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Finished the story.


That final mission...We were 4 people, it took us 33 minutes and lots of revives. :D

It was so much fun :yay:


Now the world level has increased, assignments have opened up and the journey to level 30 has begun : peace:

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I reached level 30 yesterday and then levelled up another 10 times with the same character.


I started another play through, this time with the tank class. I actually started this on Friday as I seen Cookyman online and jumped into his game. He was just starting so I didn't want to bring my level 20 odd character along and end up ruining it for him.


I'm not sure it I'll go for the platinum for this. It seems like a major grind. It took close to 15 hours to get 1 character to 30, never mind getting 3 to that level. You then have to level up to 100 once you are in Hero mode. Finally, reaching level 30 on hardcore difficulty seems more pain than it's worth. If you die then you lose your rank and it's back to square one.

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  • 1 year later...

I'll bump this over the PS+ Free games thread.

I'm still getting a nice amount of value out of this. It's a very nice little 'quick game's mentally for me that is never a quick game.

Given I got it for free I'm very tempted by the complete DLC pack at around 7 quid - but I wanted to ask how many other folks bought or got much out of it? Obvs brings some cool new weapons I've sent others using tho I am also still kinda happy with the defaults I've got(or rather found) but I am thinking if I'm gonna keep paying this game it makes sense to DLC now rather than later.

Just wondering if anyone else here did? Progresswise I've only completed full W2 with one tank char and I've been mostly playing that for XP/levels to 300 recently, but I'm thinking of getting back onto the other characters if I get the DLC. Dunno whether to do it or carry on without though.

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On 17/08/2017 at 10:15 PM, Esequiel said:

The DLC is well worth it, the devastator is incredible!

Decided to stop being such a pansy about it and bought it last night. Definitely see what's being said about the devastator - I used the insta-15 boost to start a bio-specialist and got a legendary 15 devastator with a crapton of slots pretty quick - just a massive shame it'll be outlevelled soon enough.

Speaking of which - I dunno what it is or if maybe playing a main/200+ character for a while but I'm seeming to really struggle on the first few missions - sometimes even just on rookie! Can't tell if it's maybe a gear thing(ie would have had better at the time on previous runs from lvl1) or me being too reckless!

The primary weapon hack is kinda cool I guess - energy guns range is a bit crap and not sure it suits/works so well out of tank hands - on the flip side of that though it seems tank(started one of them too :p) can't actually fire SMGs particularly well because of its dual wield? Like the times I tried it seemed to struggle to get shooting.

Still, finding something about the game rather addictive - I think I'll be continuing to play it for a while to come. Nice easy one to kinda sit back and not think too much with.

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