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Wii game sales list


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I was having a look at this Wiki listing ranking Wii games based on number of sales...




As much as I bemoan more and more NSMB games, facts are the Wii version sold double what Galaxy did and 4x what Galaxy 2 made, which is slightly depressing. No wonder we're not getting Galaxy 3 for Wii U.


Also depressing that Just Dance 2 barely made much less than Twilight Princess. Considering the huge difference in budget and effort in creating each, I find that incredible.


Link's Crossbow training sold 4.8 MILLION? And Skyward Sword only sold 3.5? That can't be right?


Does point to more hardcore 1st party Nintendo titles not being huge sellers, and those are big flagship names like Mario and Zelda. Almost makes it easy to understand their reluctance to make a Starfox or F-Zero game.

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And that's why I am not getting pissed off that they are relying on the Mario name a lot at the minute and looking at bringing familiarity to the console when it really needs it.


I know in time, most of the games I am clamouring for (a new full 3d Mario adventure etc) will come, but at the minute I don't blame Ninty for doing what they're doing. I also expect that the coming games from now until the end of the year, will be a blast to play. So I'm exicted for that!

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I was having a look at this Wiki listing ranking Wii games based on number of sales...




As much as I bemoan more and more NSMB games, facts are the Wii version sold double what Galaxy did and 4x what Galaxy 2 made, which is slightly depressing. No wonder we're not getting Galaxy 3 for Wii U.


Also depressing that Just Dance 2 barely made much less than Twilight Princess. Considering the huge difference in budget and effort in creating each, I find that incredible.


Link's Crossbow training sold 4.8 MILLION? And Skyward Sword only sold 3.5? That can't be right?


Does point to more hardcore 1st party Nintendo titles not being huge sellers, and those are big flagship names like Mario and Zelda. Almost makes it easy to understand their reluctance to make a Starfox or F-Zero game.


The power of the expanded market right there.


I do love me some Just Dance though. It's a great game in it's own right and well worth a punt if you aren't afraid to look like an idiot. I've had some great sessions on that with my mates. :D

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Didn't Links Crossbow Training come with the Zapper? I'm sure that helped a little. But, still, that's quite disappointing.


Budget and effort doesn't equal sales and I guess this just proves it. To a lot of people out there, the Just Dance games are good fun that you can have with your friends. I'm sure those same Zelda fans will go out and buy the next one, but there's a huge group of people out there who do like Just Dance and those "dance-mat" style games from before.


There was a huge wave at that time, too. Remember the popularity of Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Waves come and go.

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Didn't Links Crossbow Training come with the Zapper? I'm sure that helped a little. But, still, that's quite disappointing.


Budget and effort doesn't equal sales and I guess this just proves it. To a lot of people out there, the Just Dance games are good fun that you can have with your friends. I'm sure those same Zelda fans will go out and buy the next one, but there's a huge group of people out there who do like Just Dance and those "dance-mat" style games from before.


There was a huge wave at that time, too. Remember the popularity of Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Waves come and go.


Crossbow training was also only £20 if I remember correctly. Cracking game as well.


Yeah, I also loved the dance mat games back in the day. I played the hell out of the PS1 version of DanceStage Euro Mix. I still have my copy Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix with the mat for the Cube. :D

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And look at the top selling games for the PS3 and XBOX360!


For the 360, the top selling game of the generation is Kinect Adventures. Of the remaining top 10 games, five of them are COD games and three are Halo games - that's a total of 8 FPS titles in the top ten.


For the PS3 the top three selling games are COD games, there are five COD games in the top ten and six of the top ten are shooters. There's two FIFA games as well.


There's sales trends on all consoles - but for the PS3/360 it is clear - COD and FPS titles dominate the charts.


On Nintendo systems it's always Nintendo first party titles and usually the most accessible titles sell the best. Simple.

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Regardless of it coming with the zapper, I just can't believe Link's Crossbow Training sold nearly 5M where Skyward Sword only shifted 3.5. That's incredible.


