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Innovation and PSP in the same sentence....

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I kinda feel sorry for Sony in a way, getting slagged off for things they haven't even done. It's not like it never goes on, everyone copies a lot of peoples ideas, it's a quick way to cash in and that is what these companies are doing, Sony aren't going to deny them money.


There's no doubt that Nintendo got Wario Wares' idea from Bishi Bashi.


1. Fuku Fuko no Shima IS Animal Crossing...

* Explain what Animal Crossing is about to someone that dont know Animal Crossing or Fuku Fuku no Shima.

* Then show Fuku Fuku no Shima, and they'll think it is the Animal Crossing you just explained.


2. Sony is the Publisher of the game even if they are not the creators.

* So Sony knew what they were doing, they thought they cash in on a 100% ripoff. Good the game did not do so well in Japan.

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As I said before, Sony isn't going to stop devs getting money from doing it, it adds to the catalogue and also gives them a extra studio on their side.


Someone also said before that each company has copied ideas off each other, it's not going to stop anytime soon and people need to take the blinkers off and stop thinking it's only Sony, when it just damn well isn't.


Damn blinkers annoy the hell out of me.

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