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Ghost Recon: WildLands


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If there is a regular slot for me I might buy it. Having saying that is it a game where you roughly need to be at the same level/equipement etc like Monster Hunter?


Not really. I mean you level up and get better guns but it's not as meaningful as something like Monster Hunter.

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We ( myself, lostmario, gmac and my nephew ) had an absolutely hilarious 4 hour session on this last night. So many laugh fits were had while playing.


  • We landed a chopper in front of a mission point. I confidently told everyone that I would send my drone out and scout for enemies. I jump out of the chopper and sent my drone straight in the air, not realising that the rotors are still moving on the helicopter, so my drone go smashed instantly.
  • My nephew nicked a family wagon car to travel towards a point of interest. Lostmario got in the passenger side and the myself and gmac started fighting like a couple of kids about who got to sit in the boot said car.
  • We were trying to chase down a tanker truck and we were in desperate need of a car. Gmac stopped a driver who was passing by and stole his car. I turned around to find out it was a clapped out piece of junk. It was like one of those 80s/90s action films where the cop shows his badge, stops the car to take only to find its either a rubbish car or a driving instructor teaching a student.
  • Lostmario getting blamed for everything that went wrong, even if it wasn't his fault. Half the time he was know where near the event that caused us to fail the mission.
  • All of us jumped in a car and Lostmario decided to go off road...as he does. Needless to say we ended up trapped between 2 rocks and unable to move the are. Gmac decided to top this later by crashing the car into a rock and somehow landing it in the vertical position.
  • We had to infiltrate an enemy compound and me and Gmac decided to take a stealthy approach. My nephew told lostmario to get into the sports car he was driving because he had a great idea. Me and gmac waited patiently to see how this idea would unfold. Turns out this great idea was my nephew and lostmario driving the sports car off a cliff at full speed, landing in the enemy compound and randomly firing as they hit the deck.
  • Lostmario was standing, just minding his own business, when I decided to check the map and look at the objective. I pressed the wrong button, launched a grenade that killed lostmario and the explosion alerted the enemies nearby.


Stuff like this is why I adore a good co-op game with the lads. :D

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I played a bit of the beta when it was live, not much as I was only playing single player, and wasn't really sure what to make of it. Didn't feel as tight in the control department and trying to sneak into objectives or areas didn't ever seem to come off well despite me playing extremely cautiously at times. More often, I just ended up having to go in guns blazing. I didn't like the lack of a proper cover system, the soft one in place here didn't do much for me. Would've preferred they'd carried the one from The Division over.


Yet, even with those points and not really finding what I played overly engaging, there's still something about it that's making me want to jump in and experience it. My only issue is whether that experience would hold up the best in single player. The AI allies are done well but I just don't know whether it would make the game feel a bit flat compared to playing it in coop.


Because my free time is a bit sporadic for when I can sit and play stuff at the moment, playing multiplayer isn't really an option either. Hmmm... something I'll need to mull over a bit more for once I finish off For Honor's campaign and pull myself away from the multiplayer there (As an aside: Ubisoft really do seem to be releasing some fantastic games as of late that seem to sadly be flying under the radar).

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Myself and lostmario were doing a few missions tonight and one of them required you to steal a car. The car we had to nick was a nice sporty looking thing but for some strange reason it was completely wrecked. Lostmario then had to carefully drive it, something he's not used to doing, all the way to the checkpoint. I've no idea how we made it because a sneeze would have caused this to happen...




Another fun session, despite it just being the two of us. I swear Lostmario has it in for farmers. The amount he ran over while driving a pick up truck was crazy! :D

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Fantastic session on this last night. The missions were so stressful, but very rewarding.


The first mission we had to do was hacking a laptop on a podium that was sitting in a church. We somehow had to do this without being spotted. No kidding, there were about 20-30 guards around the area so we had to decide a course of action, plan our route carefully and the execute the mission.


