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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)


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Not quite sure how they're going to handle a sequel. The original game had such an amazing ending, quite possibly one of the happiest endings I've ever seen in a video game.


I do appreciate them going back to this type of design though. I can appreciate X was a game that they really wanted to make, but it's a game I bought back in 2015 and I'm still only halfway through it having stopped playing every now and again. There are a few too many problems for my liking on that game.


Here's hoping XC2 goes back to what made the original the game it was, XCX was way too complicated where XC1 with the same kind of battle system made everything so much easier to understand.


Hopefully this game will have a good plot and characterisation and not feel too much like a rehash of the original game. Considering this is Monolith then they are probably going to come up with some new kind of twist, especially with some of the twists that got thrown up during XCX from the half of the game I played such as:


Your character is actually a robot


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Having only played Xenoblade Chronicles X, this reveal left me kinda baffled.

Where's all the sci-fi stuff? And what's with the art style? It looks like a generic JRPG now.


You really should play the original Xenoblade, then you'll understand why this game went in this direction.

This is looking more like the sequel most Xenoblade fans wanted in the first place.


I do agree with the more anime art style, it's a strange turn, but at least their faces look more normal now.

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I love how the 'Epic Battle Theme' seems to feature a little segment of 'Engage the Enemy', my favourite track from the original Xenoblade Chronicles :love:


I got goosebumps during the Nintendo Spotlight because of this and turned my disinterest in Xenoblade Chroncles 2 into desire :grin:

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