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Or it may be the case that Nintendo have never touched Gamescom, conference wise, and are only ever there showing demos. Even Sony didn't really start paying it attention until like last year or the year before.


It has nothing to do with them having "nothing to show".


The games schedule begs to differ.


Why do you take everything as an attack on the company? No offense but how do you know what they have or haven't got lined up?


I didn't want to start ranting about the other 2 companies in this thread because quite frankly we've been around certain topics before but your defensive comment has aggravated me.


I was sitting watching the Sony presser with Kav in party chat and we were just discussing all of the games that were getting shown. It was one after the other with many being made available in the next 6 months.


Another thing that stood out was that most of these were being developed by Western developers and in Europe. This is where Nintendo is failing. Why aren't they getting western developers on board and pushing things like Gamescom?


The Wii U is struggling and Nintendo need to use every opportunity to get media attention and play side by side with the other two companies, which is why I would like to have seen something at this event, despite what they've done in the past.


This attitude of not caring what the other 2 are doing is quite frankly doing my head in. They are all in the same business and are all in it to capture the same audience. It's about time they started taking events, such as Gamescom, seriously.


If they don't want to travel to Europe and would rather have a Direct then fine but give us something. ANYTHING! It honestly feels like they just don't give a toss about the console and are happy to coast along until the next one arrives, just like Sony is doing with the Vita.


You really have a habit of bringing the worst out of me, Joe. :mad:

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The games schedule begs to differ.


Why do you take everything as an attack on the company? No offense but how do you know what they have or haven't got lined up?


I didn't want to start ranting about the other 2 companies in this thread because quite frankly we've been around certain topics before but your defensive comment has aggravated me.


I was sitting watching the Sony presser with Kav in party chat and we were just discussing all of the games that were getting shown. It was one after the other with many being made available in the next 6 months.


Another thing that stood out was that most of these were being developed by Western developers and in Europe. This is where Nintendo is failing. Why aren't they getting western developers on board and pushing things like Gamescom?


The Wii U is struggling and Nintendo need to use every opportunity to get media attention and play side by side with the other two companies, which is why I would like to have seen something at this event, despite what they've done in the past.


This attitude of not caring what the other 2 are doing is quite frankly doing my head in. They are all in the same business and are all in it to capture the same audience. It's about time they started taking events, such as Gamescom, seriously.


If they don't want to travel to Europe and would rather have a Direct then fine but give us something. ANYTHING! It honestly feels like they just don't give a toss about the console and are happy to coast along until the next one arrives, just like Sony is doing with the Vita.


You really have a habit of bringing the worst out of me, Joe. :mad:

Their games schedule is fine. I just took issue with the belief that people, including yourself, say Nintendo "didn't bother" with Gamescom because they lack games. The same crap that was around because of E3 and it's the exact same crap now as then, with people saying "they have no conference, so they have no presence and nothing to show"


Nintendo DO take Gamescom seriously and have a very large presence there. Just because they don't make a ridiculously over the top press conference like the other two does not mean they don't take things seriously. Nintendo prefers to reveal news their way rather than pander to the press, who then twist the reports to suit their agenda, or even ignore games. This is why Nintendo created Nintendo Directs, because the press suck at providing Nintendo news.


Believe it or not, Gamescom and E3 are NOT about the press conferences, they are about the content on the show floor.

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Believe it or not, Gamescom and E3 are NOT about the press conferences, they are about the content on the show floor.


That's why video game sites advertise them, blog about them, offer streams.

And that's why thousands of people watch them, interested in what the companies have to offer.

That's why the press says Sony has done a very good job with their conference; the same goes for Microsoft.


Conferences are a summary of what to expect and they are there to show gamers new and exciting things (which Sony and MS have done).


The showfloor then is to give people a chance to play/show them more/etc.



Why can't Nintendo do a conference and have a large showfloor? Why does it have to be only the latter?


Nintendo prefers to reveal news their way rather than pander to the press, who then twist the reports to suit their agenda, or even ignore games. This is why Nintendo created Nintendo Directs, because the press suck at providing Nintendo news.




