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MadDog Marathon [£1750+ raised!!]


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As Ashley mentioned it, I figured I'd get the ball rolling on this.


Obviously, this year will be different, as we have a different reason for taking part. For those that don't already know, we lost MadDog to cancer this year, so it seems fitting to support The Teenage Cancer Trust*, a charity that MadDog's family has chosen.


*Participants are obviously welcome to donate to their own charity, but I think I'm pretty accurate in assuming most will choose TCT.


Unfortunately, it's not looking like I'll be able to host this year, but I'm willing to get the ball rolling and help with ideas/planning etc.


I think it would be best if we could "go big" this year. I'm thinking one big event, rather than several separate ones. This does make venue planning somewhat complicated though, so if anyone here has a huge living room and is willing to host, or knows of somewhere willing to help out, it would be massively appreciated. I'm thinking independent gaming/entertainment type places, town halls etc?


In terms of fundraising, I think it would also be beneficial to put all our eggs in one basket and have one JustGiving page for the whole event, rather than one per participant. If people would rather raise money for their own charity, then they are still welcome to setup their own pages.



Event Info


I will be updating this post as more details are decided.







Arcade Club, Ela Mill, Cork Street, Bury, Manchester, BL9 7BW


Tramlink nearby (Bury Interchange) with connections to Manchester Victoria and more.


If you are coming please let us know




Midday, Friday 11th to Midday Saturday 12th November


Open times for non-participants are 6pm-Midnight Friday, 11am-11pm Saturday.


There will also be a Canadian stream straight after led by @flameboy




Andy is letting us use the venue for free, but non-participants will still need to pay the £10 entry fee per day.






The Peeps

flameboy (Canadian stream)


Ashley (support staff)


How to watch


Will be streamed (and archived) on Twitch.


The UK stream can be seen here (midday Friday - midday Saturday UK time).


Canadian stream here (midday Saturday - midday Sunday UK time / 7am Saturday - 7am Sunday EST)




Full schedule available here


6-8pm (UK time) on Friday 11th - The Peeps and Flameboy compete in Mario Maker levels that have been designed for the marathon.

9-11pm (UK time) on Friday 11th - Goafer and Mike1988 compete against each other in Sonic Adventure.

11pm (UK time) onwards Glitchy will be doing a speed run of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.


Mario Kart Tournament - Saturday 12th November 8pm (UK Time)


Canadian schedule (subject to change) - all times are in EST (GMT - 5 hours so starts at midday Saturday just as the UK stream finishes):


7.00am MadDog’s Football Challenge Adam vs Chris

10.00am Hitman: the final episodes

12.00pm FMV Hell

1.00pm QUBE + UK Collectors Edition Giveaway

2.00pm Super Sonic Giveaway Hour!

3.00pm Mario Kart Tournament

5.00pm Dinner time – join us on periscope as we get food

5.30pm Jackbox Party Pack 3

7.00pm Mario Maker

10.00pm Free Play Time including Batman, Forza, Titanfall and more!

1.00am Lapsed Gamer Sessions – with Cev

3.00am Free Play Time including Firewatch and more!

6.00am The Final Countdown – Join us on skype/chat to see out the final hour!

7.00am FINISH


How to support


If you can't make it along but want to help out you can donate.


There's also an official website for more information




We also have swag you can buy where at least 25% of the profits will go to Teenager Cancer Trust: http://www.redbubble.com/people/maddogmarathon


Shirts, mugs and phone cases are available.







As well as taking donations we'll also be offering raffles and competitions on-site. Prizes include games, Sega bags, mugs, toys and more on site.


The following prints will be available as prizes:




The Canadian stream will also be offering digital game prizes if you watch along.


Job List


Design/produce promo banners/signs - Goafer

Contact Teenage Cancer Trust - Ashley

Gather prize donations - Goafer, Ashley, Will

Staff Management - Ashley

Web graphics -

Look into public liability insurance - Ashley

Event planning -

Design/order event shirts - Goafer (Design) Ashley(order)


If no one is able to take any of the blank roles, I'm willing to give them a go. For the design roles, Andy is going to email me the Arcade Club logo at some point, so feel free to ask me for a copy once I have it. The Arcade club logo should appear on all promo material and clothing, since Andy has been very generous and promoting his arcade is the least we can do in return.