We tried a few times to go on foot. This was going well and we managed to clear the path on left of the building of enemies and make our way to the church. When we got there we found that the objective was up at a height. After being spotted we tried numerous times to replicate what we just done but we couldn't do it. We had to try a different approach.


We seen that a helicopter was situated near by. We decided to clear that area, steal the chopper and then fly to the church roof and enter that way. This worked great. We by passed most of the enemies and then sniper the guy on the podium. We snuck in, downloaded the intel and then gave ourselves a pat of the back. Sadly, this was premature as the game threw another objective at us. As soon as the hacking finished we then had to grab the priest and take him back to our base. We could now attack freely but we weren't ready for this and he quickly pegged it and got away.


We tried another approach, this time myself and Gmac would stay on the ground and light the place up once the hacking was over, while Lostmario and my nephew would get back on the roof and start the hacking. As soon as the hacking was over we started targeting the cars near the entrance of the church. The priest came out but had no vehicle to get away in. He started running and I managed to grab him, all the while Gmac was taking out the enemies and offering me covering fire. I quickly bundled the priest into the fast car I could find and drove off.


The cartel were still chasing me on the road. The car I chose was super quick but it had very little defense when getting shot by other cars and helicopters. Because the car was so fast I didn't have any backup for the lads as they were busy mopping up the other enemies and were following me in much slower vehicles. Somehow the car managed to stay in one piece and I got him back to the safe house. Phew!


That mission must have easily took over an hour to pull off. We tried other ways to tackle it ( didn't bother listing them all ) and a lot of trial and error had to be done. Thinking outside of the box and stealing the chopper was key, as was splitting the team up and taking out the vehicles so the priest couldn't escape. It would be interesting to see how others tackled this mission.


We also had some great laughs, as standard.

  • I stole a truck an enemy was driving, jumped in the truck and then found I was sitting on some train tracks only for a train to come along and plow right in the side of me.
  • At one point Gmac decided to role into battle on a little red tractor.
  • There was a mission we had where we had to steal a truck. We spent time setting up a blockade of cars, all nicely lineup up and ready for when the truck appeared. We stood waiting, the truck appeared and then Gmac decided to snipe the driver with a single shot. All that wasted prep work!
  • My nephew decided the best way to halt a convoy was to fly straight into it with a plane...it worked! :D
  • The other night we had a mission that required us to travel to an island. We all quickly stole some speed boats, well all expect for Lostmario. There were none left and he was left with what was essentially a rubber dinghy. :grin:

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Reading your posts, @Hero\-of\-Time, it makes me want to get Ghost Recon: WildLands...especially now that I could trade in Horizon Zero Dawn and another game and get it for 9.99€ :laughing:


Would you say it's worth it for singleplayer alone? Or just two players? Or if I join yo guys sometimes even though you are much farther ahead?

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Reading your posts, @Hero\-of\-Time, it makes me want to get Ghost Recon: WildLands...especially now that I could trade in Horizon Zero Dawn and another game and get it for 9.99€ :laughing:


Would you say it's worth it for singleplayer alone? Or just two players? Or if I join yo guys sometimes even though you are much farther ahead?


The single player is very solid and the AI is quite competent. If you want the laughs though then it's best played with your mates.


Myself and Lostmario played it in two player the other day and it was still fun. It is a little harder to play like that though, as the game doesn't fill an empty spots with the AI.


People are more than welcome to join our games, provided there is space, of course. I'm further along than the rest of the guys but it doesn't really impact the game at all. I mean, i'm still rocking a setup up of weapons that I got early on. I've unlocked a bunch of new weapons but I never use them. I tend to find something that works and stick with it. :D

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Strong start for Wildlands here in the UK.