I have to agree with what @Hero\-of\-Time said:


The Wii U is struggling and Nintendo need to use every opportunity to get media attention and play side by side with the other two companies, which is why I would like to have seen something at this event, despite what they've done in the past.




This attitude of not caring what the other 2 are doing is quite frankly doing my head in. They are all in the same business and are all in it to capture the same audience. It's about time they started taking events, such as Gamescom, seriously.


I'm going to Gamescom on Friday. And I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of the stuff MS and Sony have shown me yesterday.


No idea if there are Nintendo games playable, what they are doing on their floor...If I had seen a conference/direct I'd know: "Hey, Bayonetta playable, Smash Bros playable, something NEW playable..."


So...no hype...no interest.


It annoys me to no end.

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Their games schedule is fine.


I almost stopped reading here. You can't seriously believe this?


I just took issue with the belief that people, including yourself, say Nintendo "didn't bother" with Gamescom because they lack games. The same crap that was around because of E3 and it's the exact same crap now as then, with people saying "they have no conference, so they have no presence and nothing to show"


Nintendo DO take Gamescom seriously and have a very large presence there. Just because they don't make a ridiculously over the top press conference like the other two does not mean they don't take things seriously. Nintendo prefers to reveal news their way rather than pander to the press, who then twist the reports to suit their agenda, or even ignore games. This is why Nintendo created Nintendo Directs, because the press suck at providing Nintendo news.


All of a sudden, it is the fault of the press? I can't believe this. The press never seemed to get that much wrong before when Nintendo used to deliver conferences, especially at E3. You've made it abundantly clear that you don't like conferences, but you are not the world and there are many, many people who do enjoy seeing these conferences. Why wouldn't they? The fact is that both MS and Sony had representation yesterday and went on the offensive to win the fans over and to get their games across to the media. Nintendo didn't exist yesterday. If they did, they have clearly taken lessons from Solid Snake in the art of stealth as there are no traces to be found.


Believe it or not, Gamescom and E3 are NOT about the press conferences, they are about the content on the show floor.


Listen to yourself. There were tons of games shown yesterday and I can't name a single new title for a Nintendo system. Did they actually show anything on the floor yesterday? You are essentially right, Gamescom is about the show floor/the games, and not entirely the conferences. However, as far as the naked eye can see, Nintendo have failed to deliver in regards to both.


inB4 somebody goes through the list of what was shown at Gamescom for the other systems and systematically "disregards" each one and why they personally didn't like what they saw. :heh:

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Nintendo's game schedule this year has been their worst in their recent history, certainly since the N64's latter day. Putting Zelda character in a Dynasty Warriors game doesn't change that because, simply put, it still has the misfortune of being a Dynasty Warriors game.


At least they've got Bayonetta 2 coming quite soon :)

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Well here's a fact. Nintendo Directs have been in August the last couple of years.


Here's another fact, Nintendo have announced the content they're showing at Gamescom.


Here's another fact, they are in no way responsible for your negligence in not paying attention to that news.


A conference is pointless to it in the long run. It in no way is indicative of what is or is not actually at Gamescom. Sony and Microsoft just rely on this because they don't disseminate information in any other manner. Nintendo does, more frequently too. Also, pray tell, how much first party content was actually revealed in the two conferences yesterday?


Here's some images of the Nintendo area from when it opened up today btw:


All of a sudden, it is the fault of the press? I can't believe this. The press never seemed to get that much wrong before when Nintendo used to deliver conferences, especially at E3. You've made it abundantly clear that you don't like conferences, but you are not the world and there are many, many people who do enjoy seeing these conferences. Why wouldn't they? The fact is that both MS and Sony had representation yesterday and went on the offensive to win the fans over and to get their games across to the media. Nintendo didn't exist yesterday. If they did, they have clearly taken lessons from Solid Snake in the art of stealth as there are no traces to be found.


It's not all of a sudden. It's what Iwata said back in 2012 when asked about the Nintendo Directs. He's constantly being misquoted and mistranslated by the western press, and games etc. keep getting ignored, so they made the Nintendo Direct concept to deliver information directly to us.


