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Introducing the Nintendo RS(tm)!


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Id really love it to just be called the Nintendo Revolution as the name already is known by many gamers but if the name "Revolution" couldnt make it as the final name then id love it to be called the NES3! It seems like a nice triditional name of the system that amazed many people. It also seems that Nintendo is doing the same with the Revolution as its the most differnt and most unique console of today.


I just hope they pick a logo that matches the look and style of their system.

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NES3 is a good name but just not consistent, Nintendo broke from the nes, snes, mes, des, spez rhyming thing with the N64. Don't the fanboys argue that microsoft and sony are just being egotistical or whatever by just adding numbers at the end? I dunno...


I like NRES for a name, it has the retro, Nintendo back in it's prime, quality and stands for Nintendo Revolutionary Entertainment System so it still contains Revolution.


I think it just sounds good... NRES, EN-RES :P or even just RES.

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the longer i think about it, the more i love the name N5, just plain and simple "Five". represents the 5. major home console from ninty and makes the ps3 and xbox 360 look foolish because of it's 1337ness in number5 :P


ps the 5 in numbers stands for an S, as if you couldn't guess :woops:

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I spoke to HereticPB about this, he was the one who orginally posted this at the Nintendo Centrum blog. He found the image originally at the Revolution Lifestyle blog forum, but can't remember exactly where. Here's what we discussed:


He thought that points against are:

- The Nintendo logo and the TM were in the same blue as the circle. (However I think this balances out the colouration nicely, a white Nintendo logo would make it look lop-sided.)

- The connection between the R and the S is strange. (I think that the curves look cool. The extention from the R is needed to get the correct circumference of the bottom of the S.)

- The blue shown isn't the same blue as the back-light of the DVD slot on the Revolution console. (Yeah, but it is the same colour as the Home button. See below.)


He though that points for are:

- It looks professional. (Lots of people could have made this.)

- The curvey-ness (not a real word I know) was cool. (I agree.)

- It fits with the DS naming. (True.)

- RS probably means Revolution System.

- There's an absence of any tell-tale photoshopitis (his word not mine).


I thought that the blue circle might relate to the similar one on the home button in the middle of the FHC. See how the blue is almost exactly the same shade. No one really knows what the Home button does, could it relate to new secrets concerning Revolution? Given the central theme in the logo maybe yes, assuming the logo is real (I'm not sure).



We both agreed that if this is a fake, then it's a good one. Anyway I like it. ;)

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NM I did not see Penic's post.


Yeah, many professional people could have made that. I cannot see some 16-year-old in Photoshop/Illustrator creating this. Hell even a pro would have a hard time creating those curves.


On the other hand, a font could have been used that allows such curvature.


The photoshop-itis is the pixelation around edges and corners such as when someone pastes an image over top of another. Alternatively, when someone removes color or objects away from an image it leaves little pixel dust.


As for what the home button does I think it is pretty obvious. The Home button goes to the home or menu page for the Revolution and probably when a dvd movie is being played it goes to the main menu. The revolution does play DVDs the last I heard anyhow.


There is also rumor that the A button has been replaced with a thumbstick such as on the PSP. I would add on to this rumor by saying it would be interesting if it clicked like the Xbox/x360 sticks.

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Well I found where I got the image from and it isn't Kevins blog I thought. I have so many bookmarks its crazy and I forget where half the stuff comes from. Anyhow it was on a comment on the No End Soon Blog.


The post is by 192bpm:


Hi there, it's my first message here.


I've just recieved an email from someone who claims to work in the marketing division of NOE. It has attached a picture of what happens to be the official logo of the Nintendo RS (as it seems it will be called).

Looks quite legit, though somewhat outlandish, maybe too much avant-garde, like something that The Designers Republic would put out.


Thing is, I don't trust him entirely, so i've uploaded the image here: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/9800/rs5lr.gif


Source: NES Blog

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Maybe the start of some viral advertising?


Well then again maybe not.

Those curves wouldn't be that hard to do if you know how to use vector based programs, methinks. There's a lot of relecting circles going on there too which makes me think it would be even easier to do.


I think Pro is a bit of a misnomer (sp?) because... well just look at the Nintendo ON video. That certainly looks professional to me. Doubt some game artist could do that.

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RS is like the worst name ever. DS isn't great but RS makes it... *shudders*.


Anyway, I think they should use the blue light in the logo. The blue light owns big time :D


I have a feeling they will...they used the duel screen idea for the DS logo. I reckon they're colour scheme will be blue & black or blue & white. Blue and black seems cooler though...with that orsgasmic light *drrol*

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it is a PROVEN fake. You just have to delete the grey background and you'll get...






you don't have to think anymore, it's made by someone who wants to be seen (and his mail address too)

Anyway, I don't like that name or logo. I think they will use a better one and don't use RS because of its similarity with DS (confusion)


Sorry for my English.

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hmmm interesting... no wait the other thing.... tedious


Weyhey! Another Futurama fan!

This logo is definantly a fake now but I reckon it would have gone down well with the indie kids who wanna look fashionable. Would be kool if the Rev was customisable to your musical tastes. Red and black for the metal heads and pink for emos and burberry for smelly chavs.

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Weyhey! Another Futurama fan!

This logo is definantly a fake now but I reckon it would have gone down well with the indie kids who wanna look fashionable. Would be kool if the Rev was customisable to your musical tastes. Red and black for the metal heads and pink for emos and burberry for smelly chavs.


lol im glad some1 got it!

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