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Okay. When pestle is up for it I'll go play Mario then :)


Hang on, baby just spewed and pooed. Let me sort him out first - argh!


No problem.

Just let me know when you're ready, open up a squad, and I'll join your squad within a minute or two.


I tried.. the connection failed on me. looks like a two week wait will be in order


I understand.

But 2 weeks is a long wait for proper internet connection!

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No problem.

Just let me know when you're ready, open up a squad, and I'll join your squad within a minute or two.




I understand.

But 2 weeks is a long wait for proper internet connection!


I know :( changing to a different provider and 2 weeks is the quickest they could go. Bit annoyed because with the current connection splatoon is a shopping game :(

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I was hoping to be, but I think I might be going out again. I'm finding it difficult to go back to Splatooning with Mario Maker and Destiny on my already limited schedule atm - as good as Splatoon is I think the faults still irk me and I possibly saturated myself with it for now.

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I was hoping to be, but I think I might be going out again. I'm finding it difficult to go back to Splatooning with Mario Maker and Destiny on my already limited schedule atm - as good as Splatoon is I think the faults still irk me and I possibly saturated myself with it for now.


Don't be a silly billy and get back in to Splatoon! Private matches, I've only done once and they were amazing, want to do it more!!!


And you like Destiny then? One of the dullest games I've ever had the misfortune to buy!!

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