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Pokémon on Wii U?


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I can't resist one of these debates - mainly because it highlights the disbelief and annoyance I sometimes (mostly) have with Nintendo.


Its fine if people think having a handheld style adventure on a home console would be in-line with the spirit of Pokemon... But coming of age to be a Pokemon Master doesn't have to be the same setting for every adventure. XD and Gale of Darkness were ok attempts - but it wasn't the Pokemon aspect that ruined things, it was the lack of inspiring storyline, visuals and music.


But there is still a craving for Gamefreak/Nintendo to ATLEAST ATTEMPT a traditional Pokemon adventure on a home console. Pokemon will sell regardless, so don't worry about dev costs, and I am very certain an online Pokemon adventure will boost Wii U sales incredibly. With the current low selling of Wii U and the natural hype the other consoles will get when they release, it seems like the perfect time to try this out...you know, DO SOMETHING - not just sit there and release the obvious rehashes and expect sales to go smoothly.


Fair enough if Pokemon has to appeal for the younger generation, but no matter how you cut it, its we 20-something year olds who fork out £300 on home consoles. If you're smart, you would market Pokemon to both young and mature adequetly; and I think the cutey 'Pikachu, Jigglypuff' element of the franchise overwhelms the fierce, 'lvl100 Charizard' side of things - this is the route Pokemon inevitably leads to anyway.


My point is you can use a home console version to cater to an older audience. There is flexibility with a franchise this big but Nintendo just really doesn't seem to be capable of adapting to the times. As far as new Nintendo franchises go, I doubt Pokemon can be topped ever - and its only a matter of time before new Pokemon creation ideas stall and the 'tried and true' handheld adventure formula expires. So much opportunity is being lost.


The graphics argument; Graphics do sell! I see no other reason why Wind Waker is being re-released in HD if not for this reason. HD graphics and detail is all about immersion - and thats often enough for people to make a choice on what they play. If this is the only positive attribute to Pokemon on Wii U, then its good enough.


Anyway... I do believe that that snippet of Lucario and Blaziken is a real game - the way in which its teased (and in chronological order), makes me think it couldn't just be a random CG to end the trailer.

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Oh you :p




It's not a "times change" thing. It's a fact that the majority of players are kids and you just have to walk around Japan on a non school day and you will see kids with their 3DSs playing Pokémon with eachother, especially if you go towards an event. GameFreak will not risk cutting out this huge market. You say people play online, yes they do...that's great, but it's doable on the handheld without cutting out that market


Look at it this way. A home console game is a much larger financial investment. It will potentially yield much lower sales due to the cutting of the core market. It's just illogical for them to do it, and that's how they see it. I'd love it to happen, but it won't.


But I digress

You're doing what you said you wouldn't in this thread.


Also, yet again you're overlooking both Handheld and Console Pokémon co-existing.


I'm fed of hearing about GameFreak... let them just look after the handheld games then... Nintendo can give the Console Pokémon to Level 5 or some other developer. Be nice to have some fresh ideas and perspective for the series that aren't just standard sequel upgrades.

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Why can't Pokemon just go the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate route?


You have what is essentially the same game for both hand-held and home consoles which you can transfer your saves between at any time, on the 3DS you have the more traditional style adventure but on the Wii U you have what is essentially the same thing as one half of the game so that you can play your adventure on the big screen but the other half is all about the battles, basically a revival of Pokemon Stadium. :D


There's definitely potential there surely? ::shrug:


*Awaits being told that this won't work because of reason 'X' and/or 'Y'...*;)

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You're doing what you said you wouldn't in this thread.


Also, yet again you're overlooking both Handheld and Console Pokémon co-existing.


I'm fed of hearing about GameFreak... let them just look after the handheld games then... Nintendo can give the Console Pokémon to Level 5 or some other developer. Be nice to have some fresh ideas and perspective for the series that aren't just standard sequel upgrades.

Pokémon is not a game for Nintendo to give another developer. It's all on GameFreak. GameFreak make the decisions regarding the franchise, not Nintendo. Nintendo just owns a third of the franchise and publishes the games.


If GameFreak think it's not the way the franchise should go, then it's not the way the franchise will go

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Fuck this "it should only be on a handheld" bullshit. Times change.


"Football shouldn't have technology. It gives us nothing to talk about in the pub, plus too many interruptions."

"No online gameplay, let's just all have splitscreen, it's better with friends near us."

"There's no point adding touchscreen controls, because we already have buttons."

"Metroid is fine in 2D."

"Nobody can do the joker better than Jack Nicholson, so why bother?"


Times change and things need to evolve. Yes, there is a social element with handheld pokemon, but there's also a social element involved with online gaming. There's a massive community out there with gamers who play online. Dare I say it, more people play online nowadays than they do splitscreen.


