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Metroid Dread


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Development history video from Treehouse: 

I had absolutely nothing invested in this turning up, but very happy for those here who have been hopeful so so long that this would be making a return! 

Fingers crossed it delivers, I'm interested for sure, pretty soon too which is great! 

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I had heard rumours of a new Metroid game being made by Mercury Steam but I didn't think that it would actually be Metroid Dread of all things.


This game has immediately shot to the top of my most anticipated games list, will definitely be getting it when it comes out in October.


Game looks solid although it does remind me of Metal Gear combined with Resident Evil 3 with the E.M.M.I robot.

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The graphics look a little rough but the perspective is constantly changing between 2D and 3D and seamless cutscenes etc so I guess it's understandable. 

I actually thought it was an August release till I remembered Americans do dates wrong.


(might be US only)

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Well... I've got a Switch game to look forward to afterall. :D (aside from Metroid Prime 4)

Also, I was out of the amiibo game as I sold most of them but I kept Mario, Sonic, two Link's and all of the Metroid amiibo's.

I guess I'll be purchasing just these two figures, and THEN I'll be out of the amiibo game. (again)

Same for games in general, I'll be buying this, and Metroid Prime 4 when it comes out, but not a lot else.


 Metroid Dread  exists! :grin:

E3 is 'saved' for now at least. :smile:

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My jaw dropped when I saw this. I swear I thought Metroid Dread was just a myth. Seeing "Metroid 5" during the presentation felt like seeing a real, live unicorn in front of me.

And it looks so dope! Creepy modular robots crawling around! Samus has a sleek new look that feels like an evolution from the Fusion suit! The trailer looked to be brimming with ideas, and I love it! I love that we're getting a legitimate Metroidvania effort from a big company!

I wasn't planning to get this on launch... but that artbook's got my legs quaking.

Edited by Jonnas
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While I'm not exactly keen on E.M.M.I (Constant stealth requirements with a punishment of instant death if caught? That is the least fun thing ever!), I am keen on seeing some kind of conclusion to Metroid Fusion's plot at last.


Safe to say that Samus and Adam are on the run from Galactic Federation after the stunt they pulled in Fusion. Bet GF are none too pleased with that.

But I'm sure I'm not the only one who's most intrigued by this little shot in the trailer.


Rudimentary Metroid lore knowledge basically screams "It's got a beak! It's wearing something that sorta looks like Samus' old Power Suit! That's an Effing Chozo!"

Mad to think that after 35 years, we might finally see one that isn't, you know, dead!


Shame that it's probably the antagonist. Samus really has the worst luck.

What makes me say that? Well, that little secret Chozo Memory in Samus Returns that you get when you reach 100%.

You remember, right? That series of images that show a group of Chozo landing on SR388, doing some kind of research, discovering the X Parasite and subsequently creating Metroids to counteract the X Parasite.

Of course, it all goes proper tits up when the Metroids grow past their larval form and start attacking the Chozo, forcing them to seal the Metroids away and do a hasty retreat.

Anyway, the last image is this.


Seems to me that this group of Chozo are discussing what to do next while preparing to ditch SR388. Which explains why they're completely absent once Samus gets there.

Except getting 100% and viewing this image will cause the music to slowly shift to one hell of an eerie track as the image gets a red tint and distorts into this.


So one of those Chozo has clearly gone rogue and killed the others. It even has an arm cannon like Samus!

Why did it do that? No idea. But seeing this was positively chilling and it's been on my mind ever since. Maybe it wanted to cover up the mistakes of the SR388 Chozo group? It might be planning to use the Metroid technology to overthrow the Chozo race (Hence, the army in the background)?

I think it's very likely that Chozo is the one we see a glimpse of in Dread's trailer. And I'm excited to see where this all leads.


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5 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

While I'm not exactly keen on E.M.M.I (Constant stealth requirements with a punishment of instant death if caught? That is the least fun thing ever!), I am keen on seeing some kind of conclusion to Metroid Fusion's plot at last.

  Fusion spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

Safe to say that Samus and Adam are on the run from Galactic Federation after the stunt they pulled in Fusion. Bet GF are none too pleased with that.

But I'm sure I'm not the only one who's most intrigued by this little shot in the trailer.


Rudimentary Metroid lore knowledge basically screams "It's got a beak! It's wearing something that sorta looks like Samus' old Power Suit! That's an Effing Chozo!"

Mad to think that after 35 years, we might finally see one that isn't, you know, dead!

  Samus Returns spoilers (Hide contents)

Shame that it's probably the antagonist. Samus really has the worst luck.

What makes me say that? Well, that little secret Chozo Memory in Samus Returns that you get when you reach 100%.

You remember, right? That series of images that show a group of Chozo landing on SR388, doing some kind of research, discovering the X Parasite and subsequently creating Metroids to counteract the X Parasite.

Of course, it all goes proper tits up when the Metroids grow past their larval form and start attacking the Chozo, forcing them to seal the Metroids away and do a hasty retreat.

Anyway, the last image is this.


Seems to me that this group of Chozo are discussing what to do next while preparing to ditch SR388. Which explains why they're completely absent once Samus gets there.

Except getting 100% and viewing this image will cause the music to slowly shift to one hell of an eerie track as the image gets a red tint and distorts into this.


So one of those Chozo has clearly gone rogue and killed the others. It even has an arm cannon like Samus!

