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PS3 hands on!


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[copy paste from PS3updates]


We've all heard the rumors that the PS3 might be falling behind schedule, that the first batch of titles will soundly whip what's on the Xbox 360, and more recently that we might get a teeny peek under the hood at the other TGS (that's Taipei Game Show for those of you in the back), but now we finally get some solid information... sort of.


The fine folks over at Kikizo have managed to get their mitts on not one, not two, but three PS3 developers titles. Reactions seem to be mixed with some criticism of the PS3's proposed form factor, and some questions as to the final nature the PS3 controller as well (control was handled using a USB controller with standard DualShock 2 mapped controls). The article covers high definition gaming, the PS3's graphics chip ("RSX"), the CPU, ("Cell") and the fact that while the PS3 is apparently not a generation ahead of the 360, it's capable of generating more of everything on screen at once.


"Unlike Xbox and PS2, where Xbox had a host of built-in effects that were a generation ahead of PS2, the Xbox 360 and PS3 are same-generation machines. One doesn't have additional effects over the other - 360 can do the same effects, just not as many of them simultaneously and with less geometry [because of the speed difference], but memory bottlenecks can kill part of the PS3 speed advantage anyway... the overall visual difference it makes will depend a lot on the developer's skill, and how much time and money the publisher spends on a game."


So will we see Killzone quality visuals, or should we resign ourselves to less graphically impressive titles like Eyedentify? It turns out the answer lies somewhere in between:


"Everyone knows that the Killzone trailer was rendered to reflect what the developer thought they might be able to achieve on PS3 architecture, but some of Sony's most talented studios will be questioning the ambition they showed nine months ago. In hindsight, there was some stuff that looked decidedly more like what we've been playing now - UbiSoft's Killing Day seeming like it was a good, honest estimate."


t any rate, it seems like gamers will just have to hold on a little bit longer for their first true glimpse at just what the PS3 is capable of. With E3 a few short months away, and the upcoming developers Devstation conference, Sony can't sit on the secret much longer.

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the overall visual difference it makes will depend a lot on the developer's skill, and how much time and money the publisher spends on a game.
I think this will be the PS3's downfall!


It will take SO much time, money and expertees to create games for the system!


The Rev will offer a revolutionary style of gameplay (as important as the step from 2D to 3D?) and allow even the smallest developers to create games for the system!

The Xbox 360 offers basically everything the PS3 has (except for less things on-screen apparently; big deal!), sounds like it may be easier to develop for (than the PS3) and even the Premium Xbox console is likely to cost a fair bit less than the PS3!

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£180 is a lot for a handheld
Especially when you can buy a DS and a great game (Nintendogs/Mario Kart etc...) all for £100, compared to £180 for just the console!!


I think Sony are in danger of pricing themselves out of the console markets; all because they seem to want to offer the ultimate home entertainment pack in one system.

I'm sure in ALOT of cases people just don't want that and won't pay for it, because the majority of people will already own a dvd player, good hi-fi, a computer for storing digital photos, i-tunes etc... who cares if they are in seperate rooms!


If for example, the PSP was without it's UMD player, photo/music storing capabilities etc... and was priced at say £130 i'm sure it would sell better!


I think Sony could be making a big mistake with their consoles!

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But this time it is waaay over the top. I know they did DVD wi th PS2 and propriety stuff on PSP but this is just getting crazy. I mean come on, they are just wasting the Cell's potential (from what i've heard) and putting all their eggs in one basket!

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