For the sake of evolving, Pokemon also needs to change. Otherwise, all we'll be doing is adding more Pokemon and keeping everything else the same. Having it's own separate entity on the home console would allow those traditionalists who do want things the same to still have the handheld adventures, but it also gives us, the other gamers out there, the opportunity to play the game on a home console.


It won't happen, because it's too much of an obvious idea for Nintendo to do it. Want to know of another "too obvious" title? Mario fucking Tennis on the Wii. Maybe Nintendo just loves missing opportunities?


Disagree with everything. Sorry.


Times do change yes, and things need to evolve. I could go on about how the games now are totally different to what they were back in the RBY days - but I'll leave that to Serebii. :heh:


Also, my point here is that a 7 year old kid is probably not going to have an internet connection and be allowed to just go online whenever they feel like it to play with their friends. Me and you can - but we're in our twenties and can do what the fuck we want.


The game is made purposely so you can take your pokemon with you anywhere. Play with friends, trade with friends, battle with friends. This game is meant to be a handheld experience (in my opinion) so that it falls in like with what the whole damn franchise is about.


Would I like a home console Pokemon? Why the fuck not - but not at the expense of it being a handheld title. Coz that's where it belongs. Peace. : peace:

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I still think that they can definitely make an accompanying Wii U title that works in conjunction with the portable games though, the original Pokemon Stadium was really popular so I don't see why they wouldn't make another game like that but done properly and not like 'Pokemon Battle Revolution' on the Wii... how could they go so far wrong with that? :woops:

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I still think that they can definitely make an accompanying Wii U title that works in conjunction with the portable games though, the original Pokemon Stadium was really popular so I don't see why they wouldn't make another game like that but done properly and not like 'Pokemon Battle Revolution' on the Wii... how could they go so far wrong with that? :woops:

But Battle Revolution was essentially a new Stadium game. All it lacked was mini-games

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Now you have a reason to get a 3DS :p


I have at least 8 reasons (OoT 3D, Animal Crossing, 3D Land, MK7, LM 2, ALBW, LEGO City, NSMB 2, Pokémon X/Y) to get one, even my wife wants one for Layton... but all those reasons are outweighed by the fact I cannot afford one... :(

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Disagree with everything. Sorry.


Times do change yes, and things need to evolve. I could go on about how the games now are totally different to what they were back in the RBY days - but I'll leave that to Serebii. :heh:


It's changed a lot, but it hasn't evolved in ways that it could have. Especially not a home console. The Gamecube Pokemon games were garbage.


Also, my point here is that a 7 year old kid is probably not going to have an internet connection and be allowed to just go online whenever they feel like it to play with their friends. Me and you can - but we're in our twenties and can do what the fuck we want.


You are absolutely wrong with the part about 7 year olds having no internet connection. 7 year olds have internet connections, mobile phones, tvs in their room and games consoles these days. Most people have internet in their houses, most 7 year olds will have their own games console, and all three home consoles can access the internet. So, 7 year olds will have access. Like I said, times change. They don't just go outside and ride bikes til the early evening any more.


The game is made purposely so you can take your pokemon with you anywhere. Play with friends, trade with friends, battle with friends. This game is meant to be a handheld experience (in my opinion) so that it falls in like with what the whole damn franchise is about.


The handheld game is made for that purpose. We are talking about the home console game, which would be something else entirely.


Would I like a home console Pokemon? Why the fuck not - but not at the expense of it being a handheld title. Coz that's where it belongs. Peace. : peace:


So, you'd like a home console game, which is brilliant. Nobody is saying that they want the handheld ones to stop, but rather that the home console game would act in its own right and in a different way to the handheld.


The thing that seems to be putting most people off is a weird sense of nostalgia.

"No, no online, no home console. You should go around to your mate's house and trade Pokemon that way."


Yes, it is very nostalgic and it was very wonderful at the time. But, online is social in its own way. There's absolutely no "real" reason why it can't work on a home console.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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But Battle Revolution was essentially a new Stadium game. All it lacked was mini-games


Nope, not even close. Stadium 2 was awesome, whereas BR has a Metacritic total of 53/100. Says IGN:


For whatever reason, however, Pokemon Battle Revolution takes a step back, actually removing content from older attempts, making the true "Stadium" experience a one-trick pony. Gone are the multiplayer mini-games, the ability to play the portable game on the big screen, the endless extra features, and overall "hub" feel of the console Pokemon experience. Pokemon Battle Revolution is neither a full-fledged RPG on Wii nor a fully-realized stadium effort, as the core of the game has been cut down to online or offline battles. The single player mode is a joke, there’s a huge lack of true customization or depth, and the multiplayer mode – while certainly appealing to core gamers – offers very little beyond what DS had. You'll pay $50 for a stripped down seven-year-old design that offers worldwide random battles in place of a full-fledged RPG, voice chat, or any actual depth found in the handheld versions. For less money you can get well over 60 hours of gameplay on DS, and far more multiplayer (both local and online) anywhere you go. Pokemon Battle Revolution is a $50 loyalty tax for Wii Pokemon fans, and was far better seven years ago on Nintendo 64. 5/10




A proper Stadium game next, please.

