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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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;461209"]Argh the second thing hurts my eyes and my brain.


6. (Cause Snorlax walking is still win)


Then it succeeds in it's purpose. :blush:


9/10. I like this particular sig a lot. All of your other ones fail (broad, sweeping, unjustifiable statements ftw) but this is a gem.


Do you change the character or does it change itself periodically?

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Well, It's a Fresh sig, so there isn't really much you can do but give it high marks. 9.5/10. I have the feeling the "Fallen Angel" text would be better positioned in the top right of the image. Nice work as usual.


I'd appreciate if someone could rate these signatures for me. It's just a little something I've been working on.



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