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Wii U General Discussion


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I know zombies are a bit of a standard go to joke, but zombi u is the best new ip ive played in a long time :)


Ideally surely we all want both? I guess it's if one is sacrificed, personally I'd take a new online fzero, wave race Metroid, excitebike, starfox over any new ip... But at the same time, how great would it be to get the next big franchise from Nintendo we moan about the sequels of in 20 years time?

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That's true, but the Wii version expanded it's scope somewhat and this carried over to the 3DS.


Mario Kart 7 sold a craptonne of consoles and, with Mario worldwide and Monster Hunter in Japan, pushed the 3DS up 11 million units from 6 million to 17 million in a matter of months, selling over 5 million itself in the short timeframe


It's all well and good getting people accustomed to Mario Kart but will they actually buy a home console ( Wii U ) for it?


The next few months will give us the answer. Exciting times for those following the sales figures. ( me )

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It's all well and good getting people accustomed to Mario Kart but will they actually buy a home console ( Wii U ) for it?


The next few months will give us the answer. Exciting times for those following the sales figures. ( me )


Well people bought the Wii pretty much for Wii Sports, and Wii Sports Club isn't selling the Wii U.

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It's all well and good getting people accustomed to Mario Kart but will they actually buy a home console ( Wii U ) for it?


The next few months will give us the answer. Exciting times for those following the sales figures. ( me )

It'll help, but it won't turn it around, unfortunately.


But who cares? I'll have it and enjoy it, as will many of my friends and people here. To hell with the rest of the world. They just must hate fun.

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Yeah, I'm in the mindset that they won't be I would like to be proven wrong in this case.


While im sure this will just further certain peoples opinions of me just being "anti-Nintendo" I actually would want to see it fail (at least this time around). I think sales figures are going to be the biggest thing to push Nintendo to realise they need other IPs along with the existing franchises.


As ive said before, I was completely burnt out on Nintendo's main IPs and living for years off nostalgia, convincing myself that I wanted a Wii U. More of those IPs wouldnt be the thing to bring me back now but new stuff that I couldnt get on my PS3/4 or PC would.

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You want to see it fail so Nintendo will be pushed to do something different? Lol what the hell.

You clearly have no interest in Nintendo or their games anymore! And that is completely your choice and I have no problem with it. But just because it doesn't fit in with what you want doesn't mean it isn't going to be a hell of a lot of fun for other people. You're gaming wants / needs have clearly changed and you voted with your wallet and are happy with what others are offering. Great. Enjoy that. But posting that you hope it fails and doesn't sell well when Nintendo are already aware of slow sales really is coming across anti-Nintendo as you rightly put.


Just how it appears and it seems unecessary. Like I said i got fed up of my xbox - fatigue etc. But I didn't wish that kinect sold shit or the One fell flat because i'd lost interest and it didn't cater to my wants any longer. I just moved the hell on. Makes no sense to be around something you don't have interest in anymore.

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You want to see it fail so Nintendo will be pushed to do something different? Lol what the hell.

You clearly have no interest in Nintendo or their games anymore! And that is completely your choice and I have no problem with it. But just because it doesn't fit in with what you want doesn't mean it isn't going to be a hell of a lot of fun for other people. You're gaming wants / needs have clearly changed and you voted with your wallet and are happy with what others are offering. Great. Enjoy that. But posting that you hope it fails and doesn't sell well when Nintendo are already aware of slow sales really is coming across anti-Nintendo as you rightly put.


Just how it appears and it seems unecessary. Like I said i got fed up of my xbox - fatigue etc. But I didn't wish that kinect sold shit or the One fell flat because i'd lost interest and it didn't cater to my wants any longer. I just moved the hell on. Makes no sense to be around something you don't have interest in anymore.


I said I wanted Nintendo to be forced to try something different, along with its existing franchises, I never said I wanted to take away the stuff people already enjoy.


Aneres I'll just say, you and I obviously arent going to see eye to eye on anything and thats fine, im not trying to convince you of anything here but I still manage to have enjoyable coversations with people on here about this stuff so im not going to stop and it would be great if people would stop suggesting that I should leave/stop posting or that it doesnt make sense that I still want to be around this stuff.