A social group has been set up to help organise the event. In there we have a series of discussions about various aspects and feel free to add more. This thread will be more about the event whereas the social group is for organising. Feel free to join (even if you won't be able to attend the event you can still join in).


Edited by Ashley
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Also, seeing as this year's event will not actually have much to do with the official Extra Life, it means we're free to decide any date we want for the event. It may be easier to just go with the official one though, to make it easier to decide.


Extra Life is on the 5th November this year.

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I can look into London-based venues if it helps, but not sure how practical it would be and the plausibility of getting one that will let us be there for such an extended period of time...


Goafer providing you still have my contact details feel free to contact me personally so we can hash out some ideas if you wish.


Thank you for taking the lead with it.

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I'm told Shorty has a nice, new, large pad.


I'd happily offer up my space but unfortunately, whoever told you it was a big place was lying :heh:


Just like the meet, the best way to get a lot of people together is probably London.

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There is a small possibility I could wrangle some of my connections at HE to get a space but it is rare, even at weekends, there's space and much less likely they'll do it for cheap.


There's also some space I've used before (here but would need to check about power sockets etc etc.

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If it was a weekend we might be able to use my office at work. 20 meg up and down, tonnes of power sockets. No sofas at the moment although we are buying some. Not really suitable to sleep at.


My house could host an event if wanted. I have two TVs and could probably borrow a third from someone. I have a bunch of consoles, old and new, although not many games for the older ones. I have 50 meg cable but with below average upstream. I have parking for two more cars and a third on the street. I only really have space for 2-3 people to sleep though unless someone brought a tent. This is South Yorkshire btw.


There's also some space I've used before (here but would need to check about power sockets etc etc.


Those panels in the floor are for sockets right? Internet access is important too cos streaming.


Reckon they might do a discount if its being used for charitable purposes?

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I think I know a couple people who have used local halls/areas/spaces in London for LANs so may have an ask around and see what comes up. Probably nothing in the long run but if it leads to a potential venue then who knows.

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So I've approached a kick-ass venue and they've said they're interested in helping. Just need to go there and talk to the owner in person, so I'll let you all know once I know more.


Had a discussion with Ashley and we think it would be best to change the name to avoid any potential troubles with us not actually having anything to do with Extra Life anymore. So suggestions are welcome.


Also, I think it would be best to avoid having it on November 5th, to avoid clashing with bonfire night. Once I've spoken to the venue owner, I'll have a better idea of dates and be able to narrow it down.

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I would like to be involved in one way or another. If there's something going on in London then I can help in regards to accommodation and/or equipment. Could even host something at a stretch if we end up going down the mulitple locations route.

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So I've approached a kick-ass venue and they've said they're interested in helping. Just need to go there and talk to the owner in person, so I'll let you all know once I know more.


Had a discussion with Ashley and we think it would be best to change the name to avoid any potential troubles with us not actually having anything to do with Extra Life anymore. So suggestions are welcome.


Also, I think it would be best to avoid having it on November 5th, to avoid clashing with bonfire night. Once I've spoken to the venue owner, I'll have a better idea of dates and be able to narrow it down.


All sounds sensible to me. Where's the venue and would there be an associated cost?


If it's London like Zell I'd like and be happy to be involved if possible can help out with gear etc if needed. Could spare two 32" screens for it atm with ability to drive them up into London, as well as any needed consoles etc.


Sadly I'm not a creative type, so no good suggestions for a name for it other than something corny and full of alliteration :p

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All sounds sensible to me. Where's the venue and would there be an associated cost?


It's near Manchester, but it will certainly be worth the trip if all goes to plan.


As far as costs go, I don't know yet. They haven't mentioned anything and I did ask about costs in my initial email. I'll know for sure once I've met with the owner.


How about Massive Marathon in Memory of MadDog?


I quite like just MadDog Marathon.

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Just got back from meeting with the owner and it looks like this year's event has a venue:




Arcade Club is currently the largest classic arcade outside of the US, with over 300 machines and an estimated value of over half a million pounds. All the machines are either on free play, or have a button installed to add credits.


