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Job woes/wins


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I'm sure I remember job hunting being more fluid, have had only 2 rejections.

Today marks my third agency sign up in two weeks. The first gave me more sign up forms than I've ever seen in one go. I hate it that they ask you write out your CV despite being sent it. They contacted me every day afterwards about a position at the Council- first they wanted two references, then they wanted all of them, then they wanted a personal reference, then 5 hours after giving them the details they ring me back saying they're having trouble getting in touch with her (because she works) but have since gone quiet. Despite dancing through all their hoops I think they've given up.

Second I went to earlier this week at first sounded optimistic about me and the opportunities were plentiful, but towards the end of the meeting, suddenly admin jobs were "like gold dust" and they'll have a look and get back to me. Uh-huh.

Third today, which I applied for about 4-5 positions through them yesterday morning. Got one interview lined up next week at the County Court, and separately to register with them and introduce me to a manager of the building behind them which seems to rent out its office rooms for meetings and shit.


Let us hope thrice times be thy charm. Either way I'm going to be getting drunk at Warhammer World later playing Shadespire.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a quick rant about how useless this colleague (UC) whom is responsible for our downstairs sale-floor/warehouse (Seasonal/Toys/Partywares) are.

Last two Fridays ago, she told other colleagues that they'll only get a box or two out from the partyware bay cos UC "worked" it quite recently so they emptied 3 shelves which pissed UC off so much that she won't talk to them again haha. Then last Saturday, our section leaders got my pal and me to doing the gardening and outdoor toys whilst that UC doing the partyware. We got a huge number of gardening/outdoor stocks out from 4 bays that we got one bay with nothing on it and a good number of emptied shelves on 3 bays plus got all overstocks organised as well. UC barely did anything with the partyware all the evening that the bay still look the same in the end as it did in the beginning. 

My pal and me were talking about how ridiculous that the downstairs warehouse got this really bad considering the fact that UC always spend 20+ hours per a week to doing the easiest job aka working the Outdoor/Indoor Toys on Shift A then Gardening on Shift B, Partyware on Shift C and BBQs on Shift D. They always selling really fast than our home stuffs on the upstairs sale-floor therefore our downstairs warehouse shouldn't be full of the stocks. Even UC told us a lie about that she worked a bay last Fri but it still look the same since I was in last Thurs and a quick text to my other colleague who worked after UC finished her shift on the same day confirmed that she is full of bullshit haha. 

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So who had under 2 years of me lasting in this job? Get ready to collect your winnings because I might be leaving this one!

Just to say that it's NOTHING to do with any fall-outs. I haven't fallen out with anyone or had major disagreements (apart from one where it seems that a sales assistant has 'more power') but it's because of my knee. With the amount of stairs and having to go up and down three flights over/around 50-70 times a day, it's taking its toll. That and honestly, it's mind-numbing to the point it's genuinely messing with me mentally. Like I dread waking up knowing I have to go there. I don't mean in a "oh God, THAT place again" way but in a "AAAAAAAAH!" way. I just hate the job, they ask you to do too much on little pay and I don't even have the right title.

I haven't decided on when but because this job is secure, I'm looking for a job I know I'll like so there really is no rush but I've made my mind up.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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40 minutes ago, Animal said:

So who had under 2 years of me lasting in this job? Get ready to collect your winnings because I might be leaving this one!


In all seriousness, seems like you made the right choice. Hope you'll find a new job quickly :)

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1 hour ago, Animal said:

So who had under 2 years of me lasting in this job? Get ready to collect your winnings because I might be leaving this one!

Who had you lasting over 2 years is the real question? :p

I'm sorry to hear about your knee.  I assume you've been to a doctor/physio about it?  Have you spoken to your manager to see if you can change your responsibilities to have less of an impact on your health?


Supposed to bed doing work for one of my contracts today and tomorrow and just checked the email telling me what needs to be done and I've done I did it last week...

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Well I'm back to square one.

My previous employer - as I suspected they might - tanked the job offer I had gotten from the Court.

