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Vote: The Greatest Smash Bros Character Reveal Trailer Of All Time


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So now that Everyone Is Here, and our final Smash Character Reveal Trailer has been released... it's time to vote for your favourite! There can only be one winner.... Which Super Smash Bros series Character Reveal trailer was the best? (Remember, we're judging the quality of the trailer itself; NOT the characters featured within!).  Which trailers made you laugh, cry and hype the most? It's time to find out!

Links to all of the previous character reveal trailers are listed below to help refresh your memory...



Super Smash Bros Brawl E3 2006 Trailer (Metaknight, Pit, Zero Suit Samus, Wario and Snake)

Sonic Joins The Brawl (Sonic The Hedgehog)



Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U 1st Trailer (Villager)

Mega Man Joins the Battle! (Mega Man)

Wii Fit Trainer Joins the Battle! (Wii Fit Trainer)

Comet Observatory (Rosalina & Luma)

Champion of the Ring (Little Mac)

Challenger From the Shadows (Charizard, Greninja)

Goddess of Light (Palutena, Dark Pit)

Red, Blue, Yellow (Pac-Man)

Mii Fighter Gameplay Trailer E3 2014 (Mii Swordfighter/Gunner/Brawler)

Book, Blade, and Crest of Flame (Robin, Lucina)

Looks like we don't have a choice! (Shulk)

The Future King (Bowser Jr/Koopalings)

One Dog, One Bird, One Zapper (Duck Hunt Duo)

Mewtwo Strikes Back! (Mewtwo)

Lucas Comes Out of Nowhere! (Lucas)

Roy seals the deal! (Roy)

Here comes a new challenger! (Ryu)

Cloud Storms into Battle! (Cloud)

Corrin Chooses to Smash! (Corrin)

Bayonetta Gets Wicked! (Bayonetta)



Super Smash Bros. is coming to Nintendo Switch! (Inkling)

Daisy Reveal - E3 2018 (Daisy)

A Piercing Screech (Ridley)

Vampire Killer (Simon, Richter)

Chrom & Dark Samus in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - REVEAL TRAILER (Chrom, Dark Samus)

The Rivals (King K-Rool)

A hard worker’s dream (Isabelle)

Fighting Fire with Fire (Ken, Incineroar)

Piranha Plant joins the battle! (Piranha Plant)

Take Your Heart or The Masked Rebel (Joker)Either choice will count as the same vote; given the staggered nature of this character unveil

Heroic Encounter (Hero/Erdrick)

Best Friends (Banjo & Kazooie)

Breaking News– The Challenger or The Legendary Wolf (Terry)Either choice will count as the same vote; given the staggered nature of this character unveil

The Ashen Demon (Byleth)

Ramen Time! (MinMin)

A New Seed! (Steve?, Alex, Zombie, Enderman)

One-Winged Angel (Sephiroth)

One day, Pyra just disappeared (Pyra/Mythra)

The Iron Fist of Darkness (Kazuya)

The Last Key (Sora)

How to vote

Given the N-E Forum's limited number of poll options and the absolutely ridiculous number of trailers on offer (A whopping 44!!), we're gonna need some sort of system in place.  So here it is!

Vote for your top 5 trailers in order of preference.  Points are allocated as follows...

1st place = 6 points

2nd place = 4 points

3rd place = 3 points

4th place = 2 points

5th place = 1 point

Send your votes via PM to @Glen-i, who has graciously agreed to tally up the votes on my behalf (he has a lot more time to handle the admin stuff than I do ;)).  Remember that you are voting for the trailer itself and NOT the character! As such, you will need to send your vote with the name of the trailer itself! (You can also send the featured character/s as well if you want to; but you MUST send the name of the trailer that you are voting for! Let's avoid confusion here!).

DO NOT POST YOUR VOTES INSIDE THIS THREAD ITSELF! Send them via PM to @Glen-i.  You are free to discuss the trailers themselves here, but do not reveal your votes publically.

At the end of the voting process, points will be added up and a final post will be made with the full rankings list from bottom to top; giving us the ultimate Smash Bros Trailer Tier List!


Let the battle begin!

Edited by Dcubed
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Don't worry, I plan on telling @Dcubed my actual votes very soon, so I can't pull shenanigans by just choosing at the last minute.

Anyway, discussion about trailers. Seems appropriate to start with the latest.

Not gonna lie, seeing the flaming Smash logo go out and the cuts between various characters standing stock still hit me harder then I expected. It really has been a trip and a half, following Ultimate's journey, and the use of that Kingdom Hearts song really helped to extentuate the bittersweet trailer.

Whether or not it's the best one, there's no denying the tone of the whole thing was really on point.

Edited by Glen-i
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Right, it's been a week so far, and I've only received votes from 5 people. And yes, I'm including myself in that number.

That's not good enough, so I'm setting the deadline for next Wednesday.

And... I probably shouldn't say this, but you know that trailer you don't think is that great? Well, yeah, it's doing pretty well! Can you live with yourself if it placed highly and you sat down and did nothing about it. Do you want N-Europe to look like the kind of people who like that trailer? Didn't think so. You should do something about it now.

Remember to vote via PM to me. And when this is done, I plan on putting the top 10 in an article on the main site (#11 and lower will be listed here), kinda like the console top 10's I did a while back.

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13 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Good job bumping this thread, I almost forgot about this despite already rewatching about 2/3rd of that list.