The owner, Andy, is a genuinely decent guy and has basically given us permission to do whatever we want, as long as we run it by him first and are respectful of the machines and his premises. He also mentioned that we could do this every year or every 6 months, so depending on how well this year goes (for us and Andy), this could possibly become our regular venue for the event.



Andy has allowed us to use the venue for 24 hours for free. The only cost involved would be for people not taking part in the full 24 hours, who will still need to pay the usual £10 entry fee per day.


I have told Andy that we are expecting 6 or so participants for the full 24 hours, with an unknown amount of part time NE members calling in as volunteers/spectators. This was only an estimate, so not set in stone. If we have more, I'm sure we can figure something out.



The arcade also features several consoles and TVs, which we are free to use. I'll need to check exactly how many TVs they have, but from what I saw, none of us will need to bring a TV. We may still want to bring our own consoles for save games etc, but he is also willing to let us use his if need be.


The arcade machines will be switched off outside of their normal opening hours. This will help Andy save on running costs for the duration of the event and also allow the machines to cool down etc.


The place has good internet, so streaming will go ahead as usual.


The venue

The place is pretty big, with plenty of parking. We will have our own area in the lobby/bar area, complete with large comfy sofas and TVs.


Whilst I wouldn't call the bar a full bar, it does have a good stock of food and drinks at very reasonable prices.


The building itself has plenty of character, having previously been a mill. To get to the arcade, there is either the stairs, or an old-school service elevator, which is both terrifying and awesome.



Currently Midday Friday 11th - Midday Saturday 12th November to avoid bonfire night. Andy has suggested we use the Friday as our main day, as Fridays are 18+, which will mean more adults to donate money, rather than kids who might not donate.


The midday start/finish time has been chosen to allow us to finish during open hours and allow spectators to actually see us finish on the Saturday.


What we need from you guys

Volunteers during open hours. We need people to act as our staff. The venue only has 5 members of staff, which will be taking shifts to keep us company during the 24 hours, so we need some NE volunteers to collect money, run the mini events, as well as keep an eye on our designated area whilst we're playing games or away in the actual arcade.


If anyone knows of any businesses or people willing to donate prizes for the mini events, that would also be helpful. Currently, the only mini event planned is a raffle, but we're looking into other events.


If people are on any other related forums, please promote the event to as many people as possible. I'd really like this event to be huge. And promote the venue too. Andy really is a great guy and is being very generous to us, and the more customers he gets, the more money goes back into maintenance on the machines.


What's left to do

Mainly this is a list to keep it organised, but we still have to:


Contact The Teenage Cancer Trust and see about fundraising equipment

Contact various businesses for prize donations

Pick a name for the event

Promotional material - Banners, participant shirts, leaflets, web graphics etc

Look into public liability insurance

Edited by Goafer
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As I said to you this morning @Goafer, thank you very much for arranging a place. Sounds like you've got a great venue lined up. If you're going back at some point let me know and I'll try and come along this time, sorry I couldn't make it yesterday.


I'll obviously be there for the whole thing and happy to oversee the staffing side of things and duck into gaming when I can.


I will soon write back to the family to let them know we have some more solid details about when/where and invite them along. Hopefully some of his family and/or friends will be able to show up and see how much he meant to us.


Likewise I'll write to The Teenage Cancer Trust at St James' and let them know our intent and what their protocol is.


I think your suggestion that we just call it MadDog Marathon is fitting, unless anyone can think of anything better.


Once we have some publicity material (as it were) in place I'll contact the people I know in the industry to drum up awareness and hopefully get some goodies donated. I'll try and be at my most charming.


If we get the graphic side done then I'll create a news article about it on the site and work with @Shorty to help give it prominence and act as a place to link people to. I'll be sure to include anything TCT want and Goafer if Andy wants anything specific about the venue on there give me a shout.


Could anyone interested let us know what you'd be interested in doing? I figure there are the following 'roles':


  • General setup/prep in the lead up to it
  • 24 hour gaming
  • Drop in gaming
  • Staff during the day


Once we have a better sense of numbers/interest I'll try and get my administrative side working and figure out how it's going to work. Obviously things may change in the next five months, but would be good to get the ball rolling.