Had an interview/assessment day at Co-Op for their insurance centre thing and I thought it went well, however the knockback email this morning proves otherwise. 

I have no interviews left in the pipeline, just applications hanging out in the ether...



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We had our annual awards for our clients last night and it was a bit unreal. Ended up leaving the house at 8am and not finishing work until about 11pm, but it was a great day.

Colin Jackson was hosting, so working with him was pretty cool. Super nice guy and didn't feel like talking to a celebrity at all. Of course, I got a selfie.

At 11pm, we went back to the hotel to drop off our stuff/check in. Apparently someone had stolen my room and the hotel manager, who was supposed to finish at 9pm, had stayed late to ensure that she could sort it out. Many apologies were relayed and I finally got a room.

Someone then decided it was wise to go to a club until 3am. Fortunately, my boss, her boss, the HR Director and the CEO  also decided this was a good idea, so off we went. As far as clubs go, it was pretty good, with a live jazz band playing covers on request. It was quite bizarre watching all the senior staff getting drunk and throwing shapes though.

The hotel lobby/restaurant was quite a sight this morning. Lots of tired looking faces, full of regret.

It was great to hang out with them all, as most people work remotely, so we rarely meet up and I don't know some of them very well at all.

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Previously on... I work part-time at one place and rest of the week doing contracting work for a company (for various clients).  Same kind of work, but different contexts.

My contract at the PT place is up in September.  I don't need to make a decision about whether to stay at this stage, but it keeps playing on my mind.  Usually the way I'm swinging depends on who annoyed me last.  The PT thing feels more 'comfortable'/rewarding in some ways.  It's a place I've been in for five years (minus one year away), I know the rest of the team and many other people and I feel like the work I do makes more of an impact (and I know how best to help others).  The contracting work is scattered, more disconnected and often work from home (which obviously has its benefits but it is more isolating).  The contracting work pays much better, so its the stronger contender (particularly as I don't want to do this line of work anyway and its supposed to just be financially supportive) but I just prefer the other place which is weird as I've quit three times, although in a former role.

I'm feeling a bit negative about the contracting stuff at this very moment as my boss managed to annoy me via email.  It's a silly non-point (and they were wrong and admitted that when I politely pointed out I was doing what was asked, just in a different - but still valid - way), but it was more the tone.  I don't mind being told something is wrong or should be done differently, but it was along the lines of "and this is the burden it places on me" and that just pisses me of.  Being critical, fine, but don't bring some bullshit emotional manipulation kind of stuff into it.

Ultimately I'm not angry or anything, it just put me in a mood today and I wanted to moan.

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On 5/17/2018 at 10:42 AM, Ashley said:

Who had you lasting over 2 years is the real question? :p

I'm sorry to hear about your knee.  I assume you've been to a doctor/physio about it?  Have you spoken to your manager to see if you can change your responsibilities to have less of an impact on your health?


Supposed to bed doing work for one of my contracts today and tomorrow and just checked the email telling me what needs to be done and I've done I did it last week...

It might still happen. I'm not leaving yet, haha. I'm technically still there!

On 5/17/2018 at 9:45 AM, drahkon said:


In all seriousness, seems like you made the right choice. Hope you'll find a new job quickly :)


So my manager and I had a talk after our breaks (she took 10 days off and I took 10 days off) and we sat down and had a meeting about my future. She was more than happy with me and said the shop looks great but I didn't seem happy. So I spoke the truth. I told her I wasn't happy at all and that I was fed up and stressed out. She asked why so again, I told her the truth. I said the pay we get is a joke and that I'm on 5p more than a sales assistant for doing an assistant manager's job (I haven't got the title but the regional manager and the manager have both said I'm doing what an assistant manager does) and that it's constant stress. She said she completely understood but really doesn't want me to leave. I said I'm happy in my other job and that it's the first time in almost a year where I've been happy.

