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Xpert 11 Season 30: The End of History, The Era of One Champion


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I played your vid then opened a different tab all I heard was.


Our new game is called Nintendo pocket football crap. i swear I'm not racist


It actually looks quite good!


Legends 2-0 Winston



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Yeh sounds good what leagues you starting with?


I see what you did with your MF rating trying to trick me into thinking you aren't playing with 5 Midfielders, mind games!


Danslikestrees I am up for doing Star and Flower for my first five point discussion encompassing Round 1 and 2 and then swap next time?


Haaaha you got me - if I'd seen this post before the match I might've switched again. Completely schooled me there though, every tactic spot on - I've fallen for it before but I love the Conden switch to defence - genius.


I'll get you at the home leg - promising you a tougher game at the Lions Den.


Writeups plan suits me - I'll do mine at some point this weekend!


That DS game looks like it could be great - though it also looks a lot like an Android game I had called I think Pocket League Story




Which was actually quite good fun

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Haaaha you got me - if I'd seen this post before the match I might've switched again. Completely schooled me there though, every tactic spot on - I've fallen for it before but I love the Conden switch to defence - genius.


I'll get you at the home leg - promising you a tougher game at the Lions Den.


Writeups plan suits me - I'll do mine at some point this weekend!


That DS game looks like it could be great - though it also looks a lot like an Android game I had called I think Pocket League Story




Which was actually quite good fun



All I am anymore is a team that wants to get to the knockouts anyone that gets in the way of that is going to lose.

Always a classic playing your team feel like I am putting them against a top level side when I play Winston.


Almost finished my write ups be good to go soon.

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1 - Meat and Veg at the top of Mushroom league




In an xpert climate dominated by top teams who pack their midfield, it was refreshing to see an old fashioned 442 on 442 slug out between Inter and the Elites. In a good tactical battle both teams cancelled one another out, resulting in frayed post-match words. Both may now lie behind in the race to top the group but the match ratings would suggest we are looking at two of the top candidates to win the championship this season.


2 - Is Haden our N-Europe's Jose?




There was more than a touch of Jose in Haden's tactical masterclass against Winston, whilst his continued insistence that his is the underdog in the league recalls the Chelsea manager's comments last week. With a strong young midfield stacked with pace and stamina, a team valued at 113million econ, and a genuinely versatile leader in Grant Conden, Haden's Rangers surely have as strong a chance as any of replicating their cup success in the off-season.


3 - Is the N-Europe champions league the baptism of fire for new teams?


Newcomers and former managers are struggling to play competitive football with squads thoroughly ill-equipt to play the likes of former higher and mid-league teams. In Rez and RLTA of Rosser's Rovers we would appear to have two potentially strong managers, yet with players rarely over a 7 skill rating, they are years of development from the top teams. The stats speak for themselves, both teams having failed to register on the scoreboard after two games and with a 7 and 8 goal deficit.


4 - Are the Star League's qualifiying spots already filled?




In a group with such a tough top three the smart money might be on the top four staying as it is. Eights Captain Emil Beck said the qualifying was 'svært jævla kjedelig' (which our translator claims to mean 'very boring') and resented having to travel to Dial Square last week and Blenheim Palace on Tuesday. The fourth spot might be considered up for grabs but Dedede's league performance suggests that he has the tactical nouse and the depth to hang on to the last qualifying place.


5 - Does the long off-season tone down the element of surprise and upsets in the early stages of the season?




Argument rages between managers about the purpose of a long off-season, debating the excitement of the cup vs the boredom of teams waiting a month to start the next season. Another factor might be the time allowed to managers to train up their teams. The Lion's manager has claimed 'my team is in better form than ever going into this season'. Given that change reports leave teams in a disarray of form that provokes excitement and potential for upsets, future seasons might benefit from a shorter summer - the qualifying stages thus far have been lacking in surprise results.

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I think the flip side for point 3 is that these new teams actually get to play against the stronger opposition straight away, so they have access to better DV right away. Good managers will make the most of this and should expect very good change reports.

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1 - Meat and Veg at the top of Mushroom league


One would think that it will be Inter and the Elites occupying the top two spots in the Mushroom League and I think them both playing 442 shows that they are both wary of the threat the other team poses. I personally see 442 as development-focused and a cautious formation - I think both teams will secretly be happy with a point at this stage.


Out of all the leagues, the Mushroom League is perhaps the most unbalanced. No other league has four Elite League sides from last season. But if those teams aren't careful, then we may see Leeds pip a team to 4th spot.


2 - Is Haden our N-Europe's Jose?


