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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Wii U)


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Update 14: $3 million! Wii U achieved


With the latest Paypal total -- roughly $62,000 from 800 backers -- we've surpassed $3 million. You did it, and we're proud to have been standing nearby with a look of stunned disbelief on our faces.




With the Wii U stretch goal achieved, it's time to provide some further details:


  • We're offering physical Wii U discs in addition to the digital copies!
  • If you're a new backer, select any $28+ tier -- you'll be able to choose 'Wii U' during the post-Kickstarter survey.
  • If you've already backed and you want a Wii U copy, you don't have to do anything -- just wait for the post-Kickstarter survey.
  • You will be able to mix and match. For example, if you've backed at the $125 Physical + Digital tier, you may select Wii U for either/both copy.


With that out of the way, we'll hand the mic over to the crew at Armature, who can explain their vision for the port:




We are super excited to have reached the funding goal for the Wii U version of Bloodstained! We’re starting to plan out our feature set for the Wii U platform - some of the features we hope to pursue include:


  • Pro Controller Support
  • The map on GamePad while playing on the TV
  • The ability to draw on/annotate the map
  • Play exclusively on the GamePad (off-screen play)
  • Miiverse social integration
  • Featuring your Mii in-game


Of course, we want to know what you, the backers, are excited to see! So please let us know in the comments and give us your ideas. As we work with the game team to finalize the feature set, your feedback will be invaluable in our planning.



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  • 1 year later...

So... the E3 demo's out for certain backers. Has anyone else tried it yet?


I think it's pretty fantastic myself! It looks and feels absolutely spot on! All the little tricks that you know from the metroidvania CVs all work here (backdashing is faster than walking, attacking just before you hit the ground cancels the animation and then allows for an instant followup hit etc).


I'm glad to see that they're doing a lot of environmental interactivity as well, like with the cannons that you can light on fire and use to blow up walls, or the DKCR style boss that crashes through the wall to impede your progress as you climb! :D


Yup! Looks like they're onto a slamdunk winner from what I've seen and played! :D

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It's good to hear that. After the mess that is Mighty No 9 I've been worried that this game, also made by Inti Creates, was heading for trouble.


I'm really impressed with how polished it feels so far! It's less than a year into development and it feels close to a finished product (in terms of look and feel for this small snippet of gameplay). It already looks and feels far better than Mighty No 9 does and feels like a retail Castlevania title on modern day hardware. Really encouraging to see that the base game elements are there, in place and already look/feel complete. Now they can just spend their time building the rest of the content that surrounds the core gameplay.


I don't think we've got anything to worry about here :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Physical version for the Switch instead? I sure hope so! :D


Obviously this isn't good for anyone who just wanted it for the Wii U but... ::shrug:


Nintendo essentially changed platforms when most of these Kickstarter projects were partway through development, so it was bound to happen.


It's just bad timing... or good timing, depending on your perspective. : peace:

Edited by S.C.G
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Physical version for the Switch instead? I sure hope so! :D


Obviously this isn't good for anyone who just wanted it for the Wii U but... ::shrug:


Nintendo essentially changed platforms when most of these Kickstarter projects were partway through development, so it was bound to happen.


It's just bad timing... or good timing, depending on your perspective. : peace:


It also helps a lot that Switch has native support for Unreal Engine 4, unlike Wii U. Makes development a hell of a lot easier for them.

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It also helps a lot that Switch has native support for Unreal Engine 4, unlike Wii U. Makes development a hell of a lot easier for them.


That's a very good point!


It really does show what a world of difference it must be for developers, for them to change over at this late stage must mean that moving things across and getting it running must be a lot simpler then having to contend with the Wii U's dated, more challenging architecture.


I reckon they'll have something to show in an update within relatively little time at all with any luck. :)

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  • 2 months later...
- game is roughly 20-30% complete

- Igarashi notes that he needs to increase the pace of development

- the reason Switch is being favored over Wii U is that the game is being developed with Unreal Engine and ported from PC

- the planned release in 2018 also lead to the decision of moving away from Wii U

- there are plans to exhibit Bloodstained at other events and could end up at E3 2017


Yikes. I thought it would have been a lot further along than that. I wonder if they will even be able to meet the 2018 date at this rate.

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