So she's had a word with the regional manager and shockingly (I say "shockingly" because he normally comes in and slates me behind my back) has made up a 16 hour contract as a sales assistant for me. Normally, they only do 4, 8 or 12 hour contracts but, and I heard him say this, make a 16 hour contract for him because "he's fucking brilliant with customers and he's a genuine, nice lad"...I guess he has a heart after all, haha. Before I signed, I said that I'm accepting the game shop job as 24 hours and that would take priority and she's totally fine with that. She actually said it's nice to see me happy again. I've had two shifts as sales and I feel awesome. I'm absolutely loving it.

So yup, I'm no longer management, I'm a sales assistant on more or less the same pay with less stress and less responsibility and I'm working part-time in a games shop, more than making up the hours I've lost as a supervisor AND because the game shop is super flexible (which is awesome as long as I let him know a week in advance),  I have time to actually study for my personal training course!

I keep expecting something to crop up, like a catch or something, but nope, everything has been dealt with. Something has finally turned right for once! :D

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11 hours ago, Animal said:

I keep expecting something to crop up, like a catch or something, but nope, everything has been dealt with. Something has finally turned right for once! :D

We all are. And we all know it's going to be something along the lines of 3-5 other job offers coming your way O_O


My situation has improved a little. Passed a pre-interview-interview/test to get me an actual interview for a call centre with Boots next week, have an interview for some customer adviser thing with Barclays next month. Most promising thing at the moment is the latest agency I have signed up for (probably my fifth since mid-April) has got me a week long position at a Co-op pop up store at Download. Never been to the festival before and if I can swing the night shifts, will make just under £600 for a weeks work.

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We all are. And we all know it's going to be something along the lines of 3-5 other job offers coming your way O_O
My situation has improved a little. Passed a pre-interview-interview/test to get me an actual interview for a call centre with Boots next week, have an interview for some customer adviser thing with Barclays next month. Most promising thing at the moment is the latest agency I have signed up for (probably my fifth since mid-April) has got me a week long position at a Co-op pop up store at Download. Never been to the festival before and if I can swing the night shifts, will make just under £600 for a weeks work.

LOL! You're not the first to say that but I just literally talk to people. It's all I do. People around the area where I work know me and it kind of goes from there.

So just be friendly- that's my advice. Though the jobs you go for are awesome. It beats being stuck in retail, as you know!

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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Second door-to-door job "interview" offered which I didn't attend.

  Before your interview, we'd like to give you one big handy tip for your success -just BE YOURSELF! There is not one type of HOME Fundraiser. In fact, we pride ourselves in having a culture made up of a rich and diverse group of individuals from across society. The thing that makes someone a HOME Fundraiser is the ability to be a real human being to be genuine and show other we care - so, come along showing that you want to get involved , you want to be successful and make the world a better place and we will guide you through the rest of the process. If we think you have what it takes to be a fundraiser with us you could be trained up out with a team in a matter of days from now.
A little bit about HOME....
  HOME Fundraising was established in 2002 and we are now in 2018 .We are the largest employers of fundraisers in the UK and Europe, working from 16 regional offices from Dundee to Exeter - and internationally too. To date, we have raised in excess of half a billon pounds for some of the organisations which are making the biggest positive difference in the world. This is something that we are
immensely proud of, as you can imagine. Its almost impossible to grasp the multiple world changing projects all those funds will be supporting - and that's what keeps us doing what we do. Day in day out we get to make the world a better place and we get paid well with a basic wage and bonuses whilst we are about  it. It just does not get better than that. 
  If you want see a little more , check out our YouTube video:
  We're looking forward to meeting you soon and getting to know one another. Hopefully this will be the start of a long, rewarding journey we take together!
  In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, please contact us on : 
see you very soon.