Why did it do that? No idea. But seeing this was positively chilling and it's been on my mind ever since. Maybe it wanted to cover up the mistakes of the SR388 Chozo group? It might be planning to use the Metroid technology to overthrow the Chozo race (Hence, the army in the background)?

I think it's very likely that Chozo is the one we see a glimpse of in Dread's trailer. And I'm excited to see where this all leads.


Something I read in a YouTube video suggests:


That Samus is now a prisoner. She's been thrown into a prison because of Fusion. But then why does she still have her suit (edit: and access to Adam)? Unless that's something the trailer and videos have avoided showing us.

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8 minutes ago, FalcoLombardi said:

Something I read in a YouTube video suggests:

  Reveal hidden contents

That Samus is now a prisoner. She's been thrown into a prison because of Fusion. But then why does she still have her suit (edit: and access to Adam)? Unless that's something the trailer and videos have avoided showing us.


The gameplay at Treehouse had a lot of Chozo statues littered around the place. I don't think this is a place the Galactic Federation actually own. I think it's some kind of Chozo settlement. Or what remains of one, anyway.

That said, the Galactic Federation are likely exploring this place. They're probably the ones who made all the E.M.M.I's and sent them here to wherever this place is.

A quick glance at the map screen showed that Samus was in a section called "Artoria". Silly name to call a prison block, but a region on a planet? Makes more sense to me for it to be a Chozo inhabited planet.

Although exactly how inhabited it actually is now is another question.


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2 minutes ago, Glen-i said:
  Maybe spoilers (Hide contents)

The gameplay at Treehouse had a lot of Chozo statues littered around the place. I don't think this is a place the Galactic Federation actually own. I think it's some kind of Chozo settlement. Or what remains of one, anyway.

That said, the Galactic Federation are likely exploring this place. They're probably the ones who made all the E.M.M.I's and sent them here to wherever this place is.

A quick glance at the map screen showed that Samus was in a section called "Artoria". Silly name to call a prison block, but a region on a planet? Makes more sense to me for it to be a Chozo inhabited planet.

Although exactly how inhabited it actually is now is another question.


Thought about it a bit more in the 8 minutes since my slight edit:

Why is Samus at the bottom and making her way from bottom to the top instead of [traditionally] top to bottom? Because it's a prison perhaps?

Why are EMMI immune to her firepower? Because a Chozo designed it perhaps?

Why does her suit look different from Fusion? Because the GF removed what they needed from it perhaps?

Why does it look like a Chozo is in charge of the "prison"? Because they designed it? Sorry for all of the 'perhaps'es.

Anyway, I look forward to speculating about this. And I am way more excited to play it.

The aspects that really got me into the Metroid games were the atmospheres and the unspoken lore. I look forward to both.

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God this game looks basically perfect so far!

It still feels surreal to actually see Metroid Dread in the flesh after SO LONG... but what's even more surreal is just how amazing it looks! They actually managed to beat my expectations for what Dread could be like! It looks mad fun! :D 

With the EMMI being more of an organic AI threat, rather than the scripted sequences that defined the SAX? I can totally see why they couldn't pull this off on the DS way back when... The AI for EMMI is far more complex than anything the SAX could ever do.

What also makes me extremely happy is the total lack of nostalgia pandering.  I love that they didn't pick the safe option with anything in this game! They could've reused past areas, past enemies, past suit designs for cheap nostalgia pandering... but no! They binned everything and avoided the safe option! Mad respect :D 

The only thing I've seen that I'm not happy with is the checkpoint system... I hope that there's at least a Hard Mode that ditches the checkpoints entierly; get that modern AAA trash out of my Metroid!

But yes... it's here, it's alive.  Metroid Dread has had the longest road from announcement to completion for any video game in the entierty of the history of the medium (Beating even the mighty Duke Nukem Forever by two whole years); but it looks like it might actually be worth the bloody wait!! :D 

Metroid Prime 4 kinda just feels like gravy now that we have Dread lol.

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6 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

The only thing I've seen that I'm not happy with is the checkpoint system... I hope that there's at least a Hard Mode that ditches the checkpoints entierly; get that modern AAA trash out of my Metroid!

But yes... it's here, it's alive.  Metroid Dread has had the longest road from announcement to completion for any video game in the entierty of the history of the medium (Beating even the mighty Duke Nukem Forever by two whole years); but it looks like it might actually be worth the bloody wait!! :D 

Nope, if anything, I want more checkpoints.

Hate instant death in games with a health bar. Hated it in Samus Returns, will hate it in this.

Also, as for your bolded, StarFox 2 took longer. It was shown in 1995.

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8 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Nope, if anything, I want more checkpoints.

Hate instant death in games with a health bar. Hated it in Samus Returns, will hate it in this.

Also, as for your bolded, StarFox 2 took longer. It was shown in 1995.

That game was actually finished in 1996 though, it was just shelved.  Not the same situation here.

Metroid Dread was never actually finished though... not until this year.  It was attempted and cancelled, twice, between 2004-2021.

Metroid Dread won the title.  And unlike Duke Nukem Forever, it looks like it's actually going to live up to expectations!

BTW... I am immensely curious about what "An end to the Metroid story arc" actually means... From the sounds of things, it's not the end of the Metroid series itself, but rather it's an end to the story as has been told since 1986... Is this the end of the Metroids themselves as a threat to the galaxy? If that's the case, would the next game even be able to bear the Metroid series namesake?

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