His win over Yellow Sub in the cup final was reminiscent of Chelsea's defeat of Man City a couple of weeks back. Maybe the answer to this question is yes, but let's see how he'll handle Eights - that will surely be his biggest test of his managerial credentials so far.


3 - Is the N-Europe champions league the baptism of fire for new teams?


Yes. But as DuD has said, good managers will make the most of the exposure to highly skilled teams.


Would newer teams enjoy playing in the Lower League in the old format more? Probably. But they arguably have a better opportunity to develop their teams in the Champions League. And if a manager is tenacious enough, 4th place is definitely up for grabs in all of the leagues.


4 - Are the Star League's qualifiying spots already filled?


It will be a tough battle for 4th between AFC Dedede and The Familia. I think it will depend on which Familia show up this season - if they can emulate the performances that got them 6th place in the Elite League a couple of seasons back, then I don't see Dedede overcoming them.


5 - Does the long off-season tone down the element of surprise and upsets in the early stages of the season?


I've always been in favour of a length off-season. The off-season builds hype and excitement for the next season; it gives managers a chance to rethink their development strategies and a chance to buy and sell in the transfer market; allows managers to have a short break from the game and come back refreshed.


The time for upsets is the off-season cup, when team's forms are all over the place. I think it would be unacceptable for managers to enter a proper season with an out of form squad as this would seriously impact development.

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Playing @Ellmeister today. Got high hopes for another victory.


If I was a real bookmaker I'd be very worried about the long odds I put on you your team are doing fantastic!


Huge game you vs inter next.


Not bad winning the league after only three matches :p


Now I remember why I was so pleased when Yellow won their first title :heh:

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Disappointing result today. It was 1-1 and our playmaker gets seriously injured then we get a goal disallowed. Lost 2-1 away from home but it feels like there was potential to win this game!


What I like about this new format is that every game feels really significant and youth development is so strained.

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Disappointing result today. It was 1-1 and our playmaker gets seriously injured then we get a goal disallowed. Lost 2-1 away from home but it feels like there was potential to win this game!


My playmaker got injured in the first minute!


Then I made some disastrous substitutions...

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Talking Points Star and Flower League


Round 1-2


RFC and Figni




So after a couple of games in a league involving Yellow Submarine and Madpool who had money on RFC being top with a 23 year old midfielder from their side being the highest impact player in the league? RFC started off their campaign with a 6-0 demolition of Cubic County where Figni scored a fantastic hat trick. After this RFC went against Madpool away, at half time Madpool playing 3-5-2 were beating RFC playing 4-5-1 2-1 at half time. Figni set up a header for Normqvist and then with five minutes to go Figni smashed in a winner. This brings his total goals to 4 in 2 games more than he has ever scored in a season. This is a fantastic start for RFC, they have a stylish way of playing that is midfield intensive. Their next game is against Dragooooo who are the only other side with a 100% record, how RFC and Figni do against them on Tuesday will be very interesting, there is no way that game will finish 0-0.


Russian Revolution 2-2 Yellow Submarine




This game was from round 2 and has been highlighted as it was a shock for a lot of people who saw this match. Revolution played 4-3-3 and hoped to be deadly on the break, while YS went for pure domination with a 3-5-2 set up. Things started well for YS as McEnroe dictated play from the back to set up Irvine to make it 1-0. Sadly Irvine later scored an own goal to make it 1-1. In the 2nd half YS dominated chances but could not make a break through and Kalashnikov bundled in a shot to give Russian Revolution the lead on 67th minute! Soon after McEnroe again set up a goal as Beasley headed it to make 2-2. YS could have done no more in this game and will feel very hard done by but this will not derail their campaign. Russian Revolution had some luck but by setting up with 4-3-3 conceded the midfield battle to concentrate on scoring when they had sparse opportunities. This shock draw may kick off their group stage campaign.


Shearer and Ryman




While it must be said Baggies have had an easy couple of games in the Flower League it has only highlighted the fantastic combo of Ryman the captain at the back and Shearer up front. Both players are leaders in their positions and Ryman has helped ensure that Baggies have not conceded a goal in their opening two games with his leadership and air superiority. Shearer who has been Baggies main offensive weapon for many a season has started this campaign with intent. Scoring a hat-trick against the Blades and two against Fedex what is so hard for defenders is his ability to score with headed goals or powerful shots. These two may well run rampage in a league that Baggies may be able to score some easy wins.



Coloccini shining Silverdale fading?




There was a big shock as Coloccini stepped up to take 3 points against Silverdale at home in a deserved 2-1 victory. Playing a 3-5-2 the home side took the game to Silverdale who looked timid playing 4-5-1. The other factor was Silverdale played the youths Jeffers up front and Wacek in midfield. With a lack of games it is tempting to cram in as many youth appearances as early as possible but this backfired for Silverdale as even after they brought on some veterans after half time Coloccini had momentum and scored a 2nd to seal the game. After a first loss this was a crucial win for Coloccini who will have to watch out for bob and Fedex snapping at their heels. Silverdale will survive this loss but will have to manage their youths better in the future.


