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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


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On 5/31/2023 at 6:01 PM, FalcoLombardi said:

Welp, I'm on to the castle.

How many missions would you say are at the Castle before the end? Because I know once I've completed it, I doubt I'll be going back, I will feel I've done enough exploring.

Because I've done the four Temples and have my gangbang possé following me about, even managed to find 4 Sages Will, finally managed to get hearts on a second row, got my Ocarina costume and upgraded my battery thrice. Managed to add a quick airbike to my favourites of two fans pointing down with a controller between them, which I'm sure would make @Sheikah proud. So long as you pull back on the throttle during initial ascent you're alright. There's just no way of controlled descent.


Always seem to Rauru's Blessings, which is a shame. I'm not sure how many more there are left, I know there's a few I'm missing based on gaps on the map alone, but considering how many hearts I don't have - about 15 for a full 2 rows - would put it at about another 60 shrines I haven't been to yet, which seems crazy.

I also managed to be my all time record of defeating Lynels to 3. A huge improvement on my Breath of the Wild previous record of zero. All in the Thunderdome in the Depths...


Keep running away to the nearby lightroot to let my gloom hearts recover before going back, Luckily the progress of depleted health stayed whilst I retreated away. But then a fully armoured one appeared and I realised "fuck that". I need to find another ancient blade so I can try and one-hit-kill it, which I used on a bobokin boss and it vaporised it.


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7 hours ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

How many missions would you say are at the Castle before the end? Because I know once I've completed it, I doubt I'll be going back, I will feel I've done enough exploring.

Not too many. Just 2 including the Castle stuff?

Though I had some stuff to do in the depths that tied into the main story.

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On 6/5/2023 at 5:23 PM, FalcoLombardi said:

Not too many. Just 2 including the Castle stuff?

Though I had some stuff to do in the depths that tied into the main story.

At what point did you go to the Temple of the



When I back round to this, as I've been neglecting it to focus on Warhammer painting and TV watching, I might give more of the autobuild stuff a go. I've watched a few videos with a few beefy builds, and stealing the fan from a shrine and making a laser windmill seems quite intriguing. Which can help with the Thunderdome of Lynels, even though the reward you get is a head piece of...


Majora's Mask, which helps disguise you in all enemies, so no need for the separate hoods


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On 6/9/2023 at 4:23 AM, EEVILMURRAY said:

At what point did you go to the Temple of the

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When I did that:


Actually, I did the Spirit Temple before I did my fourth temple/sage. I was on my way to Gerudo Town and thought "you know, I've not really spent any time in Faron." I went there, saw the storm above and a piece of rock/whateveritscalled fell out of the sky. I climbed it and reverse time, which brought me high up into the clouds. I then used my paraglider to go into the storm. And when I dropped I actually landed super close to the Shrine before the gate. That's the gate where you need ten hearts or whatever.

It was such a cool and unexpected experience for me. That music hits hard. And then I opened the door and got that odd quest to take a mask to a cave and whatnot. I really just thought it was going to be another Shrine quest -- but nope! And it kept going and going. I was only planning on playing an hour or so while exploring Faron but I just had to finish that quest/dungeon.

I had the 5th Sage for the Gerudo dungeon. And that was a fun little sequence break when Purah/whoever said we needed to find the other Sage. And then they were like "wait, you already found them? Why didn't you say anything?"


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7 hours ago, FalcoLombardi said:

When I did that:

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Actually, I did the Spirit Temple before I did my fourth temple/sage. I was on my way to Gerudo Town and thought "you know, I've not really spent any time in Faron." I went there, saw the storm above and a piece of rock/whateveritscalled fell out of the sky. I climbed it and reverse time, which brought me high up into the clouds. I then used my paraglider to go into the storm. And when I dropped I actually landed super close to the Shrine before the gate. That's the gate where you need ten hearts or whatever.

It was such a cool and unexpected experience for me. That music hits hard. And then I opened the door and got that odd quest to take a mask to a cave and whatnot. I really just thought it was going to be another Shrine quest -- but nope! And it kept going and going. I was only planning on playing an hour or so while exploring Faron but I just had to finish that quest/dungeon.