Many thanks for the interview offer. However. after looking at the many reviews for your company on Glassdoor, door-to-door sales (let us call a spade a spade here, it's not all about gathering donations) and the overwhelming negative ones - which to be honest I already expected because all these types of companies have the same model, coming into the office early and unpaid, potentially lengthy travel times (possibly reimbursed, however also unpaid) and unrealistic targets - see Goldstream, Emora and Capital One Promotions for an almost identical model - all based in Nottingham, I'm sure you know them already, and I've had interviews for those companies (and more, just for fun) so I know how the interview will go, how I'll be pitched being as rich as the manager in ONLY SIX MONTHS! and for some reason s/he'll have a chat with you, the receptionist to decide whether I have the right "energy" for the job because, as a manager, they're unable to come to that conclusion themselves. Of course I'll get the job.
That being said, I'm sure you can understand why I am now refusing your interview for this horrible job "opportunity". On a side note, looking at your YouTube video, which was better presented than one I have recently seen for Aquila, same thing based in Leicester, however your wardrobe department's intentions were clearly misleading:
Let us both not pretend that this form of dress code - especially on the girl - is anywhere close to what you would consider acceptable work attire. 
So, yeah, cancel my interview. Take my name off whatever database you have, and might as well set up some sort of alert that should my CV appear again to not bother contacting me.

Further to your recent interview as a HOME fundraiser. 
Unfortunately, you have not been shortlisted to attend the SSA and your application for this role has now been stopped (will not be taken further).
If you require any personal feedback, then please feel to contact the regional office.
We would like to thank you for the interest shown and we wish you the best of luck with your job search.

Kindest Regards
HOME Fundraising Nottingham



I received this email yesterday and I would love some personal
feedback on why I didn't make the shortlist.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Looking forward to dat feedback.


The one before was a little spicier but longer as I had a lil back and forth with the Director because she phoned me up asking where I was/forgotten the interview even though I had sent them an email saying I wasn't going to go and I said it was a scam.

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Being moved from a department where i actually enjoyed the work (bar dealing with the crud the Swansea office kept passing to me) to one where it is literally a complete mess.  No-one knows who their manager is, the work load is unmanageable and mind numbingly repetitive

Yay.  Was told on Friday last week i'm moving, wasn't happy about it and put in a transfer request immediately to move onto something else.  I'm basically going from a department where the work was a challenge, to one where it is zero challenge (basically, copy/paste from one spreadsheet to another)

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On 24/05/2018 at 5:56 PM, Ashley said:

Previously on... I work part-time at one place and rest of the week doing contracting work for a company (for various clients).  Same kind of work, but different contexts.

My contract at the PT place is up in September.  I don't need to make a decision about whether to stay at this stage, but it keeps playing on my mind.  Usually the way I'm swinging depends on who annoyed me last.  The PT thing feels more 'comfortable'/rewarding in some ways.  It's a place I've been in for five years (minus one year away), I know the rest of the team and many other people and I feel like the work I do makes more of an impact (and I know how best to help others).  The contracting work is scattered, more disconnected and often work from home (which obviously has its benefits but it is more isolating).  The contracting work pays much better, so its the stronger contender (particularly as I don't want to do this line of work anyway and its supposed to just be financially supportive) but I just prefer the other place which is weird as I've quit three times, although in a former role.

I'm feeling a bit negative about the contracting stuff at this very moment as my boss managed to annoy me via email.  It's a silly non-point (and they were wrong and admitted that when I politely pointed out I was doing what was asked, just in a different - but still valid - way), but it was more the tone.  I don't mind being told something is wrong or should be done differently, but it was along the lines of "and this is the burden it places on me" and that just pisses me of.  Being critical, fine, but don't bring some bullshit emotional manipulation kind of stuff into it.

Ultimately I'm not angry or anything, it just put me in a mood today and I wanted to moan.

Went to see someone in their office yesterday and someone was trying to get me to apply for a job.

It's one a few people have tried to get me to do but I've had no interest, but due to various reasons I am thinking about it now.  It would require some negotiation as they want someone full time as of July but I'm committed to other things until September, but it might be something I can share with a colleague until that point (they basically want someone from our team to attend all their workshops).

