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eShop Balances to merge - RUMOUR


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Emily Rogers tweeted earlier stating


"Not related to Direct -- Wii U/3DS getting shared eShop balances soon. Add $$ to Wii U, shows up on 3DS. Add $$ to 3DS, shows up on Wii U."


Responding to this was a developer from WayForward who stated it was true.


One step closer

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Sounds like a step towards a unified account system, although knowing Nintendo (linked to Club Nintendo or something rather than NNID)...


I want to believe but Emily Rogers is very hit and miss on these kind of things. It's something that I wanted and would use though so hoping it's true. Might be talked about in Today's Direct/part of the Summer update?

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Now THIS is the kind of thing I like to hear! :D


Unified account system?


Yes please Nintendo, if you're merging the balances then you are halfway there! :D


Next they'll be announcing GBA games for Wii U and it'll be something like...



'For those of you who are 3DS ambassadors and who already have Game Boy Advance games on your 3DS, you will now be able to link your account so you can download and play your GBA games on your Wii U also.'


'But this will not happen until June 2016 when it will be the fifteenth anniversary of the Game Boy Advance.'


'Please Understand!'


In a nutshell. :p

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This would be pretty sweet. They also really need to change their eShop voucher cards to include the Wii U logo. I had an argument in GAME a few weeks back with the guy behind the counter as he said they wouldn't work on Wii U. I professed they did and said I had used several on my Wii U before. He laughed and said it was my risk to take. I then got angry. And left.

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Oh, this makes sense with the incoming web version eShop which we're supposed to be getting this year as well.


This is something I'd absolutely love. Being able to buy on a website whilst at work/away and it pushing straight to my wii u to be downloaded ready for me to play when I get in! Would be added awesome with a gift system too - imagine just one day you turn on your wii u and bam! Earthbound. Ready to rock right away.

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If only the Wii virtual console would be included, there's still some games I want to pick up on it. It's ridiculous that I have to add money to two different wallets on the same console if I want to buy a game off the Wii virtual console then buy one off the WiiU virtual console.

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