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LEGO Jurassic World (June 2015)


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I think it's pretty good for a Lego game. Think I spent around 35 hours on it. There's really nothing it does different than the past games, so wether or not like you will like this one depends on how much you care for the movies, the past games and if you want to play the same old game again. For me it was check all the above and I enjoyed it.


Unfortunatly, the platinum glitched on me. You need to heal 10 dinosaurs, but one of them is not appearing for me, thus me not getting the trophy for healing all dinosaurs, thus not getting the trophy for 100% and thus not getting the plat. Completed everying else, and as Jimbob says there's a lot to collect, meaning that one dinosaur I'm missing count for so little in the grand scale the game rounded up from 99.9% to 100% >_>

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