I don't know.  I want to move away from this kind of work but an overwhelming sense of self-doubt makes me wonder if that'll ever be possible.  le sigh

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A potential quandary has reared its head. I applied for a maternity cover at a solicitors doing secretarial and typing support, got a call back asking me to come in for a chat on Thursday (luckily my Download shifts are nights so it won't conflict) however it is only six months and if I get the job doing Co-op support it would put me in a bit of a tight spot. The solicitors is only temporary with no guarantee of being offered anything after six months, but it is legal admin work experience I'd love to have on the CV. Co-op support is (assuming one passes probation) more stable...

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I agree with Charlie, go with the job that is actually in the field you want to be in. Because otherwise you might just end up being stuck in jobs you don't like if you don't want to take any risks.

I was stuck in a call center type job for what seemed like ages. It was somewhat stable and meant a steady income, but I hated it.
A job popped up for a part-time art/design type job, which was a lot more what I wanted to do. But it meant cutting my hours by half, so less money to pay the bills.
I went for it though, and after a short time there went from working 2.5 days to 4 a week, to now 5 days a week (earning more than I did at the call center job).

It was a risk to take the job, but I am happy I took it. :)

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Pretty much echoing my feels here guys, cheers.

All redundant naow as I didn't get the Boots gig. Which is annoying as I felt like it was a certain thing. So apart from this Download thing* I'm doing at the moment the chat at the solicitors tomorrow is my next best bet. 


*Was there yesterday, people flocking in already. Is inspiring me to actually go as a visiter one day. I've got a lovely wristband which lets me get in/anywhere. So can hopefully get more of dem feels over the next coupla days.

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Update: Been offered a trial at da solicitors. Apparently the Partners were a bit concerned about my less-than-wealth of experience - but my boombastic typing skillz (actual legal term) convinced them to gimme a shot. So week on Monday I have until the end of the month to impress them to let me carry on until the end of the year, which hopefully will lead to something more permanent. Yay!

I've had to cancel another agency meeting I was due to have at 3.30 and another which was TBC for next week. The latter have congratulated me and then asked me where I had been offered the opportunity - Although this may be curiosity on the part of the person I've been speaking to - I can't help but think of it as a potential form of sabotage. So haven't told them.

The Download work is like reliving my Tesco/Sainsburys days all over again, although all the customers are calm because they're either off their tits on some sort of drugs, sober and wanting booze, or drunk and pretending to be low-key sober so they can buy booze. But some of the other agency people that work on nights with me - 12 in total - about half of them do fuck all, and the work they do is either stretched out way longer than it should be or they literally just stand there and watch you work. In the time it took 5-6 of them to work on one 3/4 full cage of stuff, I had taken 1 and 1/2 wooden pallets out of action and it looked fucking amazing. Then checking the stuff in the cage they didn't put out - I was able to get over half of that out. Some of the Co-op staff (when we got there on the first day they were pissed off their faces on Smirnoff Ice and San Miguel, and when they're sober might as well have neon signs that have "AGENCY STAFF: WE DO NOT TRUST YOU. PREPARE TO BE PATRONISED THE FUCK OUT OF) have come to call that half of the Agency people "The Nimrods"

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 24/05/2018 at 5:56 PM, Ashley said:

Previously on... I work part-time at one place and rest of the week doing contracting work for a company (for various clients).  Same kind of work, but different contexts.

My contract at the PT place is up in September.  I don't need to make a decision about whether to stay at this stage, but it keeps playing on my mind.  Usually the way I'm swinging depends on who annoyed me last.  The PT thing feels more 'comfortable'/rewarding in some ways.  It's a place I've been in for five years (minus one year away), I know the rest of the team and many other people and I feel like the work I do makes more of an impact (and I know how best to help others).  The contracting work is scattered, more disconnected and often work from home (which obviously has its benefits but it is more isolating).  The contracting work pays much better, so its the stronger contender (particularly as I don't want to do this line of work anyway and its supposed to just be financially supportive) but I just prefer the other place which is weird as I've quit three times, although in a former role.


On 31/05/2018 at 9:52 AM, Ashley said:

Went to see someone in their office yesterday and someone was trying to get me to apply for a job.

