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Fused King

Guild 02: The Starship Damrey

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So I was looking for a thread of the Guild 02 games, and I noticed there wasn't one, so I thought I'd take it upon myself to create a thread for one of the games from Guild 02 I recently completed.


The game was an excellent little 'sci-fi dungeon crawler adventure mystery' and I only have one minor niggle: the sound when you move your robot character.

This is the sound you will be hearing throughout the entire game when you move, and it is incredibly prevailent throughout the entire game. I would've liked it sounding a little bit more subdued instead of it sounding like your mom is vacuuming in your room :laughing:


What I really liked is the incredible mindfuck at the end.

Sometimes you can see these things coming, but it was only just before the ending that I started having my suspicions.

The explanation given by one of the surviving crew members was also pretty cool to hear.


The robot you play really is a neat little character and he should definitely go on an adventure with R.O.B. and ChibiRobo.

The CGI cutscene gave him a personality of his own, even though he was being controlled by someone else.


Overall a great experience and I was very proud of myself not immediately heading for the internet when I got stuck.

When I got stuck I just quit the game, and when I continued I had a fresh new ideas as to what I could do. Worked every time :awesome:

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