Listen to yourself. There were tons of games shown yesterday and I can't name a single new title for a Nintendo system. Did they actually show anything on the floor yesterday? You are essentially right, Gamescom is about the show floor/the games, and not entirely the conferences. However, as far as the naked eye can see, Nintendo have failed to deliver in regards to both.


inB4 somebody goes through the list of what was shown at Gamescom for the other systems and systematically "disregards" each one and why they personally didn't like what they saw. :heh:

Floor wasn't open yesterday. Floor opened today for the press and tomorrow for the public.

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A conference is pointless to it in the long run. It in no way is indicative of what is or is not actually at Gamescom. Sony and Microsoft just rely on this because they don't disseminate information in any other manner. Nintendo does, more frequently too. Also, pray tell, how much first party content was actually revealed in the two conferences yesterday?


They aren't pointless at all. It brings something to the community for those who are unable to attend. It also gets people hyped and talking about your products. Websites get a bunch of new stuff to discuss and batter ideas back and forth.


Myself and Retro discussed the other day just how a few of the Nintendo podcasts are struggling to talk about anything due to a lack of games and just news in general with the Wii U.


Also, it's not all about first party titles. I mean that may be the case for the Wii U but it certainly isn't for the other two. Why do you look down on 3rd party offerings? Some of what was shown yesterday looked amazing.


In terms of a Direct no one is saying they wouldn't be one in August. We were speculating whether there would be one and the reasons why we haven't seen one yet.

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And how often to big announcements come out from them? Very rarely. Just minor things


What does that have to do with whether conferences are relevant or not?


I firmly believe it's not the place of a platform holder to reveal and go on about third party games as specifically as they have been in recent years. It's the third partys job.

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@Hero\-of\-Time has it right, the WiiU is selling awfully, Nintendo need to do all they can to push it to sell. A conference would've given it a push in the press, a push they need, no matter how slight.

With the WiiU doing so badly do you really think it's clever of them to keep going as they have been doing and "not touching Gamescom" @Serebii? because look where it's got them.


The release schedule show they have nothing, no matter how much you protest otherwise.

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And how often to big announcements come out from them? Very rarely. Just minor things.


So now we're talking about the impact and 'size' of announcements. I just countered your argument that MS and Sony don't disseminate their information in any other manner.


And why should there be big announcements on a blog when they have conferences? ;)


I don't understand how you can be so fixed on the fact that there should only be a single mean to make stuff public...


I firmly believe it's not the place of a platform holder to reveal and go on about third party games as specifically as they have been in recent years. It's the third partys job.


But times have changed. An "exclusive game" is a big selling point nowadays. So when MS or Sony announce on their press conference about their console that "big game" comes to their platform, it has a bigger impact.


Reveals like that are fine. Third parties themselves then provide more information about the games.


Just imagine Nintendo having a direct/conference and announcing that they got 5 3rd party developers on board with games like CoD, Fifa, AC, etc etc. With the current press going rampant about how they need more games, this would be akin to a megaton.



Edited by drahkon
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people, including yourself, say Nintendo "didn't bother" with Gamescom


Why is this in quotes? Who are you quoting? Did you just make up a quote? I fail to see it anywhere.


in party chat


Omg H-o-T this is the Wii U thread, can you please stop being so off topic?! Jeez.

Edited by Rummy
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Maybe we need to have two WiiU Threads and not just a general discussion thread..?


WiiU Positive Discussion Thread

WiiU Negative Discussion Thread


That way arguments won't crop up, right? :p


Wasn't there a Negative Wii U Thread in the other console board? I'm sure one was created a while back.

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Here's another fact, they are in no way responsible for your negligence in not paying attention to that news.
Well here's another fact. Nintendo have done a piss poor effort in advertising Gamescom, as none of us - the actual fans who are clued in - have any idea what they're doing there.


They aren't pointless at all. It brings something to the community for those who are unable to attend. It also gets people hyped and talking about your products. Websites get a bunch of new stuff to discuss and batter ideas back and forth.
I wasn't all that excited for Gamescom, I haven't given it much attention before, but I sat down and watched the Sony Press Conference because I was reminded in the thread, and it was like a mini E3! (if not arguably better!) This is what press conferences do! HYPE!! Edited by Retro_Link
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