Exactly one year after the record-breaking ‘Tom Clancy’s The Division’ (still the biggest launch within any Q1 on record), Ubisoft now debut at No1 on the All Formats Top 40 (Units) with ‘Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands’, the biggest week 1 launch of the year so far. In terms of week 1 debut units ‘Wildlands’ is No2 in a very long list of Tom Clancy games, pushing Ghost Recon stablemate ‘Future Soldier’ down from No4 to No5 in the Tom Clancy games week 1 sales pecking order.
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Alright I got it...thanks H-o-T :p


Did the first mission. Pretty sure I'm going to enjoy it. The tactical approach is right up my alley :)


Edit: Tried to tag a convoy...I was not equipped to succeed...

Edit²: First impressions after an hour of playtime:


  • it's definitely not a run-and-gun shooter :D it's very tactical and I like that
  • the core gameplay is spot on - I love using the drone to mark enemies and setting up a plan to take them out; so far I've not done any missions aside from the first one so I didn't have to make more complex plan than "how do I kill everyone without being spotted"
  • squad AI is good; wish there were more options though (e.g. give orders to individual squad members)
  • the world looks beautiful
  • I'm still not sure if I think the open world is just simply unnecessary, or a good device to connect everything that exists in this world
  • ground vehicle controls are bad...they feel arcade-y and that doesn't fit
  • can't comment on air vehicle controls, as I've only entered one helicopter
  • there are radios everywhere and they are annoying as hell :laughing:


Shaping up to be a pretty good game. And here I thought I was burnt out on open world games...

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Had to steal a chopper for a side mission.


  1. Sent in drone to recon
  2. Made a plan
  3. Took out the commander
  4. Used sync shot to take out three soldiers
  5. Moved to get a better angle on the remaining 4
  6. Final plan: Sync shot to take out three enemies, run in and kill the fourth, enter chopper, win
  7. Three enemies down, missed the fourth, he entered the chopper and flew away
  8. Fuck my life

:D Love this game!

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Had to steal a chopper for a side mission.


  1. Sent in drone to recon
  2. Made a plan
  3. Took out the commander
  4. Used sync shot to take out three soldiers
  5. Moved to get a better angle on the remaining 4
  6. Final plan: Sync shot to take out three enemies, run in and kill the fourth, enter chopper, win
  7. Three enemies down, missed the fourth, he entered the chopper and flew away
  8. Fuck my life

:D Love this game!


Was that one of the side missions? If you look carefully you can actually see the difference between the pilot and the soldiers. Snipe the pilot and you can take care of the others in a more run and gun fashion.

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Was that one of the side missions? If you look carefully you can actually see the difference between the pilot and the soldiers. Snipe the pilot and you can take care of the others in a more run and gun fashion.


It was. Didn't know that. Will keep that in mind : peace:


Edit: Just noticed...




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Finished the game last night. Really enjoyed it. I ended up playing most of it in single player as it was hard to get people to play at the same time as myself. I've still got a single trophy to nab but that will require some grinding.


I'm very happy to see that this has had a strong start in the UK and US. I was very skeptical about the game, especially after more got revealed about it. I was thinking that it wouldn't play like the other GR games I have played but it plays very much like them. Being stealthy, giving your team orders, calling in choppers, all of these things were very satisfying.


Great game that I highly recommend playing in either co-op or single player.

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It's a good thing my best mate bought this so we can play co-op. :D


We had a blast with this a couple days ago. We completed the first area and it's definitely more challenging without a 3rd and 4th squad member. But we enjoy it that way : peace:


It's my first GhostRecon and I like it very much. Will most likely only play this cooperatively.

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Probably done with it, unless people need a hand with certain missions, then I will pop back on to lend a hand.


Why's that?


With @Blade showing interest I thought I made that grab it too and I always think the more the merrier.

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Platinum achieved. Man, that last trophy was a grind. You get nowhere near the amount of resources needed to unlock all your skills through normal play. I had to repeat the same mission for a few hours to get all the stuff I needed.


I can now finally start playing Horizon again. Gonna start from scratch as I've forgotten all the controls. No biggie as I'll only lose an hours playtime.

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