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Possible National Holiday to Promote "Britishness"

Guest Jordan

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Seems fine to me, America have 101 holidays about being American. Like that one where they celebrate graciously recieving their land from the natives then stabbing them in the back so they could have the rest too... what's it called... "Thanksgiving". That's it.

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Theres no such thing as "Britishness". We are a mess of a country with poor health care, sky high illegal immigration, knocked up teenage sluts and a weak government. Bonfire night is good enough for me, if only for the fire. If someone were to blow up the houses of parliment it would be great. Of course it would be blamed on muslims even if it was white people.

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Yes. It's time to show our British identity instead of the far-left goverment trying to get rid of it. We are a unique country with our own heritage, we should be proud of it. And if anyone isn't proud of your identity and heritage, you have been brainwashed into thinking Britain is "bad".

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A bit off topic, but I once read a great book that explained that almost everything that's 'British' actually isn't at all. For example, Fish and Chips are Jewish, tea obveously, is Chinese, cockneys are mostly decended from Irish and Jewish immigrants, and Winston Chirchill was half American. I found it interesting.

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Yes. It's time to show our British identity instead of the far-left goverment trying to get rid of it. We are a unique country with our own heritage, we should be proud of it. And if anyone isn't proud of your identity and heritage, you have been brainwashed into thinking Britain is "bad".


Well I'm mainly ashamed of our history. I don't take personal responsibility for it, nor do I think the Britons of today should, but I'm not proud of things like the empire and the slave trade.

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That's bullshit.


Nope, the East End had Irish immigrants years and years ago, then a wave of Jewish immigrants in the 20th centuary and recently loads of Bengali immigrants. It's a really interesting part of England. Famously, there's a synagogue there that was turned into a mosque as the Bengalies came.


I thought fish and chips were French


I could be wrong on that one. I read the book a long time ago.

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I'm not ashamed of being British. I am British therefore I consider Britain to be the greatest empire on this Earth, and any of the other Earths. Of course I can be considered a little biased, I'm also not clued up on my British history. But I have no convinctions in believing that whatever we did in the past, we had a bloody good reason for it. Failing that we did it because we wanted to. We're British. Nuff' Said.

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but I'm not proud of things like the empire and the slave trade.


Without that we wouldn't be half of what we are today. All first-world countries have done that some point throughout they're history, some third-world countries are going through this stage at the moment.

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Without that we wouldn't be half of what we are today. All first-world countries have done that some point throughout they're history, some third-world countries are going through this stage at the moment.


I know, but I'm still not proud of it, and I'd prefer us to be less developed now then to have had the slave trade and the empire. But yeah, fair enough.

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