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YOUR most anticipated 3ds and Wii U games for 2013


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So I thought I'd make a thread in light of all the new games that are coming to both the mighty 3ds and the not-so-mighty-but-hopefully-soon-will-be Wii U in 2013!


I have to say, if someone were to ask me pre E3 what my most anticipated title was for this year, it probably wouldn't be the one that I'd choose now!


With the likes of Mario 3d World maybe not appealing to absolutely everyone, and with Sonic Lost World looking jaw droppingly great (so far - still chance for Big the Cat to ruin), what game are YOU most excited for fellow Nintendo lovers?!


For me - it's gotta be this:






The trailer for this really made me look at this game for the first time and actually want it. Like salivate for it. And now it's the top of my most wanted, even above all of the other goodness that was shown at E3 and even before!


The 3ds - well where to start!

But I'm gonna pick a game that I really hope is done correctly. I'm calling it my most anticipated as I think if it is done right, it could be amazing.

Step forward...






Call me crazy. But I just love the series and hope it gets a good single player campaign and mini game selection! It could be all kinds of amazing.


Come forth NE'ers and tell us your most anticipated!


Disclaimer: Negativity of any kind is not welcome in this thread as it is created to be a place of small hype and arousal. Anything other than this will be banished to the other Wii U thread. Jokes.

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Wii U.... it's only Mario 3D World and I don't know if I'll get it. I'd say Watch Dogs too but I'll be getting that on PS4 most likely. Oh hang on, is Wind Waker this year? That too if so.


3DS.... Link between worlds and Pokémon.


Nintendo really aren't doing it for me these days, not just with their own games (the only issue being there aren't enough of them) but with their complete lack of decent 3rd party support.

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Wii U




Loved Origins and Returns on the Wii so much. I've played through both multiple times, and I'm sure I'll be doing the same with these new 2D platformers at the end of the year.






Paper Mario Sticker Star was a disappointment, but now the proper portable Mario RPG finally comes to handheld, and it's out in less than 2 weeks!

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Whilst I would have preferred a new Galaxy, I thought 3D Land was amazing, so really looking forward to this.




I'm really dubious about this game, everything about seems to scream lazy. Hopefully there will be a great standalone Zelda game. Looking forward (kind of) to finding out...

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For the WiiU I'm torn between Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World, but it really stole the show for me recently, and it's Wonderful 101.


The 3DS, for me has seen the best already this year (FE:A and AC), but what's left is nice too, so it has to be the sublime M&L: DTB, which has just beaten out the new Zelda.

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Definitely Pokémon X and Y on 3DS. Not been this excited about a new Pokémon game since the early GBA days.


Nothing really stands out for me on Wii U this year. I guess I'll go with Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. I never played the Wii game and the soundtrack should be something special.

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Wii U

Wind Waker HD - Remake or not, Wind Waker is Zelda done right.



Etrian Odyssey IV or (if it's out) Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - I believe Etrian Odyssey IV is out this year. If not, oh well. I'm just not that excited about any other 3DS games.

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I guess for me it would be Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies for the 3DS. As for the Wii U there's still nothing I want for it so not exactly regretting selling that when I did.


As far as new games go, I feel the same. There are some great games on the 3DS that I want to catch up on as release prices are too high.


Between Nintendoland, Sonic Transformed and Lego City my Wii U time is kinda full up actually.

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Watch Dogs, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3 and Donkey Kong.



EDIT... oh god, Batman Arkham Origins too. Forgot about that one!

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3DS game to get in 2013:

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Shin Megami Tensei IV

Project X Zone


Wii U game to get in 2013:

New Super Luigi U

The Wonderful 101

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Batman: Arkham Origins


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Super Mario 3D World

Duck Tales Remastered


Gonna be poor this year.

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Wii U:


New Super Luigi U

Pikmin 3

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Terrible name, 'HD' means noting anymore. Call it The Great Sea Edition.)

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

Super Mario 3D Land


DuckTales: Remastered





The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

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It's really hard for me to choose.


Wii U it's really between

TM_WiiU_SuperMario3DWorld.png & ss1.jpg

Though I'm also really excited for Zelda, despite it being a remake, Donkey Kong Country, Assassin's Creed, Scribblenauts and Watch_Dogs. Looking forward to Pikmin and Wonderful 101 too



3DS, it's obvious


with a side of


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It's tough to pick one, but from how it's looking at the moment., it's the following




Pikmin 3

Wind Waker HD

Super Mario 3D World




Pokemon X/Y

New Zelda (whatever it's called)


It's gonna be a poor year for 2013, fair enough most things are paid for already. But with the PS4 coming this year, gonna be expensive.

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