Do you need arguments why in the PM, or are we going to discuss here afterwards?

I'm making an article, so I may be using some quotes from people. This is completely optional, mind.

And you're free to discuss trailers here, as long as you don't reveal which ones you're voting for.

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Going back and watching those trailers, I’m consistently impressed with their quality and variety.  I prefer the ones where they build up the suspense and intrigue before the reveal, whether it be the reveal of the character themselves, or the disguise that the trailer was actually for Smash and not their own game (think Inkling or Joker for example).

I also enjoyed the technique that some of the trailers used to suddenly drop in a reveal out of nowhere (e.g., Snake), taking you by surprise and making you realise that yes they really are here!

In many instances Sakurai’s team use the trailers to demonstrate their knowledge of the character and the many Easter Eggs and references to the original games that the character’s are known for.  From Sora’s recreating a multitude of scenes from Kingdom Hearts, to King K.Rool taking on the role of Gruntilda and replicating Banjo & Kazooie’s defeat of her.  They are also never afraid to show off the epic battles between rivals: Mario vs Sonic, Samus vs Ripley, Cloud vs Sephiroth, Reggie vs Iwata(!?) and getting players hyped at the prospect of these rivalries being renewed within Smash!


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I really like the one where they use a different artstyle (or the artstyle from the game they are referencing). So I really enjoy the likes of Little Mac, Palutena, Byleth and Min Min.

Some epic ones all over, and my favourite one (everyone is here!) is not even in the list because no new characters were revealed, but what a bombshell that was.

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4 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Some epic ones all over, and my favourite one (everyone is here!) is not even in the list because no new characters were revealed, but what a bombshell that was.

Yeah, it probably would've steamrolled everything if it was allowed. I suspect that's why @Dcubed specified character reveal trailers only. More interesting that way.

That said, the moment Snake appears with those three words was a real "Holy crap!" moment for me. And then the flurry of follow-up blows showing that they really do mean "everyone", even Pichu and Young Link.

Never has one trailer so thoroughly won an E3 for me.

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42 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

I really like the one where they use a different artstyle (or the artstyle from the game they are referencing). So I really enjoy the likes of Little Mac, Palutena, Byleth and Min Min.

Some epic ones all over, and my favourite one (everyone is here!) is not even in the list because no new characters were revealed, but what a bombshell that was.

Yup.  That's exactly why I didn't include it.  It wasn't a new character reveal trailer per-say, but rather it was the first trailer for Ultimate itself, one that highlights Ultimate's main USP; so it doesn't really serve the same purpose as the actual character reveal trailers.

BTW, this was a really hard list to whittle down for myself; there are some real corkers to choose from! But I was also surprised at some trailers which I felt were kinda poor (like Bayonetta's one; amazing character and a huge reveal for sure, but her actual trailer isn't so hot IMO).

One thing that's also interesting is seeing how they made use of a very limited budget; you can really tell that the Smash 4 DLC character reveal trailers had a much smaller budget than the base game... But in contrast? Budget isn't everything, because Comet Observatory is a huge, lengthy and lavish CG production that honestly isn't that great as a trailer in of itself (It's too long, plodding and is paced pretty poorly; especially in comparison to the likes of Challenger from The Shadows, or Cloud Storms into Battle!)

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7 hours ago, Julius said:

Why is this misspelling - of all things! - the thing that makes me figure out that Ridley is clearly named after Ridley Scott?! 


I’d like to say I was cleverly referencing the strong links between the Metroid and Alien franchises and that Samus herself is deliberately heavily influenced by Ripley, the protagonist of the Alien series, but I’d be lying, I just typed the wrong letter by accident…

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Right, the results are in, but we need to clean up a couple of ties... or 7.

Now, for the sake of our sanity, I'll be ignoring the many trailers that got no votes here.

I'm gonna show you a bunch of trailers that got the same amount of points and are thus, fighting for a place. Which place? I'm not telling you that. I want you to pick one from each set. What you pick will get one point and the trailer with the most points wins and will get the higher placing. Simple.

I will abstain from this and break any other ties that may happen.


Set 1 - Looks like we don't have a choice! VS A hard worker's dream


Set 2 - Goddess of Light VS Super Smash Bros Brawl E3 2006 Trailer VS Wii Fit Trainer Joins the Battle! VS The Ashen Demon


Yes, you only get one pick. No arguments!

Set 3 - One-Winged Angel VS Super Smash Bros for 3DS/WiiU 1st Trailer VS A Piercing Screech VS Sonic Joins the Brawl VS Ramen Time! VS Super Smash Bros. is coming to Nintendo Switch!


Again, you only get one pick.

Set 4 - Comet Observatory VS One day, Pyra just disappeared


Set 5 - One Dog, One Bird, One Zapper VS Heroic Encounter


Set 6 - Champion of the Ring VS By Book, Blade, and Crest of Flame


Set 7 - Mega Man Joins the Battle! VS The Last Key


Everyone who voted before will have received PM's custom tailored to the choices they have to make. So just reply to that.

Now if, for some reason, you didn't vote, but want to participate in these tie breakers, DO NOT POST YOUR CHOICES IN THIS THREAD! Send me a PM instead. We're still keeping this as an anonymous vote. For the same reason, you're still not allowed to reveal what you voted for until I reveal the final results.

You have until next Thursday.

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