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surprise surprise, a rumour in the rev board (specs)


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Processor speed isn't that important really if they include a PPU. If they hardware accelerate physics, it'd be like adding an entire CPU in it. Hardware acceleration speeds up things so much... Try running 3D Mark with only the CPU (not your video card) rendering the graphics, you'll only get one-twentieth of the performance you'll get when running it with your graphics card.

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Sure they could afford a loss like that - not easily but they could if they want. But Nintendos company policy is not to lose money but to get money. Furthermore more money does not always mean more power - limited resources sometimes produce even better hardware because the development team actually has to think what is important, how can we improve a game without adding more memory, and so on. I personally think that Nintendos biggest surprise was not the controller - there is something else ...


Lets say Nintendo sells the Revolution at a $200 USD loss and sells 10 Million in the first year. Thats a 2.0 Billion USD loss just in Revolution hardware in the first year, that doesnt count advertising and everything else.


If you added in all the profits from the SP/Micro/DS/Games, they'd still be making a loss. :hmm:

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Sounds good.....but still only rumours so i wont take any notice


But want there something about Nintendo creating there own graphics system or sommat....wounds very weird...i think u lot should check it out...


Also HD is still very much accesible for REV....but still need confimation, did any of you notice that the TV in the back of the REV pics is HD TV SET ? LOL

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Lets say Nintendo sells the Revolution at a $200 USD loss and sells 10 Million in the first year. Thats a 2.0 Billion USD loss just in Revolution hardware in the first year, that doesnt count advertising and everything else.


If you added in all the profits from the SP/Micro/DS/Games, they'd still be making a loss. :hmm:

You don't even know how much it will cost to make the rev. The cost is lower when you mass produce the hardware.
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You don't even know how much it will cost to make the rev. The cost is lower when you mass produce the hardware.


Either do you. Didnt you read the bit that said "Lets say Nintendo sells the Revolution.."?, ie, its a hypothetical situation.


I pulled the $200 USD figure from what the competition is spending/losing. Sony is forking out something like $100 per item (BR, RSX, CELL) so I thought I'd use the same figure for the Revolution.


The only 100% true thing we know is that IF these specifications are indeed correct, there is no way in hell Nintendo can sell it and make a profit from each console sold. From previous discussions from the media, we've heard from Nintendo's mouth that they plan to make another console that is profitable, afterall, a profitable console is the only thing keeping them afloat in the console wars. This kind of renders this rumour false.


(Not to mention the tons of inaccuracies in the actual specs, eg, how can a IBM PowerPC 2.5Ghz produce better performance then a IBM PowerPC 3.2Ghz with three cores? Another example is the insane resolution and the hella expensive RAM/PPU)


Nintendo, If these are indeed the official stats suprise me and sell it under $500.

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Either do you. Didnt you read the bit that said "Lets say Nintendo sells the Revolution.."?, ie, its a hypothetical situation.


I pulled the $200 USD figure from what the competition is spending/losing. Sony is forking out something like $100 per item (BR, RSX, CELL) so I thought I'd use the same figure for the Revolution.


The only 100% true thing we know is that IF these specifications are indeed correct, there is no way in hell Nintendo can sell it and make a profit from each console sold. From previous discussions from the media, we've heard from Nintendo's mouth that they plan to make another console that is profitable, afterall, a profitable console is the only thing keeping them afloat in the console wars. This kind of renders this rumour false.


(Not to mention the tons of inaccuracies in the actual specs, eg, how can a IBM PowerPC 2.5Ghz produce better performance then a IBM PowerPC 3.2Ghz with three cores? Another example is the insane resolution and the hella expensive RAM/PPU)


Nintendo, If these are indeed the official stats suprise me and sell it under $500.

By the time the rev comes out the tech is going to be cheaper to produce. Nintendo said that they will sell their consoles at a lower price from Sony and MS, but by how much is a mystery. Like I said it costs less when you mass produce the consoles.
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