I had the 5th Sage for the Gerudo dungeon. And that was a fun little sequence break when Purah/whoever said we needed to find the other Sage. And then they were like "wait, you already found them? Why didn't you say anything?"



Are they required in the sense that you need to exert energy like getting the Master Sword in Breath of The Wild, or are they permanently taken away?


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8 hours ago, FalcoLombardi said:
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They come back.


To be honest I should've deleted this post, last night I was thinking how a fucking stupid question it was :laughing:


After learning the Spirit Temple was in the sky, as I thought it was in the Depths, I tried entering it, with wank visibility. I was using ultrahand and Riju's blessing to try and guide me, but was worse than the sandstorms in le Desert. I thought hitting a shrine would make the storm disperse a bit like a tower, but didn't. So again I consulted the interwebs and there's some shizzle in Kakariko I need to get going... This one I blame the game designers for, because apparently once you find out it isn't really Zelda (which we all knew from the get go), the people in Kakariko let you wander their ruins. I'm pretty sure I tried brushing past them once post beatdown, but got told off about Zelda's orders, so I'm innocent here...



I thought I was on the way to the Spirit Temple at this point, and it seemed logical it may be somewhere around the Castle, but I soon found myself hitting the bits where the game opened up but I thought I'd have a look to see what was ahead. Eventually came across a smattering of enemies where the Sages showed up to lend a hand, then came the second wave and I decided to give up as I didn't want to go further at this point. Luckily I had saved in that room prior where the murals were and dropped a travel medallion so I don't have to fap about getting there again.


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Man this game still delivers. 
So was in Lookout Landing and decided to venture up to Hebra for the side quest involving the giant leviathan bones. I think they are anyway, so I thought 30 minutes to get there and do it, no worries. But first I’ll just pop into the depths for a quick Zonite mining since I still only have 1 and a bit battery. Got that, rights let’s go, ooh what’s that over there? I’ll just go check it out. Moblin camp, take them out. Ooh, Korok, ooh rock just fell from the sky, I’ll go see what’s up there. Found the mini game that lets you get the wing suit and another shrine up there, let’s do them. Right carry on, more monsters, uh oh Gleeok, let’s avoid him for now. ooh some ruins and a new well to discover. Let’s just climb this mountain. Ooh another shrine over there, I’ll just go do that. Also stopping to help Addson is that his name, the guy holding all the Hudson construction signs, did a few of them. Finally get to the spot marked on the map…..2 hours later! Decided to save before I went in, that’s right I had to find the entrance as it’s in a cave.

I think the best upgrade is that there seems to be so much more to do and find in this than there was in BotW, the world doesn’t seem as desolate and it seems there’s always something to distract you within 5 minutes of walking.

Loving the game. 

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On 6/5/2023 at 9:12 AM, Sheikah said:

No, it's actually quite tedious. Involves you chucking 4 things down a hole to make them land in the depths then you have to carry them to a statue.

I just came across this quest last night. Wasn't too bad, a bit of a change in pace, especially as I got to some some nice mine carting for one of the things... But I don't think I could do be bothered to do this another 2 times. I'm about 5 hearts shy of a full 2 rows so I'm not that concerned, the main thing for battle is remembering to switch into my combat clothes. I'm mainly using the hiking gear (sans trousers) to travel around because fast climbing speed is essential to stop this game from blowing, switching to Zora shizzle to swim which I avoid if I can help it, but my main set consists of Hylian Hood, Tunic of Time and Zonaite slacks (for reduced power, and I was able to upgrade them ahead of the Slacks of Time because they didn't need Amber and I want all the fucking Amber to upgrade these things...)