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His desire is logical though. If the games don't do well then they will be more likely to change to try to please their old fans that have since left and get good/acceptable sales again.


In a reverse way of thinking, the Wii did well so they carried on making similar sorts of games and with a similar console strategy (low spec, unique input method).

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I said I wanted Nintendo to be forced to try something different, along with its existing franchises, I never said I wanted to take away the stuff people already enjoy.


Aneres I'll just say, you and I obviously arent going to see eye to eye on anything and thats fine, im not trying to convince you of anything here but I still manage to have enjoyable coversations with people on here about this stuff so im not going to stop and it would be great if people would stop suggesting that I should leave/stop posting or that it doesnt make sense that I still want to be around this stuff.


You make it sound as if we've had a run in or something?! Why wouldn't we be able to have an enjoyable conversation?


I didn't suggest you should leave or stop posting, I just find it strange that you would want to discuss something that you no longer have an interest in. I can't work that out. And I guess because of that I can't relate to your posts as we generally have opposing opinions on the subject. It's not an attack on you. Your opinion is yours.


All i'm saying is I disagree with your last post and your want for a product I enjoyed to fail so they would wake up and try something different. They're a business at the end of the day so I'd like to hope they're already well aware of their current sticky position. Given the last year or so it doesn't seem like they're too bothered but hopefully they can turn it around. Well, I hope so anyway.

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I didn't suggest you should leave or stop posting, I just find it strange that you would want to discuss something that you no longer have an interest in. I can't work that out. And I guess because of that I can't relate to your posts as we generally have opposing opinions on the subject. It's not an attack on you. Your opinion is yours.


I have had enough runs ins in this thread with people telling me I shouldnt be posting in here because my current view on Nintendo that I am probably over sensitive on the subject so I apologise for that then. I have just had to explain too many times now that I just enjoy talking about the games industry, good or bad.

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I have had enough runs ins in this thread with people telling me I shouldnt be posting in here because my current view on Nintendo that I am probably over sensitive on the subject so I apologise for that then. I have just had to explain too many times now that I just enjoy talking about the games industry, good or bad.


Ah ok no that's cool. I generally have no problem with anyones opinions - apart from when it gets personal! I am pissed off with Nintendo for a lot of stuff myself but I guess as they're still making quality games I want I can overlook some of the shortfalls.


You never know, this time next year Nintendo may have done a total 180 and we could all be singing their praises for the immaculate online, plethora of amazing third party and first party titles and the many ways the gamepad has changed gaming...!

Too optimistic...? :heh:

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I have had enough runs ins in this thread with people telling me I shouldnt be posting in here because my current view on Nintendo that I am probably over sensitive on the subject so I apologise for that then. I have just had to explain too many times now that I just enjoy talking about the games industry, good or bad.


to be honest... I find your point a bit weird.


You don't like Nintendo games, you don't buy them. Thats cool.

neither you nor Nintendo need you to be buying and enjoying their games.

Both you and Nintendo would like that scenario, but so long as you are enjoying some games, and Nintendo are selling enough games... all is good :P


surely? no?

I just don't see why this focus on Nintendo exists for you - you liked them in the past. But that's like me craving for a developer like cave dog to make an awesome game for me to play : / I want fun games, tbh I don't look at the publisher/developer when deciding what game to buy...

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Went into my local GAME store in Sheffield (Meadowhall) and the Wii U section has now been pushed to the back of the store with the games crammed onto 2 small shelves. Its the Gamecube all over again.


Not sure what was going on but when I eventually found it there was someone else looking at the Wii U games! Wasn't enough room for me to look as well (thats how small the shelves were) so I had to look round the store for 5 minutes until he moved.


I dread to think what it'll be like in 6 months.

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Went into my local GAME store in Sheffield (Meadowhall) and the Wii U section has now been pushed to the back of the store with the games crammed onto 2 small shelves. Its the Gamecube all over again.


Not sure what was going on but when I eventually found it there was someone else looking at the Wii U games! Wasn't enough room for me to look as well (thats how small the shelves were) so I had to look round the store for 5 minutes until he moved.


I dread to think what it'll be like in 6 months.


How can someone spend 5 minutes looking at the Wii U catalogue of games?

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