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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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With them having HD Rumble they should really look more into VR... I think HD Rumble would make the VR experience even better. The joycons really are suited to VR play!



I hate that I want the Switch... I know I will half-hate the console and complain about it like I did the WiiU, but it's Nintendo... part of me wants it.


Kav in caving shocker!!! :D

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With them having HD Rumble they should really look more into VR... I think HD Rumble would make the VR experience even better. The joycons really are suited to VR play!



I hate that I want the Switch... I know I will half-hate the console and complain about it like I did the WiiU, but it's Nintendo... part of me wants it.

I know what you mean. On paper nobody should be touching this thing right now - £280, £60 game, threadbare launch, unconfirmed long-term party support, potentially lacking online features. And yet...it's a shiny gadget that's meant to be very solidly built, plus Zelda...

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Ah... God they're tight! :)


I don't think it'll be a problem using the switch to charge it, they last 20 hours so it won't be a problem.


At a minimum they really should include the grip with extra ones people buy.


It'll probably be the same upgrade discount dealio for VC games as with Wii-Wii U.


Don't know why anyone is expecting anything else ::shrug: VC releases do cost money to produce due to the way they're made (and especially since they're adding online play to them this time), they're not gonna go through the not-unsubstantial investment that goes into making them and then give them away for nothing.


It's called good will to customers. Customers who have bought these more than once already.

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Intreview with the NipponIchi Software CEO in regards to the Nintendo Switch


Shinkawa: That's true. As you've said, we are a software company that has grown together with Playstation, and are well aware that a lot of our fans are on Playstation platforms. So it is not as if we will stop developing games for Playstation. Overseas, Playstation 4 sales are incredibly strong and we will continue making games for the Playstation 4 platform.


However, in Japan we can't just ignore the move to portable gaming consoles. Our games are well suited for portable gaming, so when you think about it, it is important for PS4 and Nintendo Switch to balance each other out and do well. With that in mind, from here on multiplatform develpment for PS4 and Nintendo Switch is very much a possibility.



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At a minimum they really should include the grip with extra ones people buy.




It's called good will to customers. Customers who have bought these more than once already.


Well, it's confirmed that the Switch doesn't come with the charging grip - you need to buy the 28 quid charging grip separately to charge spares.




Can't see them throwing a 28 quid peripheral in with additional joy cons your purchase to be honest.

Edited by Sheikah
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If they add in online play for all multiplayer games I will more than happy pay an upgrade fee!! It's such a good idea, so unlike Nintendo, I still doubt it's what it sounds like.


The online addition seems to be only for SNES games and i'm having a hard time coming up with a large list of SNES games that would support multiplayer. If you look at what's available on the Wii U VC at the moment, most of these are single player games.


I hate that I want the Switch... I know I will half-hate the console and complain about it like I did the WiiU, but it's Nintendo... part of me wants it.


I get what you're saying but at the same time i'm getting sick of putting up with their rubbish. I voted with my wallet when the NES Classic arrived and I may do the very same with the Switch.

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It's annoyihng, but I literally can't remember the last time I used analogue triggers...


Exactly! people keep moaning about Nintendo putting in motion controls and HD rumble because they won't be used much but how many games actually use analogue trigger... not many is the answer.


Has anybody seen any good deals/bundles for Switch yet?

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Exactly! people keep moaning about Nintendo putting in motion controls and HD rumble because they won't be used much but how many games actually use analogue trigger... not many is the answer.


Has anybody seen any good deals/bundles for Switch yet?

Surely with racing games you just want the accelerator on full the whole way round anyway.


Lifting off is for scaredycats.

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Not happy that the Joycon grip that comes with the system isnt the one that allows you to charge from it. I didnt really want to have to keep putting the "Joycons" back on the system everytime I finish using it. I dont plan on taking the console out of the dock much so its just a bit of extra hassle.

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I've been on the fence since I first saw the Switch, and frankly I'm still unsure of what to do. I've got a Wii U, and I can get Zelda for that system.. But on the other hand, it wouldn't be the best version of THE best Zelda ever. But the system is quite expensive at launch day, and we still don't know all about it yet.