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Nope, not even close. Stadium 2 was awesome, whereas BR has a Metacritic total of 53/100. Says IGN:




A proper Stadium game next, please.

Stadium is often looked fondly upon due to nostalgia. Battle Revolution is exactly what Stadium was, they just had different styles of battles in various cups, thus actually giving it more variety than Stadium.


I recently replayed Stadium, Stadium and Stadium 2 in order to re-cover them for the site, and I can attest to this. PBR is a better version in all bits except for the lack of rental Pokémon and lack of mini-games.


Though it's all down to personal opinion.

Edited by Serebii
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I work with mostly women with young kids - the kids all being gamers. None of them are allowed to go online with their games as the parents don't want them 'talking to strangers' and all that shit. Most parents will be deciding if a child can play a game online or not and most would probably choose not. Anyway, off topic.


You're missing my point here. The topic is Pokemon on Wii U. i've already said my perfect idea of this combo would be a Pokemon Stadium 3 - that works together with the main franchise handheld games to create some sexy cross platform play.

What I am saying I don't want or what I don't think will be true to what the game is all about, is a full Pokemon game on a home console. So say the next main instalment after X&Y being only available on the Wii U. For reasons I've explained. Not everyone will agree with that, but I personally don't feel that the games need to be changed. And it's not to be awkward, it's just how I feel about the series! ::shrug:


A separate spin off type game that is similar to the Colosseum style of play (only good :heh:) I'd be totally up for. If there was going to be a Pokemon on Wii U I'd like it to be totally different to the handheld games.

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I work with mostly women with young kids - the kids all being gamers. None of them are allowed to go online with their games as the parents don't want them 'talking to strangers' and all that shit. Most parents will be deciding if a child can play a game online or not and most would probably choose not. Anyway, off topic.


I'm a school teacher and have taught 7 year olds who do have their own games consoles and go online. Most of the 9/10 year olds I taught last year have their own youtube accounts and go on Xbox Live regularly. The women might not let their kids do it, but the Dad's certainly don't mind as much, from what I've seen. Also, parents are very good at pulling the wool over people's eyes and letting you believe that they have all kinds of systems in place at home.


You're missing my point here. The topic is Pokemon on Wii U. i've already said my perfect idea of this combo would be a Pokemon Stadium 3 - that works together with the main franchise handheld games to create some sexy cross platform play.


But...why? We've already had Pokemon Stadium, why do we need another one? It's such a waste of all that potential that it's unreal.


What I am saying I don't want or what I don't think will be true to what the game is all about, is a full Pokemon game on a home console. So say the next main instalment after X&Y being only available on the Wii U. For reasons I've explained. Not everyone will agree with that, but I personally don't feel that the games need to be changed. And it's not to be awkward, it's just how I feel about the series! ::shrug:


I'm tempted to facepalm here. :p

Nobody is saying that they want the next game after X/Y to be home console. Nobody is saying that they want the series to be strictly on a home console, but rather have its own home console game whilst the handheld games continue to do what they do.


A separate spin off type game that is similar to the Colosseum style of play (only good :heh:) I'd be totally up for. If there was going to be a Pokemon on Wii U I'd like it to be totally different to the handheld games.


Yes, different to the handheld.

No, not Colosseum as that was gash.


In short, what gamers actually want:

A 3D home console Pokemon ADVENTURE (not Stadium or any of that shit) where you have a proper storyline, proper characters, sidequests, a good and memorable soundtrack, a functioning online mode and potentially some connectivity to the 3DS title to upload your Pokemans and use them in battle or in the main quest.


What games will get:


Pokemon Stadium 3

Colosseum 2.

Both of the above.

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And all we want is a spin off game that utilises the same capture/collect element that the hanheld but has a storyline that doesnt involve the pokemon league/gyms - battle system identical to ni no kuni.

The plot could focus on a global threat, hell it could and should mirror the animes plot (excluding gyms)

no separate versions means the social trading element is gone, online battles,leagues and trading/breeding could exist but not essentially for the single player like the handheld

thus spin off that retains common elements, but not taking away from the main series

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Siliconera recently checked on trademarks and found out that 'Pokkén Fighters' and 'Pokkén Tournament' have been filed by The Pokémon Company in the US.


Interesting. So we could be seeing a Pokemon fighter on the way then. I guess, if true, the pic that sparked this thread has something to do with it.



Edited by Hero-of-Time
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So I was right, it's a fighting game!?


The name Pokken makes me think that it's a Pokemon X Tekken mashup made by Namco (which makes sense considering they're working on SSB4...)


Please play nothing like Tekken. I HATE Tekken! Play more like Soul Calibur and you have a sale! :D

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