13 hours ago, BowserBasher said:
  Just in case (Reveal hidden contents)

Man this game still delivers. 
So was in Lookout Landing and decided to venture up to Hebra for the side quest involving the giant leviathan bones. I think they are anyway, so I thought 30 minutes to get there and do it, no worries. But first I’ll just pop into the depths for a quick Zonite mining since I still only have 1 and a bit battery. Got that, rights let’s go, ooh what’s that over there? I’ll just go check it out. Moblin camp, take them out. Ooh, Korok, ooh rock just fell from the sky, I’ll go see what’s up there. Found the mini game that lets you get the wing suit and another shrine up there, let’s do them. Right carry on, more monsters, uh oh Gleeok, let’s avoid him for now. ooh some ruins and a new well to discover. Let’s just climb this mountain. Ooh another shrine over there, I’ll just go do that. Also stopping to help Addson is that his name, the guy holding all the Hudson construction signs, did a few of them. Finally get to the spot marked on the map…..2 hours later! Decided to save before I went in, that’s right I had to find the entrance as it’s in a cave.

I think the best upgrade is that there seems to be so much more to do and find in this than there was in BotW, the world doesn’t seem as desolate and it seems there’s always something to distract you within 5 minutes of walking.

Loving the game. 

Yas queen. This is what the first game lacked immensely. Sure you may get a slight detour but you're generally back on your intended path pretty quickly. Tears of The Kingdom have me branching off far more, although not as much now as I've done quite a bit. I'm now using the Hero's Path (which I didn't know was a thing in Breath of The Wild) and looking where I know I definitely have not gone.


Picture of a sunrise for a stable... I did a perfect shot, several actually, and it didn't recognise my genius. I was looking forward to these paparazzi quests, but if this the appreciation I'm going to get it can fuck off.


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Has anyone else dropped off this game extremely hard..?

I enjoyed Breath of the Wild as a right place, right time sort of experience but never would have considered it as the greatest Zelda game. I'd have said Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker and Skyward Sword were my favourites by a long way and then it was perhaps in the running as the best of the rest.

While we never saw much of Tears of the Kingdom before release, I was fairly certain in the last few years that it would surpass Breath of the Wild due to an expectation from myself that it would probably incorporate a few more of the classic elements of the franchise and inevitably lead to a very special experience.

That may ultimately end up to be the case. Heck, this was my tweet on 21st May:

It's hard not to be impressed by what the game is doing but are all of the elements adding up to an experience that is continually fun and enjoyable for me?

As it currently stands, I'm not sure!

I reached the 25 hour mark not that long after that tweet and I've barely been back. In fact, I haven't had any desire to dip in at all this week and that in itself has felt very disheartening.

Rather than force it and potentially damage the game for myself going forward, I think I'm going to continue to take a break from it until I feel ready to jump in again.

I have plenty of other things to play but I can't help having this lingering feeling that it's not supposed to be like this..

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@nekunando For me the answer is a big No. I’m still putting in two hour sessions + at a time and always finding something to do. The past few days I’ve completed the Dragons tears memories and all the Gazette/stable quests with Penn. Which gives a great clothing reward. 
I’ve been doing side quests to make my way around the world and trying to find as many caves as I can. Even doing all that I still have many incomplete side quests and always seem to find new ones. Today I’ve ventured back over to Gerudo, as I’ve not been back there and have done a few quests there and unlocked more new ones too. I’ll probably find the same if I venture back to the fish people (the name has completely escaped me right now) so will have more to do there too. Then there is the depths which I’ve read there is a lot more to do under there too. 

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I've been pacing myself because of the fear of it being like Breath of The Wild, I have been hopping out doing some quests, but I'm starting to get less bothered. That being said I did complete all the Shrines and now I am a furry.

Time to make Ganondorf my bitch.

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7 hours ago, nekunando said:

Has anyone else dropped off this game extremely hard..?

Yeah I did, but I don't know why. I was enjoying the game a lot, exploring the map, activating all the towers and finding shrines as well as completing some the main story objective stuff etc And then... I just stopped sometime last week or so and have not felt like going back at all.

According to my switch profile, I've played a good 75 hours of it so far, so maybe I just burnt myself out on it or something. I am sure I'll go back to it at some point though.

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