No, it is completely understandable:


Link's Crossbow Training came with the Zapper, it was £20, it came out early in the console's lifespan so had time to build up sales and could be played and enjoyed by almost anyone.


Skyward Sword was a full priced game, needed Motion Plus to work and would only appeal to the 'core gamer' who wanted a huge and complex quest. What's more the game came out late in the life cycle and thus hasn't had the opportunity to be bundled and accumulate sales over a long period!



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No, it is completely understandable:


Link's Crossbow Training came with the Zapper, it was £20, it came out early in the console's lifespan so had time to build up sales and could be played and enjoyed by almost anyone.


Skyward Sword was a full priced game, needed Motion Plus to work and would only appeal to the 'core gamer' who wanted a huge and complex quest. What's more the game came out late in the life cycle and thus hasn't had the opportunity to be bundled and accumulate sales over a long period!




Yeah, Zechs is right on this one. It's amazing what dropping the price to £20 and adding in a piece of "hardware" or an extra can do for sales. For that same reason, I expect many people bought Red Steel 2 for its motionplus accessory.

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Interesting how the new Mario will do this Christmas then. Two 40yr old women at work were talking about games at work the other day saying their kids want Assassins Creed 4 and the new CoD for Christmas. They were worried about the violence saying they wouldn't buy them AC3 last year.

Their kids are aged 7 and 12.


One of the ladies said her son is LEGO mad and watches Lego City YouTube plays. But they refuse to buy the kid a new console when they have spent a ton on the XBox.


It seems Nintendo will need to drive parent and kids' interests for Christmas through their new titles. Not sure they have enough but DKC Mario and Zelda are big names. A big Christmas needed though. No Mario Kart for Christmas is still crazy.

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Interesting how the new Mario will do this Christmas then. Two 40yr old women at work were talking about games at work the other day saying their kids want Assassins Creed 4 and the new CoD for Christmas. They were worried about the violence saying they wouldn't buy them AC3 last year.

Their kids are aged 7 and 12.


One of the ladies said her son is LEGO mad and watches Lego City YouTube plays. But they refuse to buy the kid a new console when they have spent a ton on the XBox.


It seems Nintendo will need to drive parent and kids' interests for Christmas through their new titles. Not sure they have enough but DKC Mario and Zelda are big names. A big Christmas needed though. No Mario Kart for Christmas is still crazy.


Console needs to competitively priced. I see it on sale in a handful of places and it looks so expense alongside the other consoles. I don't blame parents for not wanting to stump uup £300 on a console!

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Interesting how the new Mario will do this Christmas then. Two 40yr old women at work were talking about games at work the other day saying their kids want Assassins Creed 4 and the new CoD for Christmas. They were worried about the violence saying they wouldn't buy them AC3 last year.

Their kids are aged 7 and 12.


One of the ladies said her son is LEGO mad and watches Lego City YouTube plays. But they refuse to buy the kid a new console when they have spent a ton on the XBox.


It seems Nintendo will need to drive parent and kids' interests for Christmas through their new titles. Not sure they have enough but DKC Mario and Zelda are big names. A big Christmas needed though. No Mario Kart for Christmas is still crazy.


I find it interesting that the likes of AC, CoD and GTA and what kids are allowed to play.


I remember when I was a young whipper snapper my parents wouldn't allow me to buy Splatterhouse with my hard earned cash due to the violence. How times have changed...

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Yeah I find it bad tbh. My GF's little brother plays RDR, AC3 and CoD and he's 7. Like many parents not in the know - the rule seems to be the only thing little Johnny can't play is GTA.

I find it appalling. I tell her not only is it irresponsible parenting but he's missing out on incredible games made for his age.


