescope. I'm sure the Russians would have been the first to point out if there was any foul play at the time. I suppose all subsequent 'fake' misisons to the moon were for their own personal amusement and to waste the taxpayers money. Why fake it again and again when there's no need. Oh and the tradgedy of Apollo 13, where the pilots nearly died. All fake then I take it.


As for the ownership of the Moon, the human race is stupid enough to fight a war over it i'm sure. Total Recall stylee.

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I'm sure it didn't happen, for a start, you wouldn't cast a shadow on the moon like on the supposed footage of the "first man on the moon".


How off Earth do you know what sort of shadow someone casts on the moon? Especially if you're saying the footage is fake.


Point us in the direction of some real footage we can believe that shows otherwise.


You'll be using Platty's argument of "but hmm..." next.

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How off Earth do you know what sort of shadow someone casts on the moon? Especially if you're saying the footage is fake.


Point us in the direction of some real footage we can believe that shows otherwise.


You'll be using Platty's argument of "but hmm..." next.


This came from a university.


The whole thing looked so fake in my opinion, it looked like a cheap movie set.


I never trust a thing the Americans say.

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I'm sure it didn't happen, for a start, you wouldn't cast a shadow on the moon like on the supposed footage of the "first man on the moon".


Arguments otherwise from America is just probably propoganda and maybe even came from orders of the government.

That makes no sense.

Why wont you be able to cast a shadow? the sun shines light, something blocks light, and you have a shadow. whats so different that the moon cant show shadows.

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This came from a university.


The whole thing looked so fake in my opinion, it looked like a cheap movie set.


I never trust a thing the Americans say.


Flawed, flawed and yep flawed. Everyone of those points is appaling. Did anyone watch question time and see that uber geek go on about how sep 11th the planes were not airliners but missiles and then Dimbelby destroyed him by saying I wonder who was making phone calls to their relatives. BOOM HEADSHOT.

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