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I have updated the first post with event info and who is taking what roles. If people could let me know what roles they want to fill, I'll update the initial post as necessary.


I have also made an initial logo for the event, using an awesome tagline that Ashley came up with:



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As I said to you this morning @Goafer, thank you very much for arranging a place. Sounds like you've got a great venue lined up. If you're going back at some point let me know and I'll try and come along this time, sorry I couldn't make it yesterday.


I'll obviously be there for the whole thing and happy to oversee the staffing side of things and duck into gaming when I can.


I will soon write back to the family to let them know we have some more solid details about when/where and invite them along. Hopefully some of his family and/or friends will be able to show up and see how much he meant to us.


Likewise I'll write to The Teenage Cancer Trust at St James' and let them know our intent and what their protocol is.


I think your suggestion that we just call it MadDog Marathon is fitting, unless anyone can think of anything better.


Once we have some publicity material (as it were) in place I'll contact the people I know in the industry to drum up awareness and hopefully get some goodies donated. I'll try and be at my most charming.


If we get the graphic side done then I'll create a news article about it on the site and work with @Shorty to help give it prominence and act as a place to link people to. I'll be sure to include anything TCT want and Goafer if Andy wants anything specific about the venue on there give me a shout.


Could anyone interested let us know what you'd be interested in doing? I figure there are the following 'roles':


  • General setup/prep in the lead up to it
  • 24 hour gaming
  • Drop in gaming
  • Staff during the day


Once we have a better sense of numbers/interest I'll try and get my administrative side working and figure out how it's going to work. Obviously things may change in the next five months, but would be good to get the ball rolling.


I have a few ideas and stuff to try and help with planning even from afar. I don't mind being the one to contact Teenage Cancer Trust due to my own personal experience working for charities. I also wonder if admin wise would help to have either a seperate planning forum or a folder of google docs with different docs. I'd also be interested in helping out with the schedule planning for the event I certainly think there is scope for getting speedrunners or highscore chasers to attend, not sure if Goafer told you but when we attended there a guy filming his Defender efforts. Just a case of doing the legwork and seeking those people out I reckon. I do wonder if Andy knows a few of them too.


Other thoughts to be had around the fundraising...last year I did special effect for Pure Xbox and it was so much easier promoting one singular JustGiving account then everyone's individual. I'd also be happy to help out modding any potential live stream, popping links in the chat etc...keep those donations coming in.


Perhaps a lot of this needs to be discussed later and in private, just putting thoughts down as I have them. I just want you to know I'm definitely here to help.


I'd also potentially like to offer my Dad's place a secondary base, he lives just outside of Bury, the place is like 10 minutes away. It could be used for sleeping or even of its just for shower facilities, storage of equipment anything really.


I have updated the first post with event info and who is taking what roles. If people could let me know what roles they want to fill, I'll update the initial post as necessary.


I have also made an initial logo for the event, using an awesome tagline that Ashley came up with:




Absolutely love that logo and the tagline is fantastic!


I'm also not sure if you want to put me in the list of "attendees" if I can't come in November then I still 100% want to do some streaming here...potentially a different weekend so as not to clash because the focus should definitely be the event at Arcade Club.


For anyone worrying about travelling all that distance for a crappy Arcade...it's really not. I found out about it via a local friend and when Goafer Mike and me went we were spellbound by everything there. Came out feeling like a kid and that the real world was boring by comparison.

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This is great and a really fitting tribute to MadDog - great work guys. If there is a way I can arrange my schedule to be in the UK at that time then I will definitely come along.


I would really like to help out, so I'll speak to a few people and see if I can arrange some prizes/swag for this.

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Aww man, I already have a weekend away planned for those dates.


What about getting T-shirts made? It would stand out more against the other people that would be in the club, so they'd be more likely to ask questions and donate.


Also if you could get some prizes/swag, why not have a little bet going on? Perhaps people bet a fiver (depending on the quality of the prize) on the outcome of a smash bros or mario kart tournament)? Winner gets the prize, all bets go to charity.

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I think t-shirts would be a great way for people to get involved who maybe live far away from London (like myself). Could run some sort of social media campaign with everyone wearing a t-shirt in a different location or something whilst playing a game of some type? (Just thinking out loud here).