I will get the Switch eventually. It's gonna be great with my daily commute, and I have this great combo of Nintendo + PC for every generation. But now there aren't any games I really feel is a "must have", and my wallet and I arent the best of friends after I got the Oculus Rift..


Maybe I'll wait until they ship some nice, limited edition colors for the Switch console? I have no idea. I'm blank :|.


Oh, and something i find quite disappointing is this: Why oh why isn't the Zelda BotW game cartridge in gold???

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Seems like a ton of negativity floating around online about the Switch still. They are literally shooting themselves in the foot at this point and their silence is deafening.


I've read a fair few forums, article comments and heard a few anecdotal comments at work from students and most of the "meh factor" is related to price. I think that's my main irk too. Although Reggie comes out saying Nintendo appeal to everyone, they have a high price for the system and controllers and then deliver limited software at launch followed by WiiU up-ports. They need to get their head out of their backsides and turn this undertone of concern over with a suggestion like @dazzybee made:


Let's hope they do a direct/info dump every week. One week Virtual console and purchases, one week the operating system, one week the new online system, one week its functions - capture and such... Maybe other weeks bigger game discussions - what exactly is in 1-2 switch for example?
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I'm not sure what's happened over the last few days but I totally want a Switch now and may treat myself for my 30th birthday in May :grin:


The Joy-Cons are basically everything I wanted from the controller as they incorporate motion and traditional elements all in one with a versatility unmatched by anything else :smile:


I can't wait to see more games but I'm now extremely excited for the console. Hell yeh :bouncy:

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I've got a Wii U, and I can get Zelda for that system.. But on the other hand, it wouldn't be the best version of THE best Zelda ever.


My, my. Someone's putting all their Cuccoos in one basket!

Edited by Glen-i
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The Switch itself isn't expensive but 1-2 Switch should have been packed in and the cost of the games + the extortionate acceossory prices is the problem IMO.


High chance I'll probably import Zelda too. I full out object to paying £50-£60 for it.


I think we're very lucky game prices have stayed more or less the same since the NES, especially since they're 100x more complex. The competition manage to charge extra on the sly with day 1 DLC and season passes that double the cost of a game but Nintendo seem to prefer to just charge extra. Hopefully the RRP will come down but I can't say I blame them charging so much for games like Zelda. I just think it's a mistake.

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I think we're very lucky game prices have stayed more or less the same since the NES, especially since they're 100x more complex. The competition manage to charge extra on the sly with day 1 DLC and season passes that double the cost of a game but Nintendo seem to prefer to just charge extra. Hopefully the RRP will come down but I can't say I blame them charging so much for games like Zelda. I just think it's a mistake.
I'm happy to pay an industry standard price - but the excessive Switch prices we're seeing at the moment are what I'm hoping to avoid buy waiting it out - or at the least certain things will go on sale between now and Christmas.


Personally I've never paid for Day 1 DLC or a season pass - and there are far more sensible ways of going about it - such as waiting for it all to be included in a Game of the Year edition and then even that getting a price cut - like The Witcher 3 GOTY edition for £25. Never smart to pay for a season pass before you know what's in it. A good season pass often greatly improves the value of a game.


Nintendo don't have an excuse to be charging £60 for Zelda - unless there's future DLC which is free - but you should have that knowledge upfront.

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Zelda for £60 I don't have too much objection with, what I do object with is games like Arms (which I'm sure will be fantastic) also being £60, and 1-2 Switch being £50 for what basically should amount to about 15 minutes of fun.


Oh and paying £40 for Zelda on Wii U but £60 on Switch. That looks poor.

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With them having HD Rumble they should really look more into VR... I think HD Rumble would make the VR experience even better. The joycons really are suited to VR play!



I've mentioned this before in this thread: the Joy-Cons aren't suited to VR at all. They're not externally tracked, which is actually a step back from the Wiimote.


The HD Rumble is just advanced haptics. Probably similar to what's in the Vive controllers.

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