A lot of kids I hear about through family/work colleagues are given video games to appease them (or keep them quiet), and if CoD or AC does that - for many parents they just give in. As many parents are now gamers little Johnny is subjected to a lot of adult games too. The Wii U pad combats this somewhat...

much of the issue is that mature games seem to have the same content as an action movie so as long as the parent is within ear shot it seems OK.


I'm not saying any of this is right. I personally find it wrong on a moral level as there are games from devs (certainly from Nintendo) that cater to all ages in a child-friendly way. Why would you want kids being subjected to hyper-realistic visceral moments of violence? I'd rather they enjoyed the innocence of being a child.


So, back on track...


I think Nintendo nailed that market with Wii with the controller and the games seen out of the gate.

Now they have gone for 'U' and (as Zechs said), made the console more expensive - they are missing out on that Wii market of gamers. Who - contrary to popular belief haven't just disappeared now phones and tablets play more games.


Perhaps how we judge a console as a success needs to change.

Just because it doesn't sell gangbusters out of the gate doesn't mean it has failed per se.

Nintendo consoles get cheaper...the games get better (and more varied), and then parents stump up for that kid-friendly experience and the core gamers who want the big hitting Nintendo adventures dip in. This is what is happening with the 3DS - even without key 3rd party support.


Maybe longevity in the market and the variety/quality of games (and of the consumers buying the product) would be a better barometer to gamers as to what a successful console really is.

Edited by tapedeck
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Yeah I find it bad tbh. My GF's little brother plays RDR, AC3 and CoD and he's 7. Like many parents not in the know - the rule seems to be the only thing little Johnny can't play is GTA.

I find it appalling. I tell her not only is it irresponsible parenting but he's missing out on incredible games made for his age.


A lot of kids I hear about through family/work colleagues are given video games to appease them (or keep them quiet), and if CoD or AC does that - for many parents they just give in. As many parents are now gamers little Johnny is subjected to a lot of adult games too. The Wii U pad combats this somewhat...

much of the issue is that mature games seem to have the same content as an action movie so as long as the parent is within ear shot it seems OK.


I'm not saying any of this is right. I personally find it wrong on a moral level as there are games from devs (certainly from Nintendo) that cater to all ages in a child-friendly way. Why would you want kids being subjected to hyper-realistic visceral moments of violence? I'd rather they enjoyed the innocence of being a child.


So, back on track...


I think Nintendo nailed that market with Wii with the controller and the games seen out of the gate.

Now they have gone for 'U' and (as Zechs said), made the console more expensive - they are missing out on that Wii market of gamers. Who - contrary to popular belief haven't just disappeared now phones and tablets play more games.


Perhaps how we judge a console as a success needs to change.

Just because it doesn't sell gangbusters out of the gate doesn't mean it has failed per se.

Nintendo consoles get cheaper...the games get better (and more varied), and then parents stump up for that kid-friendly experience and the core gamers who want the big hitting Nintendo adventures dip in. This is what is happening with the 3DS - even without key 3rd party support.


Maybe longevity in the market and the variety/quality of games (and of the consumers buying the product) would be a better barometer to gamers as to what a successful console really is.


A lot of parents just don't get VG's and let little Johnny play whatever he demands, which is completely irresponsible. We need a good number of parents to face heavy fines and jail terms for subjecting their under-aged children to overly-graphic violence that is deemed inappropriate by the "large fucking sticker" on the side of the game box stating that this game is for those over 18. I bet they wouldn't let little Johnny watch a porn or full on horror movie, then again the crafty sod is probably doing it on his iPad behind their backs. A large proportion of parents still think VG's are for children regardless of the content, and it's the parents that need to grow up, not the children.

A little tipsy and overly confident parent myself tonight. BTW my son is 7 and no way in hell will he play, or even see COD, Batman, etc. Pikmin, Tank, Tank, Tank, and Nintendo Land are enough. I feel too strongly about the press constantly stating stories about VG's influencing violence in minors, what the fuck are the parents letting them play them for, and why aren't the press berating the parents and not the games, after all the games are appropriately labelled.

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