It's one a few people have tried to get me to do but I've had no interest, but due to various reasons I am thinking about it now.  It would require some negotiation as they want someone full time as of July but I'm committed to other things until September, but it might be something I can share with a colleague until that point (they basically want someone from our team to attend all their workshops).

I don't know.  I want to move away from this kind of work but an overwhelming sense of self-doubt makes me wonder if that'll ever be possible.  le sigh

Following on from these.

A few days after the latter post I spoke to my line manager saying I was considering it and she told me the role had already been offered (by the same person that offered me it) to someone else in the team.  I knew they were doing something for the project, wasn't aware it was the same role.  I then spoke to the person that offered me it just to check it was the same and yup.  My colleague is pregnant and they gave some kind of "we were just worried..." nonsense but I know it's a stupid personality thing (without sounding too arrogant, they prefer me but for no reason, my colleague is great).

I let it die down a bit because it became a political issue and both me and my line manager were off at various points.  I had a catch up with her yesterday and she asked what I wanted to do because someone in the team has handed in their notice and is leaving around the same time that aforementioned colleague goes on maternity leave and another colleague (for whom I'm currently covering their maternity leave) returns.  Basically I have four choices I think:

  1. Take the new maternity role and stay PT and carry on doing contracting stuff (i.e. nothing really changes)
  2. Take the new maternity role and stay PT but give up contracting (less money, more freedom)
  3. Take the new maternity role but do it FT (less money than 1 overall, but think it would be more enjoyable)
  4. Take the FT position (well, apply for it and assume) (same as 3 really)

I'm currently leaning more towards 3 or 4 simply because while more money is nice, at present I don't need it.  I don't have a mortgage and I'm not going to be getting one any time soon.  Even with the contracting work I have to be doing it for another ~16 months before I can start applying for one, but then I don't want to be applying for mortgages at a pay point I may not be able to maintain.

Since finishing my postgraduate years ago I've been constantly thinking of work as a stop gap to something else part of me wants to just stop worrying about things and just do a 9-5 for a while and just do 'personal development' stuff for a while (I want to learn to make pasta, take swimming lessons and that kind of stuff).


tenor.gif?itemid=4786060 tumblr_nhvg9iAuIx1tq4of6o1_500.gif

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I look forward to starting my new job in September. The place I'm working now (when I'm not on paternity leave) is falling apart. During my leave, two more employees quit and while they have hired 5 more new people, it's just not enough for me to see what the future there would hold. So I'm glad I decided to go with it and go to the new place. 

Two weeks ago, they had their annual summer party there and I was of course invited. It was such a contrast to party with these people, they were young for one thing, and they seem to match my interests a bit better. However, they love foosball, they even have an internal ranking system. I guess I have to learn that game a bit better or just... lose all the time. May go for the last part...

Just ordered my equipment. I'm getting a MacBook Pro 15" (it was that or a Dell XPS 15) and a new OnePlus 6 phone (I could choose any phone and don't want iPhone).

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On 08/06/2018 at 2:26 PM, EEVILMURRAY said:

Update: Been offered a trial at da solicitors. Apparently the Partners were a bit concerned about my less-than-wealth of experience - but my boombastic typing skillz (actual legal term) convinced them to gimme a shot. So week on Monday I have until the end of the month to impress them to let me carry on until the end of the year, which hopefully will lead to something more permanent. Yay!

Managed to pass the trial, so now need to cancel the JSA, however they only seem open during one's work hours. So have to deal with the might of the being on hold system.

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I have no idea how long it have been since they installed the mezzanine floor before I started to work there but they are finally installing the Air Con system after 8 years of complaining about how warm airs from the bakery, etc are making the mezzanine floor damn too warm to work during the summer. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

My parternity leave neded Wednesday so I returned to my job then. The first day was great, it was nice to get out of the house and had a lot to do - read mails, get information that was provided while I was gone and all. But now, two days later, I'm bored as shit. Since I'm only back for a month before I switch jobs, they don't really provide me with interesting and deep tasks that I can delve into and spend all my time on. So it's a bit uphill and I now wish that I just said I would start the new job in August instead of September 1st.

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