Blades the youth training side




Sadly in the Flower League Sheffield Blades manager has not turned up. This gives all other teams in this league a fantastic opportunity to get some youth on the pitch and still rack up a huge win as seen by Baggies 6-0 demolition and bob winning 5-0 away, happy hunting Flower League teams!


dansliketrees you want to swap for 3-4 or keep to same leagues?

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Last week the spotlight was on Hadens Legends vs Winston Garden Lions. Players were to predict the outcome and midfield ratings for each team. The closest guess was Haden as the only person to predict his team to win! The midfield ratings were 13 and 11, respectively.


This week the spotlight is on round 4's games and the match between Russian Revolution and Madpool. Revolution held Yellow Submarine to a draw in the first game of the season... will this game be a repeat performance? Please predict the outcome and how many chances will be made in the game!

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Welcome back to this week's Inter View and the second of the season. After a fascinating start to the Champions League season, today I welcome a former Alliance member, fellow former two-time Elite League champion, nWo winner and a side that like ourselves, currently sit with 4 points in their respective league...none other than Yellow Submarines boss, Zell himself! Great to have you on the show!


Question 1) First of all Zell, congratulations on your meteoric rise to stardom. Other than the aforementioned similarities, I've been following your progress for a while now and couldn't help but see many other similarities between our climbs to success. Of course, yours has somewhat eclipsed mine but now you've tasted success, will we see you pushing for more in the immediate future or has your side peaked for the time being and if so, will this be a period of squad rebuilding?


Thanks! I credit a lot of my success to emulating successful teams that have come before me and Intergalactico Stars are definitely one of those teams.


I would say that the next few seasons will be a transitional period for us. At the moment I believe YS are stronger than they’ve ever been, but other teams have risen around us and will continue to get stronger. We are still far off the strength of a team like Eights United for example, but that is the level I am aiming for with YS in the long term.


So in answer to your question, this will be a period of squad rebuilding. Our veteran players will slowly be replaced over the next few seasons with younger talent, laying the foundations of a stronger Yellow Submarine. My biggest challenge will be maintaining the quality of the squad while bringing through the youngsters.


Having said that, I don't believe success and development are mutually exclusive. I will always try to win as many games as I can every season and I don’t believe in sacrificing results for the sake of extra DV. I believe I have every chance to win the Champions League and that is what I’ll be striving for.


Question 2) Speaking of your squad, it currently consists of only 16 men, would this be your optimal number of players and do you ever experience problems with combined suspensions & injuries or do the end benefits of presumably increased DV outweigh those potential problems?


I've reduced the size of my squad this season because I'm cautious about development. The uncertainty of the new Champions League format combined with facing weaker opposition than I would usually face in the Elite League, I feel there is a greater risk of weak change report.


We do not play dirty football, so suspensions are not an issue. As for potential injuries, I feel we have enough cover in all positions with the exception of defence - however should we encounter injuries to our defence we will simply play more attacking football!


Question 3) In the gameweek just gone we saw you drop points to last seasons Lower League winners Russian Revolution. Were you surprised by this result and could we be seeing the next rising star of N-Europe in the making? Also, how do you see the rest of your group games panning out?


Looking at the tactics report, I'm not surprised at all that we didn't win. His tactics were shrewd and admittedly I was complacent. I'm disappointed in myself for underestimating Russian Revolution. They are definitely a team that are going places and their manager seems to have found a new sense of determination. Top 4 in the group is definitely not beyond them.


As for the Star League, anything less than 1st place for us will be a disappointment. Winning the group isn't just about bragging rights, it's about securing a favourable draw for the knockout stages. I don't want to face Eights in the last 16!


My biggest obstacle in my view is The Roger Federer Crew. They have a fantastic squad, yet they are only in their 6th season! They are certainly capable of beating anyone and could be this season's dark horses.


I feel there are so many more questions I'd like to ask you but unfortunately we've reached the end of the Inter View now so as is customary I'll leave you to shoot the breeze on any final words for you to sign off on...


I will sign off by saying that I am eying up Hadens Rangers for a potential match in the knockout stages. I have not forgotten about the cup final and I will be looking to get even.




That sounds like 'fightin' tawk'! :grin: Haden will get his chance to respond in a few weeks time in what will no doubt prove to be a scintillating Inter View but stay tuned next up for the thoughts of Aqui1a!


The Inter View list:-



Yellow Subs





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