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Yooka Laylee And The Impossible Lair


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Be interesting to read people’s thoughts. 
Initially I was disappointed they didn’t keep to a 3D sequel as there was some enjoyment to be had from the original game. 

The reviews have given me so much excitement for it though! I hope Trowzer features heavily or ill be raging. :D 

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I put a few hours into the game this afternoon (PS4 version). Amazing stuff so far. It's a total cross between the 2D level design of the Donkey Kong Country games and the exploration side of things in the Banjo games. The 2D stages are very DKC and at times it does feel like you are playing one of those games. It's not just the way the levels play out but also how they sound. Some of the music on offer here could be straight out of a DKC game. 

In terms of the game feeling like Banjo, this comes in the way of you you go about the overworld/map. It's not as straight forward as just going from level to level, you have to open up path ways, find secret entrances and create shortcuts to make you way around the world. It's very enjoyable and i've had as much fun outside of the main levels as I have done within them.

The way the game starts it pulls a BOTW.  In BOTW you could head for Ganon right off the bat if you wanted to. This game starts with the final level, which is pretty brutal, but if you want the challenge of completing it without any upgrades and without doing anything else then the option is there for you.

4 hours ago, Aneres11 said:

The reviews have given me so much excitement for it though! I hope Trowzer features heavily or ill be raging. :D 

Dude is hilarious. He blocks you off from going to new areas with giant walls that he's erected. The only way to get past them is to pay him some of the coins you collect. He calls them paywalls. :D 

Pagies also make a return and they change the shape of the overworld so that you can get about you business. You have to complete a quick challenge level to prove your worth and these just consist of defeating a bunch of enemies without dying yourself.

The writing is top tier as always. The banter between characters feels very old school Rare and there are plenty of puns to enjoy.

Brilliant start to the game and I look forward to digging into it some more.


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24 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Dude is hilarious. He blocks you off from going to new areas with giant walls that he's erected. The only way to get past them is to pay him some of the coins you collect. He calls them paywalls. :D 

Ha ha! Love it! :laughing:


Really looking forward to tucking into this game! Everything about it sounds brill! :D 

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I spent a crazy amount of time on this yesterday and with me starting a nice 2 weeks holiday from work ( where I will do nothing but play games :D ), I cracked on with it first thing this morning. The credits have now rolled.


I loved it. Absolutely loved it. It's easily up there with the DKC games and other Nintendo platformers. There's a level of polish in the game that isn't seen often these days and it puts most developers to shame. What is even more remarkable is how fast the guys over at Playtonic have been able to create this gem. It was only two years ago that they put out the first game and here we are now with another amazing title. They are such a small team but what they've achieved here is amazing. :bowdown:

The level design in the game is fantastic. The game has 20 stages to complete but these double up due to the things that you do in the overworld. By manipulating your surroundings the levels will change, which makes it so that each level has 2 different versions. For example. by creating a river that flows into where a level is stationed it will then flood that level. Jump back into it and you will find that everything is now underwater. Another good example was where the level was stationed on top of a wooden bridge. By hitting a few switches I was able to get the bridge moving which meant that things inside the stage were now on the move. It's a much better version of what Yoshi's Crafted World tried to accomplish with it's dual level format.

The game can be pretty challenging and imagine some players may have trouble with certain areas. The Impossible Lair of the game, which is both the first and last level, is VERY difficult. I can see a lot of people giving up on it and never beating the game. I wouldn't be surprised if you see complaints about this stage once the game releases. The level is about 25 minutes long and if you fail then it's right back to the start you go. This is why it's definitely best to complete all the levels you can because in doing so you will gain an extra hit from enemies in this stage. There are 48 bees to find ( I found 45 ) so that's an extra 48 hits you can take. Trust me when I say you will need them. I finished it with just 1 bee remaining and that was after going through the level a few times. Patience is certainly needed for this.

I haven't got the platinum yet. I'm missing 3 bees ( I can see them in the overworld but I haven't a clue how to get to them ) and i'm missing 6 tonics that are also hidden in the overworld. Interestingly, it appears nobody in the world has got the platinum trophy yet. The hidden tonics is what is holding everyone back. You find them scattered about the place and you can buy hints for each of them. However, there is one hint that is pretty funny/useless and it basically says it's not telling where the hidden tonic is and that maybe someone online will eventually find it. I'm figuring this is the one that is stumping people because you will pretty much have to ground pound the whole of the overworld map in order to find it. I did manage to find all 200 hidden coins ( 5 per level ) in the game though. 

Yeah, really enjoyed my time with the game and it is easily up there for one of my games of the year, along with Bloodstained, Resident Evil 2 and Kingdom Hearts 3. I will now leave you with a nice reference to Banjo Kazooie and a another screen that got a chuckle out of me.






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Played a little bit of this last night. I’m mixed at the moment because I did enjoy the first game and liked the 3D Banjo style gameplay. 

This feels more to me like Rayman Legends than DK at the moment which is not exactly a positive, (I didn’t rate Rayman), but I’ll give it more time and hope it can win me round! 

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Platinum get! According to PSNProfiles i'm the second in the world to nab it. This may change once others update their profile. We shall see. 


There was no way I was going to find the secret Tonic hidden in the overworld and fair play to the person who did find it. They must have ground pounded the hell out of everywhere. :DThe developers had to give out a couple of hints to people on Reddit the other day because nobody had a clue on where to look for the thing.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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3 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

I can forgive the load times as it runs so well. In both handheld and docked mode it looks incredible. 

As it should. Playtonic put a lot of effort into the Switch version. I think it was their main focus, rather than creating it for the other two consoles and then porting down to the Switch.

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On 7.10.2019 at 2:43 PM, Hero-of-Time said:

I loved it. Absolutely loved it. It's easily up there with the DKC games

Which ones? The old SNES games, i.e. the good ones? Or the new Wii/Wii U games, i.e. the shit ones? :p 

On 7.10.2019 at 2:43 PM, Hero-of-Time said:

The game can be pretty challenging and imagine some players may have trouble with certain areas. The Impossible Lair of the game, which is both the first and last level, is VERY difficult.

Awesome :D 

I'll definitely get this game sooner, rather than later. Could be a nice birthday present to myself at the end of November :) 

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