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I think t-shirts would be a great way for people to get involved who maybe live far away from London (like myself). Could run some sort of social media campaign with everyone wearing a t-shirt in a different location or something whilst playing a game of some type? (Just thinking out loud here).


That is a good idea actually...kind of like "I'm playing for MadDog are you?" even if your not doing a marathon or can't attend.


Also the event isn't in London it's in Manchester (well Greater Manchester; Bury)! Granted still far for you.


Closer to the event if there is anyone who potentially needs help from train station to the event with equipment etc...let me know and I'll see what I can arrange with my Dad coming with his van to help out!

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I have a few ideas and stuff to try and help with planning even from afar. I don't mind being the one to contact Teenage Cancer Trust due to my own personal experience working for charities. I also wonder if admin wise would help to have either a seperate planning forum or a folder of google docs with different docs. I'd also be interested in helping out with the schedule planning for the event I certainly think there is scope for getting speedrunners or highscore chasers to attend, not sure if Goafer told you but when we attended there a guy filming his Defender efforts. Just a case of doing the legwork and seeking those people out I reckon. I do wonder if Andy knows a few of them too.


Other thoughts to be had around the fundraising...last year I did special effect for Pure Xbox and it was so much easier promoting one singular JustGiving account then everyone's individual. I'd also be happy to help out modding any potential live stream, popping links in the chat etc...keep those donations coming in.


Perhaps a lot of this needs to be discussed later and in private, just putting thoughts down as I have them. I just want you to know I'm definitely here to help.


I'd also potentially like to offer my Dad's place a secondary base, he lives just outside of Bury, the place is like 10 minutes away. It could be used for sleeping or even of its just for shower facilities, storage of equipment anything really.


Absolutely love that logo and the tagline is fantastic!


I'm also not sure if you want to put me in the list of "attendees" if I can't come in November then I still 100% want to do some streaming here...potentially a different weekend so as not to clash because the focus should definitely be the event at Arcade Club.


For anyone worrying about travelling all that distance for a crappy Arcade...it's really not. I found out about it via a local friend and when Goafer Mike and me went we were spellbound by everything there. Came out feeling like a kid and that the real world was boring by comparison.


By the looks of it, it's just a case of registering the event and going from there. Doesn't seem to be much of a need to actually get in touch first, but any help would me much appreciated as I've not done this kind of thing before!


Thinking of maybe setting up a social group for it. It's not something we tend to use, but from what I can recall (we tried it once in the staff area) it would be good for this kind of thing. I'll look into it soon.


Thanks for the offer of the place. I'm thinking I might head to Manchester on Thursday and staying in a hotel but might be useful for some people.


This is great and a really fitting tribute to MadDog - great work guys. If there is a way I can arrange my schedule to be in the UK at that time then I will definitely come along.


I would really like to help out' date=' so I'll speak to a few people and see if I can arrange some prizes/swag for this.[/quote']


Cheers Will, that would be much appreciated. Let me know if you have any success and I'll send you my address and you can post it to me.


Aww man, I already have a weekend away planned for those dates.


What about getting T-shirts made? It would stand out more against the other people that would be in the club, so they'd be more likely to ask questions and donate.


Also if you could get some prizes/swag, why not have a little bet going on? Perhaps people bet a fiver (depending on the quality of the prize) on the outcome of a smash bros or mario kart tournament)? Winner gets the prize, all bets go to charity.


I think t-shirts would be a great way for people to get involved who maybe live far away from London (like myself). Could run some sort of social media campaign with everyone wearing a t-shirt in a different location or something whilst playing a game of some type? (Just thinking out loud here).


That is a good idea actually...kind of like "I'm playing for MadDog are you?" even if your not doing a marathon or can't attend.


Also the event isn't in London it's in Manchester (well Greater Manchester; Bury)! Granted still far for you.


Closer to the event if there is anyone who potentially needs help from train station to the event with equipment etc...let me know and I'll see what I can arrange with my Dad coming with his van to help out!



I think t-shirts were on the plan anyway but for the people in the event but maybe we can look into making more and shipping them out for people to wear.

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